#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include"fraction.h" using namespace std; int main() { int k,m,n; char q; Fraction a; Fraction b(3,1); Fraction c(5); cout<<"make sure of the number of the fraction:"; cin>>k; cout<<endl; vector<Fraction> p(k); for(int i=0;i<k;i++){ cout<<"set top and bottom:"; cin>>m>>n; if(n!=0){ p[i].gettb(m,n); p[i].legal(); } else{ cout<<"wrong value"; return 0; } } cout<<"choose two out of them from 1 to k:\n"; cin>>m>>n; Fraction l; cout<<"please decide add,compare,mutiply,subtract,divide,output:(A,C,M,S,D,O)\n"; while(cin>>q){ switch(q){ case 'A':l=p[m-1]+p[n-1];l.puttb();break; case 'S':l=p[m-1]-p[n-1];l.puttb();break; case 'D':l=p[m-1]/p[n-1];l.puttb();break; case 'M':l=p[m-1]*p[n-1];l.puttb();break; case 'C': { if(compare(p[m-1],p[n-1])>0){ cout<<"the bigger one is:"; p[m-1].puttb(); } else if(compare(p[m-1],p[n-1])<0){ cout<<"the bigger one is:"; p[n-1].puttb(); } else cout<<"they are equal"<<endl; break; } case 'O':cout<<p[m-1].val()<<" "<<p[n-1].val()<<endl;break; } } return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include"fraction.h" #include<cmath> int _gcd_(int a,int b) { int max,min,k; max=a>b?a:b; min=a>b?b:a; if(min!=0){ while(min!=0) { k=max%min; max=min; min=k; } return max; } else return 1; } using namespace std; Fraction::Fraction(){ top=0; bottom=1; } Fraction::Fraction(int a,int b){ top=a; if(b!=0) bottom=b; else cout<<"wrong value b"; } void Fraction::gettb(int a,int b){ top=a; bottom=b; } void Fraction::puttb(){ cout<<top<<"/"<<bottom<<endl; } void Fraction::legal(){ if(top<0&&bottom<0){ top=-top; bottom=-bottom; } if(top>0&&bottom<0){ top=-top; bottom=-bottom; } int k; k=_gcd_(abs(top),abs(bottom)); top=top/k;// gcc 编译器 可以用 _gcd_(a,b) bottom=bottom/k; } Fraction Fraction::operator+(const Fraction &a) { Fraction b; b.top=top*a.bottom+a.top*bottom; b.bottom=a.bottom*bottom; b.legal(); return b; } Fraction Fraction::operator-(const Fraction &a) { Fraction b; b.top=top*a.bottom-a.top*bottom; b.bottom=a.bottom*b.bottom; b.legal(); return b; } Fraction Fraction::operator/(const Fraction &a) { Fraction b; b.top=top*a.bottom; b.bottom=bottom*a.top; b.legal(); return b; } Fraction Fraction::operator*(const Fraction &a) { Fraction b; b.top=top*a.top; b.bottom=bottom*a.bottom; b.legal(); return b; } double Fraction::val() { double k; k=double(top)/bottom; return k; } int compare(Fraction &a,Fraction &b) { double t; t=(a-b).val(); if(t>0)return 1; else if(t<0)return -1; else return 0; }
class Fraction{ private: int top; int bottom; public: Fraction(); Fraction(int a,int b=1); void gettb(int a,int b); void puttb(); void legal(); double val(); Fraction operator+(const Fraction &a); Fraction operator-(const Fraction &a); Fraction operator/(const Fraction &a); Fraction operator*(const Fraction &a); friend int compare(Fraction &a,Fraction &b); };
#include <iostream> #include "graph.h" using namespace std; int main() { Graph graph1('*',5), graph2('$',7) ; // 定义Graph类对象graph1, graph2 graph1.draw(); // 通过对象graph1调用公共接口draw()在屏幕上绘制图形 graph2.draw(); // 通过对象graph2调用公共接口draw()在屏幕上绘制图形 char ch;int n; cout<<"reset symbol:"; cin>>ch; cout<<"and your size:"; cin>>n; graph1.getype(ch,n); graph1.draw(); return 0; }
#ifndef GRAPH_H #define GRAPH_H // 类Graph的声明 class Graph { public: Graph(char ch, int n); // 带有参数的构造函数 void draw(); // 绘制图形 void getype(char ch,int n); private: char symbol; int size; }; #end// 类graph的实现
#include "graph.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; // 带参数的构造函数的实现 Graph::Graph(char ch, int n): symbol(ch), size(n) { } void Graph::getype(char ch,int n) { symbol=ch;size=n; } // 成员函数draw()的实现 // 功能:绘制size行,显示字符为symbol的指定图形样式 // size和symbol是类Graph的私有成员数据 void Graph::draw() { // 补足代码,实现「实验4.pdf」文档中展示的图形样式 for(int i=0;i<size;i++) { for(int j=0;j<2*size-1;j++) { if(j>=size-1-i&&j<size+i) cout<<symbol; else cout<<" "; } cout<<endl; } }