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  • [Swift]LeetCode934. 最短的桥 | Shortest Bridge


    In a given 2D binary array A, there are two islands.  (An island is a 4-directionally connected group of 1s not connected to any other 1s.)

    Now, we may change 0s to 1s so as to connect the two islands together to form 1 island.

    Return the smallest number of 0s that must be flipped.  (It is guaranteed that the answer is at least 1.)

    Example 1:

    Input: [[0,1],[1,0]]
    Output: 1

    Example 2:

    Input: [[0,1,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,1]]
    Output: 2

    Example 3:

    Input: [[1,1,1,1,1],[1,0,0,0,1],[1,0,1,0,1],[1,0,0,0,1],[1,1,1,1,1]]
    Output: 1


    1. 1 <= A.length = A[0].length <= 100
    2. A[i][j] == 0 or A[i][j] == 1

    在给定的二维二进制数组 A 中,存在两座岛。(岛是由四面相连的 1 形成的一个最大组。)

    现在,我们可以将 0 变为 1,以使两座岛连接起来,变成一座岛。

    返回必须翻转的 0 的最小数目。(可以保证答案至少是 1。)

    示例 1:


    示例 2:


    示例 3:



    1. 1 <= A.length = A[0].length <= 100
    2. A[i][j] == 0 或 A[i][j] == 1


      1 class Solution {
      2   func shortestBridge(_ A: [[Int]]) -> Int {
      3     let rowCount = A.count
      4     if rowCount == 0 {
      5       return 0
      6     }
      8     let colCount = A[0].count
     10     var A = A
     12     let coordinates = findFirstIsland(A: A)
     13     let r1 = coordinates[0]
     14     let c1 = coordinates[1]
     16     var nextRiver = [Int]()
     17     removeFirstIsland(A: &A, r: r1, c: c1, river: &nextRiver)
     19     var distance = 0
     20     while nextRiver.count > 0 {
     21       let river = nextRiver
     22       nextRiver = [Int]()
     24       for coordinates in river {
     25         let r = coordinates / rowCount
     26         let c = coordinates % rowCount
     28         let cell = A[r][c]
     29         if cell == 0 {
     30           A[r][c] = -1
     32           if r > 0 {
     33             // top
     34             nextRiver.append((r - 1) * rowCount + c)
     35           }
     36           if (r + 1) < rowCount {
     37             // bottom
     38             nextRiver.append((r + 1) * rowCount + c)
     39           }
     40           if c > 0 {
     41             nextRiver.append(r * rowCount + c - 1)
     42           }
     43           if (c + 1) < colCount {
     44             nextRiver.append(r * rowCount + c + 1)
     45           }
     46         } else if cell == 1 {
     47           return distance
     48         }
     49       }
     50       distance += 1
     51     }
     52     return distance
     53   }
     55   func removeFirstIsland(A: inout [[Int]], r: Int, c: Int, river: inout [Int]) {
     56     let rowCount = A.count
     57     let colCount = A[0].count
     59     let cell = A[r][c]
     60     if cell == 0 {
     61       // A[r][c] = 2
     62       river.append(r * rowCount + c)
     63       return
     64     } else if cell == -1 {
     65       return
     66     }
     67     A[r][c] = -1
     69     if r > 0 {
     70       // top
     71       removeFirstIsland(A: &A, r: r - 1, c: c, river: &river)
     72     }
     73     if (r + 1) < rowCount {
     74       // bottom
     75       removeFirstIsland(A: &A, r: r + 1, c: c, river: &river)
     76     }
     77     if c > 0 {
     78       removeFirstIsland(A: &A, r: r, c: c - 1, river: &river)
     79     }
     80     if (c + 1) < colCount {
     81       removeFirstIsland(A: &A, r: r, c: c + 1, river: &river)
     82     }
     83   }
     85   func findFirstIsland(A: [[Int]]) -> [Int] {
     86     let rowCount = A.count
     87     let colCount = A[0].count
     88     var coordinates = Array(repeating: 0, count: 2)
     89     var r = 0
     90     var c = 0
     91     while r < rowCount {
     92       c = 0
     93       while c < colCount {
     94         if A[r][c] == 1 {
     95           coordinates[0] = r
     96           coordinates[1] = c
     97           return coordinates
     98         }
     99         c += 1
    100       }
    101       r += 1
    102     }
    103     return coordinates
    104   }
    105 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func shortestBridge(_ A: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         var a = A
     4         var q = [(Int, Int)]()
     6         loop: for i in 0 ..< A.count {
     7             for j in 0 ..< A[i].count {
     8                 if A[i][j] == 1 {
     9                     dfs(&a, i, j, &q)
    10                     break loop
    11                 }
    12             }
    13         }
    15         let dir = [0 , 1 , 0 , -1 , 0]
    16         var step = 0
    17         while !q.isEmpty {
    19             var size = q.count
    20             while size > 0 {
    21                 let (i, j) = q.removeFirst()
    22                 for index in 0 ..< 4 {
    23                     let ti = i + dir[index]
    24                     let tj = j + dir[index + 1]
    25                     if ti < 0 || ti >= a.count || tj < 0 || tj >= a[i].count || a[ti][tj] == 2 {
    26                         continue
    27                     }
    28                     if a[ti][tj] == 1 {
    29                         return step
    30                     } else {
    31                         a[ti][tj] = 2
    32                         q.append((ti,tj))
    34                     }
    35                 }
    36                 size -= 1
    37             }
    38             step += 1
    39         }
    41         return -1
    42     }
    44     func dfs(_ A: inout [[Int]], _ i: Int, _ j: Int, _ q: inout [(Int, Int)]) {
    45         if i < 0 || i >= A.count || j < 0 || j >= A[i].count || A[i][j] != 1 {
    46             return
    47         } else {
    48             A[i][j] = 2
    49             q.append((i, j))
    50             dfs(&A, i - 1, j, &q)
    51             dfs(&A, i + 1, j, &q)
    52             dfs(&A, i, j - 1, &q)
    53             dfs(&A, i, j + 1, &q)
    54         }
    55     }
    56 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func shortestBridge(_ A: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         let R = A.count
     4         let C = A[0].count
     5         var qs = [(Int, Int)]()
     6         var color = 1
     7         var v = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: 0, count: C), count: R)
     8         var ans = 0
     9         func next(_ r: Int, _ c: Int, _ d: inout [String: (Int, Int)]) -> Bool {
    10             var ns = [(r+1, c), (r-1, c), (r, c+1), (r, c-1)]
    11             for n in ns {
    12                 guard 0 ..< R ~= n.0, 0 ..< C ~= n.1 else {
    13                     continue
    14                 }
    15                 guard v[n.0][n.1] == 0 else {
    16                     if v[n.0][n.1] != v[r][c] {
    17                         //print(n, r, c)
    18                         return true
    19                     }
    20                     continue
    21                 }
    22                 v[n.0][n.1] = v[r][c]
    23                 d["(n.0), (n.1)"] = (n.0, n.1)
    24             }
    25             return false
    26         }
    27         func paint(_ r: Int, _ c: Int) {
    28             guard v[r][c] == 0 else {
    29                 return
    30             }
    31             v[r][c] = color
    32             var qs = [(r, c)]
    33             while !qs.isEmpty {
    34                 for i in 0 ..< qs.count {
    35                     let (r, c) = qs.remove(at: 0)
    36                     let ns = [(r+1, c), (r-1, c), (r, c+1), (r, c-1)]  
    37                     for n in ns {
    38                         guard 0 ..< R ~= n.0, 0 ..< C ~= n.1 else {
    39                             continue
    40                         }
    41                         guard v[n.0][n.1] == 0, A[n.0][n.1] == 1 else {
    42                             continue
    43                         }
    44                         v[n.0][n.1] = color
    45                         qs.append(n)
    46                     }                    
    47                 }
    48             }
    49             color += 1
    50         }
    51         for r in 0 ..< R {
    52             for c in 0 ..< C {
    53                 if A[r][c] == 1 {
    54                     paint(r, c)
    55                     if v[r][c] == 1 {
    56                         qs.append((r, c))     
    57                     }
    58                 }
    59             }
    60         }
    61         //print(v)
    62         while !qs.isEmpty {
    63             //print(qs)
    64             var d = [String: (Int, Int)]()
    65             for i in 0 ..< qs.count {
    66                 let (r, c) = qs.remove(at: 0)
    67                 guard next(r, c, &d) == false else {
    68                     //print(v)
    69                     return ans
    70                 }
    71             }
    72             ans += 1
    73             qs = Array(d.values)
    74         }
    76         return ans
    77     }
    78 }


     1 class Solution {
     2         struct Coor {
     3             var x:Int;
     4             var y:Int;
     5         }
     6         var visited:[[Bool]] = [[Bool]]();
     7         var grids:[[Int]]!;
     8         func shortestBridge(_ A: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     9             var step:Int = -1;
    10             grids = A;
    11             for i in 0 ..< A.count{
    12                 let oneRow = Array<Bool>(repeating: false, count: A[i].count);
    13                 visited.append(oneRow);
    14             }
    15             var i = 0;
    16             var j = 0;
    17             for ii in 0 ..< A.count{
    18                 for jj in 0 ..< A[ii].count{
    19                     if (A[ii][jj] == 1){
    20                         i = ii;
    21                         j = jj;
    22                         break;
    23                     }
    24                 }
    25             }
    26             let island_A = completeThisIsland(x: i, y: j);
    27 //            resetVisited()
    28             var queue = Array<Coor>();
    29             var steps = Array<Int>(repeating: 0, count: island_A.count);
    30             queue.append(contentsOf: island_A);
    31             var found = false;
    32             while (!found){
    33                 let co = queue.removeFirst();
    34                 let thisStep = steps.removeFirst();
    35                 let neighbors = [Coor(x: co.x-1, y: co.y),Coor(x: co.x+1, y: co.y),Coor(x: co.x, y: co.y+1),Coor(x:co.x,y:co.y-1)];
    36                 for neighbor in neighbors{
    37                     if valid(coor: neighbor) && !visited[neighbor.x][neighbor.y]{
    38                         if grids[neighbor.x][neighbor.y] == 1{
    39                             step = thisStep;
    40                             found = true;
    41                             break;
    42                         }else{
    43                             queue.append(neighbor)
    44                             steps.append(thisStep+1)
    45                             visited[neighbor.x][neighbor.y] = true;
    46                         }
    47 //                        queue.append(neighbor);
    48 //                        visited[neighbor.x][neighbor.y] = true;
    49                     }
    50                 }
    51             }
    53             return step;
    54         }
    55         func resetVisited() -> Void {
    56             for var i in visited{
    57                 for j in 0 ..< i.count{
    58                     i[j] = false;
    59                 }
    60             }
    61         }
    62         func valid(coor:Coor) -> Bool {
    63             return coor.x > -1 && coor.x < grids.count && coor.y > -1 && coor.y < grids[coor.x].count;
    64         }
    65         func completeThisIsland(x:Int,y:Int) -> [Coor] {
    66             var result = [Coor]();
    67             var queue = [Coor]();
    68             queue.append(Coor(x: x, y: y))
    69             visited[x][y] = true;
    70             while(!queue.isEmpty){
    71                 let co = queue.removeFirst();
    72 //                visited[co.x][co.y] = true;
    73                 result.append(co);
    74                 let neighbors = [Coor(x: co.x-1, y: co.y),Coor(x: co.x+1, y: co.y),Coor(x: co.x, y: co.y+1),Coor(x:co.x,y:co.y-1)];
    75                 for neighbor in neighbors{
    76                     if valid(coor: neighbor) && grids[neighbor.x][neighbor.y] == 1 && !visited[neighbor.x][neighbor.y]{
    77                         queue.append(neighbor);
    78                         visited[neighbor.x][neighbor.y] = true;
    79                     }
    80                 }
    81             }
    82             return result;
    83         }
    84     }


      1 class Solution {
      2     func shortestBridge(_ A: [[Int]]) -> Int {
      3         var a = A
      4         //print(A)
      5         var edI = -1
      6         var edJ = -1
      7         for i in (0..<A.count) {
      8             for j in (0..<A[i].count) {
      9                 if A[i][j] == 1 {
     10                     edI = i
     11                     edJ = j
     12                     break
     13                 }
     14             }
     15             if edI != -1 { break }
     16         }
     18         //print(edI, edJ)
     19         bfs(&a, edI, edJ)
     21         for i in (0..<a.count) {
     22             for j in (0..<a[i].count) {
     23                 if a[i][j] == 1 {
     24                     a[i][j] = -2
     25                 }
     26             }
     27         }
     28         //print(a)
     30         return dfs(&a, edI, edJ) - 1
     31     }
     33     func bfs(_ A: inout [[Int]], _ i: Int, _ j: Int) {
     34         A[i][j] = -1
     35         if i+1 < A.count && A[i+1][j] == 1 {
     36             A[i+1][j] = -1
     37             bfs(&A, i+1, j)
     38         }
     40         if j + 1 < A[i].count && A[i][j+1] == 1 {
     41             A[i][j+1] = -1
     42             bfs(&A, i, j+1)
     43         }
     45         if i > 0 && A[i-1][j] == 1 {
     46             A[i-1][j] = -1
     47             bfs(&A, i-1, j)
     48         }
     50         if j > 0 && A[i][j-1] == 1 {
     51             A[i][j-1] = -1
     52             bfs(&A, i, j-1)
     53         }
     54     }
     56     func dfs(_ A: inout [[Int]], _ i: Int, _ j: Int) -> Int {
     57         var queue: [Int] = []
     58         queue.append(i * 200 + j)
     59         while queue.count > 0 {
     60             //print(queue)
     61             //print(A)
     62             let curI = queue[0] / 200
     63             let curJ = queue[0] % 200
     64             if A[curI][curJ] == -1 { A[curI][curJ] = -3 }
     65             queue.remove(at: 0)
     66             if curI+1 < A.count { 
     67                 if A[curI+1][curJ] == -2 {
     68                     return A[curI][curJ] + 1
     69                 } else if A[curI+1][curJ] == -1 {
     70                     queue.insert((curI+1)*200+curJ, at: 0)
     71                 } else if A[curI+1][curJ] == 0 {
     72                     if A[curI][curJ] < 0 { 
     73                         A[curI+1][curJ] = 1 
     74                     } else {
     75                         A[curI+1][curJ] = A[curI][curJ] + 1
     76                     }
     77                     queue.append((curI+1)*200+curJ)
     78                 }
     79             }
     81             if curJ+1 < A[curI].count { 
     82                 if A[curI][curJ+1] == -2 {
     83                     return A[curI][curJ] + 1
     84                 } else if A[curI][curJ+1] == -1 {
     85                     queue.insert((curI)*200+curJ+1, at: 0)
     86                 } else if A[curI][curJ+1] == 0 {
     87                     if A[curI][curJ] < 0 { 
     88                         A[curI][curJ+1] = 1
     89                     } else {
     90                         A[curI][curJ+1] = A[curI][curJ] + 1
     91                     }
     92                     queue.append((curI)*200+curJ+1)
     93                 }
     94             }
     96             if curI > 0 { 
     97                 if A[curI-1][curJ] == -2 {
     98                     return A[curI][curJ] + 1
     99                 } else if A[curI-1][curJ] == -1 {
    100                     queue.insert((curI-1)*200+curJ, at: 0)
    101                 } else if A[curI-1][curJ] == 0 {
    102                     if A[curI][curJ] < 0 { 
    103                         A[curI-1][curJ] = 1 
    104                     } else {
    105                         A[curI-1][curJ] = A[curI][curJ] + 1
    106                     }
    107                     queue.append((curI-1)*200+curJ)
    108                 }
    109             }
    111             if curJ > 0 { 
    112                 if A[curI][curJ-1] == -2 {
    113                     return A[curI][curJ] + 1
    114                 } else if A[curI][curJ-1] == -1 {
    115                     queue.insert((curI)*200+curJ-1, at: 0)
    116                 } else if A[curI][curJ-1] == 0 {
    117                     if A[curI][curJ] < 0 { 
    118                         A[curI][curJ-1] = 1 
    119                     } else {
    120                         A[curI][curJ-1] = A[curI][curJ] + 1
    121                     }
    122                     queue.append((curI)*200+curJ-1)
    123                 }
    124             }
    126         }
    127         return 0
    128      }
    129 }


      1 class Solution {
      2     func shortestBridge(_ A: [[Int]]) -> Int {
      3         var n:Int = A.count, m = A[0].count
      4         var can:[[Bool]] = [[Bool]](repeating: [Bool](repeating: false, count: m), count: n)
      5         var dr:[Int] = [1, 0, -1, 0 ]
      6         var dc:[Int] = [0, 1, 0, -1 ]
      7         var d:[[Int]] = [[Int]](repeating: [Int](repeating: 99999999, count: m), count: n)
      9         var gq:Queue<[Int]> = Queue<[Int]>()
     10         inner:
     11         for i in 0..<n
     12         {
     13             for j in 0..<m
     14             {
     15                 if A[i][j] == 1
     16                 {
     17                     var q:Queue<[Int]> = Queue<[Int]>()
     18                     q.enQueue([i,j])
     19                     can[i][j] = true
     20                     while(!q.isEmpty())
     21                     {
     22                         var cur:[Int] = q.deQueue()!
     23                         gq.enQueue(cur)
     24                         var r:Int = cur[0], c:Int = cur[1]
     25                         d[r][c] = 0
     26                         for k in 0..<4
     27                         {
     28                             var nr:Int = r + dr[k], nc:Int = c + dc[k]
     29                             if nr >= 0 && nr < n && nc >= 0 && nc < m && A[nr][nc] == 1 && !can[nr][nc]
     30                             {
     31                                 can[nr][nc] = true
     32                                  q.enQueue([nr, nc])
     33                             }
     34                         }
     35                     }
     36                     break inner
     37                 } 
     38             }
     39         }
     41         while(!gq.isEmpty())
     42         {
     43             var cur:[Int] = gq.deQueue()!
     44             var r:Int = cur[0], c:Int = cur[1]
     45             for k in 0..<4
     46             {
     47                 var nr:Int = r + dr[k], nc:Int = c + dc[k]
     48                 if nr >= 0 && nr < n && nc >= 0 && nc < m && d[nr][nc] > d[r][c] + 1
     49                 {
     50                     d[nr][nc] = d[r][c] + 1
     51                     gq.enQueue([nr, nc])
     52                 }
     53             }
     54         }
     55         var ret:Int = 9999999
     56         for i in 0..<n
     57         {
     58             for j in 0..<m
     59             {
     60                 if !can[i][j] && A[i][j] == 1
     61                 {
     62                     ret = min(ret, d[i][j])
     63                 }
     64             }
     65         }
     66         return ret-1
     67     }
     68 }
     70 public struct Queue<T> {
     72     // 泛型数组:用于存储数据元素
     73     fileprivate var queue: [T] 
     75     // 返回队列中元素的个数
     76     public var count: Int {
     77         return queue.count
     78     }
     80     // 构造函数:创建一个空的队列
     81     public init() {
     82         queue = [T]()
     83     }
     85     //通过既定数组构造队列
     86     init(_ arr:[T]){
     87         queue = arr
     88     }
     90     // 如果定义了默认值,则可以在调用函数时省略该参数
     91     init(_ elements: T...) {
     92         queue = elements
     93     }
     95     // 检查队列是否为空
     96     // - returns: 如果队列为空,则返回true,否则返回false
     97     public func isEmpty() -> Bool {
     98         return queue.isEmpty
     99     }
    101     // 入队列操作:将元素添加到队列的末尾
    102     public mutating func enQueue(_ element: T) {
    103         queue.append(element)
    104     }
    106     // 出队列操作:删除并返回队列中的第一个元素
    107     public mutating func deQueue() -> T? {
    108         return queue.removeFirst()
    109     }
    110 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/9903939.html
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