一直使用er studion 来建数据库的模型图。 用了几年苦于 erstudion 不能生成带说明注释的sql 语句,每次生成实体之后都要自己去加注释。 今天根据外国朋友的资料找到了办法
Dim EntCount As Integer Dim ColCount As Integer Dim MyDiagram As Diagram Dim MyModel As Model Dim MyEntity As Entity //下面这句不知道说明原因报错 去掉也没有关系 Dim MyAttribute As AttributeObjDim TableArray() As String Dim ColArray() As String Function getColumns(TableName As String ) Dim Indx As Integer Dim count As Integer count = 1 Indx = 0 Set MyEntity = MyModel.Entities.Item(TableName) ColCount = MyEntity.Attributes.Count ReDim ColArray(0 To ColCount) As String For count=1 To ColCount For Each MyAttribute In MyEntity.Attributes If MyAttribute.SequenceNumber = count Then If MyModel.Logical = True Then If MyAttribute.HasLogicalRoleName = True Then ColArray(Indx) = MyAttribute.LogicalRoleName Else ColArray(Indx) = MyAttribute.AttributeName End If Else If MyAttribute.HasRoleName = True Then ColArray(Indx) = MyAttribute.RoleName Else ColArray(Indx) = MyAttribute.ColumnName End If End If MyAttribute.Definition = ColArray(Indx) Indx= Indx +1 End If Next MyAttribute Next count End Function Sub Main Debug.Clear Set MyDiagram = DiagramManager.ActiveDiagram Set MyModel = MyDiagram.ActiveModel Dim Indx As Integer Indx = 0 EntCount = MyModel.Entities.Count - 1 ReDim TableArray(0 To EntCount) As String For Each MyEntity In MyModel.Entities If MyModel.Logical = True Then TableArray(Indx) = MyEntity.EntityName Else TableArray(Indx) = MyEntity.TableName End If MyEntity.Definition = TableArray(Indx) getColumns(TableArray(Indx)) Indx = Indx +1 Next MyEntity End Sub
然后在tools里面 macro 里面新建一个 运行下 。就自动保存到er studion的macro 里面去了
其实不使用这外力的的情况下也是可以生成的 但是麻烦些 在新建字段名的时候选择
definition 标签选项 然后在里面写入注释 生成sql的时候也会生成带说明的sql语句
sql 语句的时候EXECUTE sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', '描述内容', N'user', N'dbo', N'table', N'表名', NULL, NULL