Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find all shortest transformation sequence(s) from start to end, such that:
- Only one letter can be changed at a time
- Each intermediate word must exist in the dictionary
For example,
start = "hit"
end = "cog"
dict = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
[ ["hit","hot","dot","dog","cog"], ["hit","hot","lot","log","cog"] ]
- All words have the same length.
- All words contain only lowercase alphabetic characters.
和Word Ladder不同的地方在于可能多个父节点公用一个子节点。将父节点都记录下来即可。
class Solution { public: struct info{ info(){} info(int level,int index){ m_level=level; m_index=index; } int m_level; int m_index; }; void Path(vector<vector<string> >* ret,vector<string>* path,const vector<vector<int> >&father,const vector<string>& record,int index,int count){ (*path)[count]=record[index]; if(count==0){ ret->push_back(*path); } else{ for(int i=0;i<father[index].size();i++){ Path(ret,path,father,record,father[index][i],count-1); } } } vector<vector<string>> findLadders(string start, string end, unordered_set<string> &dict) { // Start typing your C/C++ solution below // DO NOT write int main() function map<string,info> m; int qhead=0; vector<string> record; vector<int> tails; vector<vector<int> >father; int index=0; m[start]=info(0,0); record.push_back(start); father.resize(father.size()+1); int min_v=2147483647; while(qhead<record.size()!=0){ int currentIndex=index; string s=record[qhead]; for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){ char c=s[i]; for(int j='a';j<'z';j++){ if(j!=c){ s[i]=j; if(s==end){ int level=m[record[qhead]].m_level+1; if(level<min_v){ min_v=level; tails.clear(); tails.push_back(qhead); } else if(level==min_v){ tails.push_back(qhead); } } else if(dict.find(s)!=dict.end()){ if(m.find(s)==m.end()){ index++; m[s]=info(m[record[qhead]].m_level+1,index); father.resize(father.size()+1); father[index].push_back(qhead); record.push_back(s); } else{ info sinfo=m[s]; info tinfo=m[record[qhead]]; if(sinfo.m_level==tinfo.m_level+1){ father[sinfo.m_index].push_back(qhead); } } } } s[i]=c; } } qhead++; } if(min_v==2147483647){ return vector<vector<string> >(); } vector<vector<string> >ret; vector<string>path; path.resize(min_v+1); path[min_v]=end; for(int i=0;i<tails.size();i++){ Path(&ret,&path,father,record,tails[i],min_v-1); } return ret; } };