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  • secureCRT 实现windows和linux文件互传






    sftp> help
    Available commands:
    ascii                          Set transfer mode to ASCII
    binary                         Set transfer mode to binary
    cd path                        Change remote directory to 'path'
    lcd path                       Change local directory to 'path'
    detail remote-path             Display system information about remote
                                     file or folder
    ldetail local-path             Display system information about local
                                     file or folder
    chgrp group path               Change group of file 'path' to 'group'
    chmod mode path                Change permissions of file 'path' to 'mode'
    chown owner path               Change owner of file 'path' to 'owner'
    exit                           Quit sftp
    help                           Display this help text
    include filename               Include commands from 'filename'
                                     Alternate: < filename
    get [-r][-a | -b] remote-path  Download file
                                     -r downloads directory recursively
                                     force ascii (-a) or binary (-b) mode
    ln [-s] existingpath linkpath  Hardlink / symlink remote file
    ls [options] [path]            Display remote directory listing
    lls [options] [path]           Display local directory listing
    mkdir path                     Create remote directory
    lmkdir path                    Create local directory
    mv oldpath newpath             Move remote file
    lmv oldpath newpath            Move local file
    open [user@]host[:port]        Connect to remote host
    put [-r][-a | -b] local-path   Upload file
                                     -r uploads directory recursively
                                     force ascii (-a) or binary (-b) mode
    pwd                            Display remote working directory
    lpwd                           Print local working directory
    quit                           Quit sftp
    rename oldname newname         Rename remote file
    lrename oldname newname        Rename local file
    rmdir path                     Remove remote directory
    lrmdir path                    Remove local directory
    rm path                        Delete remote file
    lrm path                       Delete local file
    su username                    Substitutes the current user
                                     This is only supported with VShell for 
                                     Windows 3.5 or later.
    type [transfer-mode]           Display or set file transfer mode
    view remote-path               Download and open file
    version                        Display protocol version


    sftp-- help 
    cd 路径                        更改远程目录到“路径” 
    lcd 路径                       更改本地目录到“路径” 
    chgrp group path               将文件“path”的组更改为“group” 
    chmod mode path                将文件“path”的权限更改为“mode” 
    chown owner path               将文件“path”的属主更改为“owner” 
    exit                           退出 sftp 
    help                           显示这个帮助文本 
    get 远程路径                   下载文件 
    ln existingpath linkpath       符号链接远程文件 
    ls [选项] [路径]               显示远程目录列表 
    lls [选项] [路径]              显示本地目录列表 
    mkdir 路径                     创建远程目录 
    lmkdir 路径                    创建本地目录 
    mv oldpath newpath             移动远程文件 
    open [用户@]主机[:端口]        连接到远程主机 
    put 本地路径                   上传文件 
    pwd                            显示远程工作目录 
    lpwd                           打印本地工作目录 
    quit                           退出 sftp 
    rmdir 路径                     移除远程目录 
    lrmdir 路径                    移除本地目录 
    rm 路径                        删除远程文件 
    lrm 路径                       删除本地文件 
    symlink existingpath linkpath  符号链接远程文件 
    version                        显示协议版本 


    cd 路径                        更改远程目录到“路径” 
    lcd 路径                       更改本地目录到“路径” 
    ls [选项] [路径]               显示远程目录列表 
    lls [选项] [路径]              显示本地目录列表 
    put 本地路径                   上传文件 
    get 远程路径                   下载文件 





    假设我需要实现windows下的F:share est1.txt和ubuntu下/root/test2.txt的互换,可以进行一下操作:



    root@BJCGNMON01:/home# ll
    total 20
    drwxr-xr-x  5 root    root    4096 Apr 18 15:21 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 24 root    root    4096 Jan  3 14:14 ../
    drwxr-xr-x  9 enadmin enadmin 4096 Apr 18 15:22 enadmin/
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root    root    4096 Apr 18 15:21 sftp/--可以看到sftp的权限是root的
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root    root    4096 Apr 18 14:57 test/


    sftp> lls
    test1.txt             test2.txt             test3.txt
    sftp> put test* -再次尝试将windows下的文件put到/homg/enadmin目录下,这次成功
    Uploading test1.txt to /home/enadmin/test1.txt
      100% 4 bytes      4 bytes/s 00:00:00     
    e:/sftp/test1.txt: 4 bytes transferred in 0 seconds (4 bytes/s)
    Uploading test2.txt to /home/enadmin/test2.txt
      100% 4 bytes      4 bytes/s 00:00:00     
    e:/sftp/test2.txt: 4 bytes transferred in 0 seconds (4 bytes/s)
    Uploading test3.txt to /home/enadmin/test3.txt
      100% 5 bytes      5 bytes/s 00:00:00     
    e:/sftp/test3.txt: 5 bytes transferred in 0 seconds (5 bytes/s)
    sftp> cd /home/sftp/--在修改sftp目录权限以后,再次切换到sftp目录下
    sftp> ls
    sftp> lls
    test1.txt             test2.txt             test3.txt
    sftp> put test1.txt --这回put成功。所以跟权限相关
    Uploading test1.txt to /home/sftp/test1.txt
      100% 4 bytes      4 bytes/s 00:00:00     




    sftp> pwd
    sftp> lpwd
    sftp> lcd e:/sftp --切换目录
    sftp> lls
    rc.local              test1.txt             test2.txt
    sftp> ls
    Graphs.pm             msmtp                 ntp
    sent                  smokeping.tar.gz      smokepingrtt.tar.gz
    smokepingrtt2.tar.gz  Target                test1.txt
    test2.txt             test3.txt             wqy
    sftp> get Graphs.pm --下载文件到windows
    Downloading Graphs.pm from /home/enadmin/Graphs.pm
      100% 13KB     13KB/s 00:00:00     
    /home/enadmin/Graphs.pm: 13503 bytes transferred in 0 seconds (13 KB/s)
    sftp> lls --查看windows目录
    Graphs.pm             rc.local              test1.txt
    test2.txt             test3.txt
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tanzq/p/9487645.html
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