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  • leetcode : ZigZag Conversion

    The string "PAYPALISHIRING" is written in a zigzag pattern on a given number of rows like this: (you may want to display this pattern in a fixed font for better legibility)

    P   A   H   N
    A P L S I I G
    Y   I   R

    And then read line by line: "PAHNAPLSIIGYIR"

    Write the code that will take a string and make this conversion given a number of rows:

    string convert(string text, int nRows);

    convert("PAYPALISHIRING", 3) should return "PAHNAPLSIIGYIR".






     0 2 4 6

     1 3 5 7


     0     4     8

     1  3 5  7 9

     2     6    10 


     0      6        12

     1   5 7    11 13

     2 4   8 10    14

     3      9         15 

    对于zig直线, 即第一列(0,1,2,3),第三列(6,7,8,9),第五列(12,13,14,15)

    第三列 - 第一列 = 6      6 - 0 = 6   7 - 1 = 6  8 - 2 = 6  9 - 3 = 6

    第五列 - 第三列 = 6   12 - 6 = 6  13 - 7 = 6  14 - 8 = 6  15 - 9 = 6


    5 = 1 + 6 - 2 * 1

    4 = 2 + 6 - 2 * 2

    11 = 7 + 6 - 2 * 1

    10 = 8 + 6 - 2 * 2;

     = > 斜线的序号 = j + size - 2*i  ,  其中: size = numRows * 2 - 2

    备注 : i为行号j不为列号j为zig最近左边直线代表的序号

    总结: 遇到矩阵类的,想办法搞清楚坐标之间的关系。 尽量把行列考虑进来。 本例trick, 把行跟序号结合起来。

    package com.zhaochao.leetcode;
     * Created by zhaochao on 17/2/1. @new york,  columbia law school
    public class LC_ZigzagConversion {
        public String convert(String s, int numRows) {
            if(s == null || s.length() == 0 || numRows <= 0) {
                return "";
            if(numRows == 1) {
                return s;
            StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
            int size = numRows * 2 - 2;
            for(int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
                for(int j = i; j < s.length(); j += size) {
                    int tmp = j + size - 2 * i;
                    if(i != 0 && i != numRows - 1 && tmp < s.length()) {
            return res.toString();


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/superzhaochao/p/6360847.html
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