1. Boxing and UnBoxing in C++/CLI
int^ hi = 123;
int c = *hi;
2. Use C# functions with ref/out arguments in C++/CLI
If the argument is dotNet value type, then directly create an instance of it on stack in C++/CLI and pass it when calling the C# function;
if the argument is dotnet ref type,then create a handle of that type and initialize it, and pass it.
c++/cli uses c# module functions having arguments "ref xx", "out xx"
----the C++/CLI code
void foo(Bar^% x);
transforms into
Void foo(ref Bar x);
---The concept of out is for the most part limited to C#. The CLR really only sees ref parameters. The out concepts is achieved via a mod opt I believe and most languages ignore it.
----the C++/CLI code
void foo(Bar^% x);
transforms into
Void foo(ref Bar x);
---The concept of out is for the most part limited to C#. The CLR really only sees ref parameters. The out concepts is achieved via a mod opt I believe and most languages ignore it.