Object ancestor := method ( prototype := self proto if (prototype != Obejct, writeln ("Slots of ", prototype type, " ------------------" ) prototype slotNames foreach (slotName, writeln (slotName) ) writeln prototype ancestors ) )
unless := method ( ( call sender doMessage ( call message argAt(0) ) ) ifFalse ( call sender doMessage ( call message argAt(1) ) ) ifTrue ( call sender doMessage ( call message argAt(2) ) ) )
Object ancestors := method ( prototype := self proto if (prototype != Object, writeln ("Slots of ", prototype type, " ----------------" ) prototype slotNames foreach ( slotName, writeln (sloteName) ) writeln prototype ancestors ) ) Animal := Object clone Animal speak := method ( "ambiguous animal noise" println ) Duck := Animal clone Duck speak := method ( "quack" println ) Duck walk := method ( "waddle" println ) disco := Duck clone disco ancestors