在SQL中,我们都知道单引号 ' 表示字符串的开始和结束符号,如:
select * from students where name = '小明';
1 update students set grade = '一年级' where grade_id = '01' and grade is null; 2 update students set grade = '二年级' where grade_id = '02' and grade is null; 3 ... 4 --只是举例,实际就是各个环境字段值不一致,需要先根据环境拼接变更脚本
--db2数据库使用下面的语句 select 'update students set grade = ' || grade || ' where grade_id = ' || grade_id || ' and grade is null;' from classes where grade_id in (select grade_id from students where grade_id is not null and grade is null); --mysql数据库使用下面的语句 select concat('update students set grade = ',grade,' where grade_id = ',grade_id,' and grade is null;') from classes where grade_id in (select grade_id from students where grade_id is not null and grade is null);
sql的转义字符单引号 ' ,可以对字符串中的单引号进行转义,使其表示字符串值 ' ,这样如果要查询 name 为 小'明 的值,其sql语句如下:
select * from students where name = '小''明';
1 --db2数据库使用下面的语句 2 select 'update students set grade = ''' || grade || ''' where grade_id = ''' || grade_id || ''' and grade is null;' from classes 3 where grade_id in (select grade_id from students where grade_id is not null and grade is null); 4 5 --mysql数据库使用下面的语句 6 select concat('update students set grade = ''',grade,''' where grade_id = ''',grade_id,''' and grade is null;') from classes 7 where grade_id in (select grade_id from students where grade_id is not null and grade is null); 8 9 --注意三个逗号需连续,且与其他字符间的空格