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  • 资金归集率比率sql


    select bd_glorgbook.glorgbookcode,
    nvl(replace(bd_glorgbook.glorgbookname,'集团基准账薄',''),'小计')公司名称, --从萝卜那里学习
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2012' then gl_balance.debitamount else 0 end) "2012借方发生额",
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2013' then gl_balance.debitamount else 0 end) "2013借方发生额",
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2014' then gl_balance.debitamount else 0 end) "2014借方发生额" , 
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2015' then gl_balance.debitamount else 0 end) "2015借方发生额" ,
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2012' then gl_balance.creditamount else 0 end) "2012贷方发生额",
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2013' then gl_balance.creditamount else 0 end) "2013贷方发生额",
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2014' then gl_balance.creditamount else 0 end) "2014贷方发生额" , 
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2015' then gl_balance.creditamount else 0 end) "2015贷方发生额" 
    from gl_balance, bd_accsubj, bd_glorgbook
    where gl_balance.pk_accsubj = bd_accsubj.pk_accsubj
    and bd_glorgbook.pk_glorgbook = gl_balance.pk_glorgbook
    and bd_glorgbook.glorgbookcode like '01%-0001' 
    and (bd_accsubj.subjcode like '2123%' or bd_accsubj.subjcode like '1131%'or bd_accsubj.subjcode like '1111%')
    and gl_balance.period<>'00'
    and gl_balance.year in('2012','2013','2014','2015')
    group by bd_glorgbook.glorgbookcode, rollup((substr(bd_accsubj.subjcode,1,4), bd_glorgbook.glorgbookname)) 
    order by bd_glorgbook.glorgbookcode, substr(bd_accsubj.subjcode,1,4)


    2015-10-13 08:50:00 计算工程款

    select bd_glorgbook.glorgbookcode,
    nvl(replace(bd_glorgbook.glorgbookname,'集团基准账薄',''),'小计')公司名称, --从萝卜那里学习
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2012' then gl_balance.creditamount else 0 end) "2012贷方发生额",
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2013' then gl_balance.creditamount else 0 end) "2013贷方发生额",
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2014' then gl_balance.creditamount else 0 end) "2014贷方发生额" , 
    sum( case when gl_balance.year= '2015' and gl_balance.period<=6 then gl_balance.creditamount else 0 end) "2015贷方发生额" 
    from gl_balance, bd_accsubj, bd_glorgbook
    where gl_balance.pk_accsubj = bd_accsubj.pk_accsubj
    and bd_glorgbook.pk_glorgbook = gl_balance.pk_glorgbook
    and bd_glorgbook.glorgbookcode like '01%-0001' 
    and (bd_accsubj.subjcode like '2123%' )
    and gl_balance.period<>'00'
    and gl_balance.year in('2012','2013','2014','2015')
    group by bd_glorgbook.glorgbookcode, substr(bd_accsubj.subjcode,1,4), bd_glorgbook.glorgbookname
    order by bd_glorgbook.glorgbookcode, substr(bd_accsubj.subjcode,1,4)



    select bd_accid.accidcode,
          sum( case when substr(fts_voucher_b.interestdate, 1, 4)= '2012' then fts_voucher_b.creditamount else 0 end) "2012归集额",
    sum( case when substr(fts_voucher_b.interestdate, 1, 4)= '2013' then fts_voucher_b.creditamount else 0 end) "2013归集额",
    sum( case when substr(fts_voucher_b.interestdate, 1, 4)= '2014' then fts_voucher_b.creditamount else 0 end) "2014归集额" , 
    sum( case when substr(fts_voucher_b.interestdate, 1, 4)= '2015' then fts_voucher_b.creditamount else 0 end) "2015归集额"  
      from fts_voucher_b, bd_accid
     where fts_voucher_b.dr = '0'
       and fts_voucher_b.pk_corp = '1162'
       and fts_voucher_b.pk_account = bd_accid.pk_accid
      -- and bd_accid.accidcode = '011501' --公司
       and fts_voucher_b.creditamount <> 0
       and substr(fts_voucher_b.interestdate, 1, 4) in('2012','2013','2014','2015') --年份
       and fts_voucher_b.pk_ass not in
           (select freevalueid from gl_freevalue where valuecode = '777777') 
           group by bd_accid.accidcode, bd_accid.accidname 
     order by bd_accid.accidcode 


    select c.accidcode,c.accidname,
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2012' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2012借方发生额",
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2013' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2013借方发生额",
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2014' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2014借方发生额" , 
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2015' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2015借方发生额"  
    from fts_voucher a,fts_voucher_b b, bd_accid c
     where a.pk_voucher=b.pk_voucher
     and b.pk_account=c.pk_accid
      and   a.cyear in('2012','2013','2014','2015')
      and a.datasource=2 --(6上收,2委托,5下拨,3到账通知,0手工填制)
    group by c.accidcode,c.accidname 
    order by c.accidcode


    select c.accidcode,c.accidname,

    sum( case when a.cyear= '2012' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2012借方发生额",
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2013' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2013借方发生额",
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2014' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2014借方发生额" ,
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2015' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2015借方发生额"

    from fts_voucher a,fts_voucher_b b, bd_accid c
    where a.pk_voucher=b.pk_voucher
    and b.pk_account=c.pk_accid
    and a.cyear in('2012','2013','2014','2015')
    and a.datasource=2 --(6上收,2委托,5下拨,3到账通知,0手工填制)
    and fts_voucher_b.pk_ass not in
    (select freevalueid from gl_freevalue where valuecode = '777777')
    group by c.accidcode,c.accidname
    order by c.accidcode

    2015-10-12 09:31:13 整合 去掉内部转账的委托付款

    select c.accidcode,c.accidname,
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2012' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2012借方发生额",
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2013' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2013借方发生额",
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2014' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2014借方发生额" , 
    sum( case when a.cyear= '2015' then a.totalcredit else 0 end) "2015借方发生额"  
    from fts_voucher a,fts_voucher_b b, bd_accid c
     where a.pk_voucher=b.pk_voucher
     and b.pk_account=c.pk_accid
      and   a.cyear in('2012','2013','2014','2015')
      and a.datasource=2 --(6上收,2委托,5下拨,3到账通知,0手工填制)
    and b.pk_ass not in
    (select freevalueid from gl_freevalue where valuecode = '777777') 
    group by c.accidcode,c.accidname 
    order by c.accidcode
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sumsen/p/4776393.html
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