线程: 有时被称为轻量级进程(Lightweight Process,LWP),是程序执行流的最小单元。是一串指令的集合。
进程: qq 要以一个整体的形式暴露给操作系统管理,里面包含对各种资源的调用,内存的管理,网络接口的调用等。。。
对各种资源管理的集合 就可以成为进程。
进程 要操作cpu , 必须要先创建一个线程,
all the threads in a process have the same view of the memory
Threads share the address space of the process that created it; processes have their own address space.
Threads have direct access to the data segment of its process; processes have their own copy of the data segment of the parent process.
Threads can directly communicate with other threads of its process; processes must use interprocess communication to communicate with sibling processes.
New threads are easily created; new processes require duplication of the parent process.
创建新线程很简单, 创建新进程需要对其父进程进行一次克隆
Threads can exercise considerable control over threads of the same process; processes can only exercise control over child processes.
Changes to the main thread (cancellation, priority change, etc.) may affect the behavior of the other threads of the process; changes to the parent process does not affect child processes.
import time import threading def run(n): print('task.....',n) time.sleep(2) # run("t1") # run("t2")
t1 = threading.Thread(target=run,args=("t1",)) t2 = threading.Thread(target=run,args=("t2",)) t1.start() t2.start()
import time import threading #类写法 class MyThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,n,sleep_time): super(MyThread, self).__init__() self.n = n self.sleep_time = sleep_time def run(self): print("task", self.n) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) print("task done") t1 = MyThread("t1",2) t2 = MyThread("t2",4) t1.start() t2.start()
import threading import time def run(n): print("task ",n ) time.sleep(2) print("task done",n) start_time = time.time() t_objs = [] #存线程实例 for i in range(50): t = threading.Thread(target=run,args=("t-%s" %i ,)) t.start() t_objs.append(t) #为了不阻塞后面线程的启动,不在这里join,先放到一个列表里 for t in t_objs: #循环线程实例列表,等待所有线程执行完毕 t.join() print(t_objs) print("----------all threads has finished...") print("cost:",time.time() - start_time)
import threading import time def run(n): print("task ",n ) time.sleep(2) print("task done",n,threading.current_thread()) start_time = time.time() t_objs = [] #存线程实例 for i in range(50): t = threading.Thread(target=run,args=("t-%s" %i ,)) t.setDaemon(True) #把当前线程设置为守护线程 t.start() t_objs.append(t) #为了不阻塞后面线程的启动,不在这里join,先放到一个列表里 # for t in t_objs: #循环线程实例列表,等待所有线程执行完毕 # t.join() # time.sleep(2) print("----------all threads has finished...",threading.current_thread(),threading.active_count()) print("cost:",time.time() - start_time)
import threading import time def run(n): lock.acquire()#获得锁,除非释放掉锁,否则其他线程就不能再次获得,2.7中试,3.0以后不需要了 global num num +=1 # time.sleep(1) lock.release()#释放锁,其他线程可以获得了 lock = threading.Lock() num = 0 t_objs = [] #存线程实例 for i in range(50): t = threading.Thread(target=run,args=("t-%s" %i ,)) t.start() t_objs.append(t) #为了不阻塞后面线程的启动,不在这里join,先放到一个列表里 for t in t_objs: #循环线程实例列表,等待所有线程执行完毕 t.join() print("----------all threads has finished...",threading.current_thread(),threading.active_count()) print("num:",num)
import threading import time def run(n): semaphore.acquire()#信号量获取 time.sleep(1) print("run the thread :%s " %n) semaphore.release()#信号量释放 if __name__ == "__main__": semaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore(5) #设置信号量,即绑定信号量可以同时拥有的锁的数量 for i in range(22): t = threading.Thread(target = run,args = (i,)) t.start() while threading.active_count() !=1 :#当前活跃的线程数 pass else: print("______-all threads done______")
event = threading.Event()#生成event对象
import time import threading event = threading.Event()#生成event对象 def lighter(): event.set()#设置event标志位 count = 0 while True: if count >5 and count <10: event.clear()#清除event标志位 print("