#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct Stack { /*Stack has three properties.*/ int capacity; //the maximum number of elements stack can hold int size; //current size of stack int *elements; //array of elements }Stack; Stack *createStack(int maxElements) { /*Create a Stack.*/ Stack *S; S=(Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack)); /*Initialize its properties*/ S->elements=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*maxElements); S->size=0; S->capacity=maxElements; /*Return the pointer*/ return S; } void pop(Stack *S) { /*We cannot pop if its size is zero(as it's empty)*/ if(S->size==0) { printf("Stack is Empty "); return; } /*Removing an element is equivalent to reducing its size by one!!!*/ else { S->size--; } return; } int top(Stack *S) { if(S->size==0) { printf("Stack is Empty "); exit(0); } /*Return the topmost element*/ return S->elements[S->size-1]; } void push(Stack *S,int element) { int *newbase; /*If the Stack is full,extend it*/ if(S->size>=S->capacity) { printf("Stack is Full "); newbase=(int*)realloc(S->elements,(S->size+1)*sizeof(int)); S->elements=newbase; S->capacity++; } else { /*Push the new element on the top of the Stack and increase its size*/ S->elements[S->size++]=element; } return; } int main() { int i; int e; int n=random()%50; //set n as the capacity printf("next! "); Stack *S=createStack(n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { e=random()%100; push(S,e); printf("%d ",e); } printf(" Top element is %d ",top(S)); pop(S); printf("After the first pop,top element is:%d ",top(S)); pop(S); printf("After the second pop,top element is:%d ",top(S)); pop(S); printf("After the third pop,top element is:%d ",top(S)); }
- 关于指针函数啊结构体什么的,一直以来有些迷糊。当由结构体的指针变量只想起成员时,用‘->’,而当表示结构体类型变量的成员,用“.”。以上我用的是Stack *S,故全程使用"->"指向其成员。
- 最后的测试函数使用random()函数提供数据。例如,random()%20用于获取20以内的数字。
//将上面的测试主函数替换为下面一个主函数加一个转换函数 void convert(int n) { Stack *S=createStack(10); int e; while(n!=0) { push(S,n%8); n/=8; } while(S->size!=0) { pop(S); printf("%d",S->elements[S->size]); } } int main() { convert(1348); }
- 即将十进制1348转换为8进制,结果为2504。