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  • Direct2D CreateBitmap的使用



    #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <comdef.h>
    #include <d2d1.h>
    #include <d2d1_1.h>
    #include <d3d11.h>
    #pragma comment(lib,"D2d1.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib,"D3D11.lib")
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    void printError(const std::string& msg, HRESULT err)
        std::cerr << "[ERROR] " << msg << ": " << _com_error(err).ErrorMessage() << std::endl;
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        ID2D1Factory1* mD2DFactory = nullptr;
        ID3D11Device* mD3DDevice = nullptr;
        ID3D11DeviceContext* mD3DDeviceContext = nullptr;
        IDXGIDevice* mDXGIDevice = nullptr;
        ID2D1Device* mD2DDevice = nullptr;
        HRESULT err;
        // Create factories first; they don't depend on anything.
        err = D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_SINGLE_THREADED,
            __uuidof(ID2D1Factory1),  // get a Direct2D 1.1 factory,
        if (err != S_OK) {
            printError("fatal: Could not create Direct2D factory!", err);
            return 1;
        // Initialize DirectX 11.1
        D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevels[] = { D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 };
        err = D3D11CreateDevice(NULL,                                 // first adapter
            NULL,                                 // software rasterizer DLL handle
            D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED    // better performance
            | D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT, // required for Direct2D
            sizeof(featureLevels) / sizeof(D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL),
            D3D11_SDK_VERSION,                    // docs say use this
            NULL,                                 // don't care what feature level we got
        if (err != S_OK) {
            printError("fatal: could not create a Direct3D 11.1 device", err);
            return 1;
        err = mD3DDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice), (void**)&mDXGIDevice);
        if (err != S_OK) {
            printError("fatal: Direct3D device is not IDXGIDevice", err);
            return 1;
        // Initialize Direct2D
        err = mD2DFactory->CreateDevice(mDXGIDevice, &mD2DDevice);
        if (err != S_OK) {
            printError("fatal: could not create Direct2D device", err);
            return 1;
        //---------------- Create the bitmap --------------------
        ID2D1DeviceContext* mDC = nullptr;
        ID2D1Bitmap1* mBitmap = nullptr;
        int width = 13, height = 13;
        float dpi = 76.0f;
        err = mD2DDevice->CreateDeviceContext(D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS_NONE, &mDC);
        if (err) {
            printError("Could not create device context", err);
            return 1;
        D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES1 bitmapProps;
        bitmapProps.pixelFormat.format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
        bitmapProps.pixelFormat.alphaMode = D2D1_ALPHA_MODE_PREMULTIPLIED;
        bitmapProps.dpiX = dpi;
        bitmapProps.dpiY = dpi;
        bitmapProps.bitmapOptions = D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS_CANNOT_DRAW |  // can use for SetTarget()
        bitmapProps.colorContext = nullptr;
        err = mDC->CreateBitmap({ UINT32(width), UINT32(height) },
            nullptr, 0,
            bitmapProps, &mBitmap);
        if (err == S_OK) {
        else {
            printError("Could not create bitmap (" + std::to_string(width) + "x" + std::to_string(height) + ")", err);
            return 1;
        std::cout << "Success!" << std::endl;
        return 0;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strive-sun/p/14363446.html
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