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  • Perfect API Design

    Perfect API Design

    Why is good Application Programming Interface (API) design so difficult? Just throw together a few classes with a few basic methods on them and call it done.
    You could do this, if you don't mind other developers cursing you—and referencing your API as an anti-pattern. How can this be avoided? Aim for perfection with API design. Yes, perfection.

    Designing an API is similar to designing a user interface. Both are entry points into an application and the first thing a user (or developer) interacts with. Picture your favorite consumer electronics device in conjunction with its competitors. Mine is my beloved TiVo digital video recorder. What makes the TiVo UI great?
    • Usage is simple
    • Misuse is difficult
    • TiVo does one thing well
    • It does not do anything unexpected
    • It has never crashed in multiple years of usage
    • Actions/tasks are intuitive and easy to discover
    • The UI is consistent, polished and perfect, or close to it
    • 用法简单
    • 易理解,易上手
    • 做好重要功能
    • 并没有期待能做好所有事情
    • 在长达几年的使用中系统不会崩溃
    • 功能很直观,很容易被发现
    • 统一的UI设计
    The same principles hold true with API design. Let's pick on one of my favorite API anti-patterns from the COM world: IOleCommandTarget::Exec. This API is typically used to enable some kind of object, and the container that it sits in, to dispatch commands to each other.

    HRESULT Exec ( 
    const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, // Pointer to command group
    DWORD nCmdID, // Identifier of command to execute
    DWORD nCmdExecOpt, // Options for executing the command
    VARIANTARG *pvaIn, // Pointer to input arguments
    VARIANTARG *pvaOut // Pointer to command output


    An example implementation is a COM control that communicates with its container to modify menu items and toolbars. This API is a slightly stronger-typed version of a command interface that takes in a generic string dictating what the implementation is supposed to do.


    Let's analyze this API according to the principles just discussed.

    Is the API Intuitive and Discoverable? Is this the first place a developer would look to modify a toolbar? Likely it's not, unless you have the tribal knowledge about this API. Even a search of MSDN documentation would end in frustration.

    Is It Simple? The API takes five parameters that are generically named. Documentation is required to thoroughly understand the usage of each parameter. A simple API exhibits intention and clarity just by the name of the object (for context) and the name of the method.

    Is the API Strongly Typed and Difficult to Misuse? No. The variants are not strongly typed and the execution options are not enumerations, but generic DWORDs. Strongly typed parameters help find errors at compile time instead of at run time.

    Is the API Cohesive? An implementation of this function typically has many responsibilities, not just one. A well-named API for one specific purpose (e.g., AddToolbarButton) is much more cohesive. An implementation of the Exec method likely switches on the command ID and has different actions based on this condition.

    Is the API Free of Side Effects? Hard to say, but an implementation of the API could do practically anything due to its lack of cohesion.
    Is It Reliable? The famous design principle "design to interfaces" helps enforce testability on an object. This API is inherently testable, but the number of test cases to verify may be huge due to its lack of cohesion. Reliability is at risk.

    Is It Consistent? This API does have some consistency in that it returns an HRESULT and uses GUIDs to identify sets of information. However, it is difficult to judge consistency without knowing how poorly designed the rest of the interfaces on an object are.

    Anyone learning to use IOleCommandTarget::Exec likely needs instruction about its usage from a peer or a book. The best APIs are simple and usable without documentation, although documentation may still be required to understand details such as error handling.

    In conclusion, your APIs and the APIs you review should be as easy to use as TiVo. A highly discoverable, strongly typed, cohesive, side-effect free, reliable, consistent, and polished API makes your developers' lives easier by increasing satisfaction and decreasing support costs. Many interfaces in the Microsoft .NET Framework are great examples. To achieve all of these design gains, aim for perfection when designing or reviewing any API design.
    总的来说,你设计的API或者你审阅的API应当像 Tivo一样容易使用。具有高度自描述形的,强类型的,内聚的,无任何副作用的,可靠的,一致的API将会使得你的用户更加的Happy,他们的满意度会提升,而Support的代价会降低。Microsoft .NET Framework 的很多接口都是很好的例子。在日常工作中在设计或者审阅API的时候利用上述的原则完善你的API吧。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tedzhao/p/1407550.html
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