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  • MRCP接口MRCPRecog 简介


    原型:MRCPRecog (grammar, options)

    grammar ---- 语法文件,可以是一个xml文件

    options  ---- 选项,具体见下面的描述

    Name                            Description
    p ------- profile to use in mrcp.conf
    i  ------- digits to allow recognition to be interrupted with (by default DTMFs are sent to the MRCP server to recognize; otherwise, if "any" or other digits are specified, recognition will be interrupted)
    f  ------- filename on play (if empty or not specified, no file is played)
    t ----- recognition timeout (msec)
               语音识别的超时时间,单位毫秒,如 t=10000 表示10秒。
    b  ------  barge-in value (no barge-in allowed=0, barge-in allowed=1)
    gd  ----  grammar delimiters    语法分隔符
    ct  -----  confidence threshold (0.0 - 1.0)   
    sl   -----  sensitivity level (0.0 - 1.0)    灵敏度等级
    sva   -----  speed versus accuracy (0.0 - 1.0)  速度和准确性
    nb  -----  n-best list length
    nit   -----  no input timeout (msec)  没有输入时的超时时间
    sct  -----   speech complete timeout (msec)
    sint  -----  speech incomplete timeout (msec)
    dit  -----  DTMF interdigit timeout (msec)
    dtt  -----  DTMF terminate timeout (msec)
    dttc  -----  DTMF terminate characters  DTMF打断的字符
    sw  ----- save waveform (true/false)
    nac  -----  new audio channel (true/false)  新的语音通道
    spl  ------  speech language (en-US/en-GB/etc.)  语音识别的语言,英文或者中文
    rm  -------  recognition mode (normal/hotword)  语音识别模式,普通或者热词
    hmaxd -----  hotword max duration (msec)  热词最大时间
    hmind  ----- hotword min duration (msec)  热词最小时间
    cdb  -----  clear DTMF buffer (true/false)  清除DTMF缓存
    enm  -----   early no match (true/false)
    iwu  -----  input waveform URI
    mt  ----  media type  媒体类型
    exit on play error (1: terminate recognition on file play error, 0: continue even if file play fails)
    0--- 继续识别
    uer  ----  URI-encoded results (1: URI-encode NLMSL results, 0: do not encode)
    1--- 编码成NLMSL 结果
    0--- 不要编码
    od  ----  Output (prompt) delimiters.  输出的分隔符
    Start input timers value 
    (0: no, 
    1: yes [start with RECOGNIZE], 
    2: auto [start when prompt is finished])
    0 --- 不
    1 --- 允许,从识别开始
    2 ---  自动,等提示音播放完毕再开始
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/suiyuemanbu/p/7526246.html
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