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  • 图片瀑布流的实现



     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>瀑布流</title>
     6     <style>
     7         .content {
     8             margin: 0 auto;
     9              1000px;
    10             background-color: gainsboro;
    11         }
    13         .left {
    14             float: left
    15         }
    17         .item {
    18              25%;
    19             text-align: center;
    20         }
    22         .border {
    23             border: 1px solid red;
    24         }
    26         img {
    27              230px;
    28         }
    30         .clearfix:after {
    31             content: "clear";
    32             clear: both;
    33             display: block;
    34             visibility: hidden;
    35             height: 0;
    36         }
    37     </style>
    38 </head>
    39 <body>
    40 <h1>瀑布流美女</h1>
    41 <div class="content clearfix">
    42     <div class="left item"></div>
    43     <div class="left item"></div>
    44     <div class="left item"></div>
    45     <div class="left item"></div>
    46 </div>
    47 <script src="/static/js/jquery-1.11.0.js"></script>
    48 <script>
    49     $(function () {
    50         initImg();
    51         scrollEvent();
    52     })
    53     NID = 0
    54     LASTPOSITION=3 //记录图片放置位置
    55     function initImg() {
    56         $.ajax({
    57             url: "get_imgs.html",
    58             type: "GET",
    59             data: {"id": NID},
    60             dataType: "json",
    61             success: function (arg) {
    62                 $.each(arg, function (index, v) {
    63                     eqv=(index+LASTPOSITION+1) % 4
    64                     tag = document.createElement("img");
    65                     tag.src = "/" + v.href;
    66                     $(".content").children().eq(eqv).append(tag)
    67                     if (index + 1 == arg.length) {
    68                         {#NID=arg.length;#}
    69                         LASTPOSITION=eqv;
    70                     }
    71                 })
    72             }
    73         })
    74     }
    76     function scrollEvent() {
    77         $(window).scroll(function () {
    78             //文档高度
    79             var docLength = $(document).height();
    80             //窗口高度
    81             var winLength = $(window).height();
    82             //滚动条滚动高度
    83             var scrollLength = $(window).scrollTop();
    84             {#console.log(docLength, winLength, scrollLength, parseInt(winLength + scrollLength+1))#}
    85             if (winLength+scrollLength+1>=docLength) { //此处scrollLength是小数,所以不能直接等于
    86                 {#alert("ok")#}
    87                 initImg();
    88                 {#console.log(5)#}
    89             }
    90         })
    91     }
    92 </script>
    93 </body>
    94 </html>
     1 from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse,redirect
     2 from app01 import models
     3 import json
     4 # Create your views here.
     5 def waterfall(request):
     6     return render(request,"waterfall.html")
     9 def get_imgs(request):
    10     NID=request.GET.get("id")
    11     img_list=models.Img.objects.filter(id__gt=NID).values("id","name","href")
    12     return HttpResponse(json.dumps(list(img_list)))


     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html lang="en">
     3 <head>
     4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5     <title>瀑布流</title>
     6     <style>
     7         .content {
     8             margin: 0 auto;
     9              1000px;
    10             background-color: gainsboro;
    11         }
    13         .left {
    14             float: left
    15         }
    17         .item {
    18              25%;
    19             text-align: center;
    20         }
    22         .border {
    23             border: 1px solid red;
    24         }
    26         img {
    27              230px;
    28         }
    30         .clearfix:after {
    31             content: "clear";
    32             clear: both;
    33             display: block;
    34             visibility: hidden;
    35             height: 0;
    36         }
    37     </style>
    38 </head>
    39 <body>
    40 <h1>瀑布流美女</h1>
    41 <div class="content clearfix">
    42     <div class="left item"></div>
    43     <div class="left item"></div>
    44     <div class="left item"></div>
    45     <div class="left item"></div>
    46 </div>
    47 <script src="/static/js/jquery-1.11.0.js"></script>
    48 <script>
    49     $(function () {
    50         var obj=new scrollImg();
    51         obj.initImg();
    52         obj.scrollEvent();
    53     })
    55     function scrollImg() {
    56         this.NID = 0
    57         this.LASTPOSITION = 3 //记录图片放置位置
    58         this.initImg = function () {
    59             var that = this;
    60             $.ajax({
    61                 url: "get_imgs.html",
    62                 type: "GET",
    63                 data: {"id": that.NID},
    64                 dataType: "json",
    65                 success: function (arg) {
    66                     $.each(arg, function (index, v) {
    67                         eqv = (index + that.LASTPOSITION + 1) % 4
    68                         tag = document.createElement("img");
    69                         tag.src = "/" + v.href;
    70                         $(".content").children().eq(eqv).append(tag)
    71                         if (index + 1 == arg.length) {
    72                             {#NID=arg.length;#}
    73                             that.LASTPOSITION = eqv;
    74                         }
    75                     })
    76                 }
    77             });
    78         }
    79         this.scrollEvent = function () {
    80             var that=this;
    81             $(window).scroll(function () {
    82                 //文档高度
    83                 var docLength = $(document).height();
    84                 //窗口高度
    85                 var winLength = $(window).height();
    86                 //滚动条滚动高度
    87                 var scrollLength = $(window).scrollTop();
    88                 {#console.log(docLength, winLength, scrollLength, parseInt(winLength + scrollLength+1))#}
    89                 if (winLength + scrollLength + 1 >= docLength) { //此处scrollLength是小数,所以不能直接等于
    90                     {#alert("ok")#}
    91                     that.initImg();
    92                     {#console.log(5)#}
    93                 }
    94             })
    95         }
    96     }
    97 </script>
    98 </body>
    99 </html>
     1 from django.shortcuts import render,HttpResponse,redirect
     2 from app01 import models
     3 import json
     4 # Create your views here.
     6 def waterfall_obj(request):
     7     return render(request,"waterfall_object.html")
     9 def get_imgs(request):
    10     NID=request.GET.get("id")
    11     img_list=models.Img.objects.filter(id__gt=NID).values("id","name","href")
    12     return HttpResponse(json.dumps(list(img_list)))



    winLength+scrollLength+1>=docLengt 解决此问题,再次主要提醒各位读者,如果遇到此类滑轮滑到底部不触发相应事件的问题,应考虑到是scrollTop()为小数,导致
    winLength+scrollLength+1==docLengt 执行异常,因此需要根据需求进行合理的处理。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sun-10387834/p/12518225.html
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