抓取 https://www.cnbeta.com/ 首页中新闻内容页网址,
抓取内容例子: https://hot.cnbeta.com/articles/game/825125
将抓取下来的内容页地址组成list,利用多线程,把所有内容页的内容写入文件,文件名以新闻id命名 以上一篇为例子就是 825125.html。
import requests,time,os from lxml import etree import re import threading #定义请求类 class News(object): # # # #定义抓取方法 def get_content(self,url): r = requests.get(url) html = r.content.decode("utf-8") # with open('./news.html','w',encoding='utf-8') as f: # f.write(html) return html #定义数据匹配方法 def get_data(self,html): #转换格式 res = etree.HTML(html) detailurl = res.xpath("//div[@class='item']/dl/a/@href") # print(detailurl) urllist = [] for i in detailurl: a = re.compile(r'^h[w.:/]*') res = re.match(a,i) if res: urllist.append(i) # print(urllist) urllistname=[] for i in urllist: name = i[-10:-4:1] urllistname.append(name) # print(urllistname) return urllistname,urllist def write_data(self,a,b): print(a,b) res = self.get_content(b) with open("./text/"+a+'.html','w',encoding='utf-8') as e: e.write(res) if __name__ == '__main__': news = News() html = news.get_content("https://www.cnbeta.com/") urllistname,urllist = news.get_data(html) # print(urllist) for i in range(len(urllist)): write = threading.Thread(target=news.write_data,args=(urllistname[i],urllist[i])) write.setDaemon(True) write.start() write.join() print('ok')