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  • Windows Azure Virtual Machine (31) 迁移Azure虚拟机

      《Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录








      (1)虚拟网络(Azure Virtual Network)

      定义Subnet和IP Rang,Azure虚拟机的内网IP地址是由Azure Virtual Network

      (2)云服务(Cloud Service)


      (3)VHD文件(Virtual Hard Disk)

      我们在虚拟机安装的任何软件和配置,都是持久化保存在Azure VHD文件里的。




      如果你的Azure VM所在的DNS Name已经固定的公网IP地址(Reserved IP)

      (Azure China (8) 使用Azure PowerShell创建虚拟机,并设置固定Virtual IP Address和Private IP)








      -  虚拟网络名称VNetA,有一个子网Subnet-1

      -  有1台虚拟机,虚拟机DNS Name为LeiCloudServiceA

      -  该虚拟机的机器名为LeiVMA,操作系统为Windows Server 2012 中文版

      -  这台虚拟机有2块磁盘


      -  手动创建虚拟网络VNetB

      -  新的DNS Name为LeiCloudServiceB,新的虚拟机的机器名为LeiVMB

      -  需要保留原虚拟机里的磁盘内容


      (1)请在Azure PowerShell下运行








      (9)如果源订阅和目标订阅是同一个订阅的话,会有提示:Please update the Diskname in the configuration file 








       修改完毕后,直接按Enter 继续执行PowerShell 


    Modified by Lei Zhang on 2016-04-29
        [string] $SourceSubscriptionId="e2eaa986-29d9-48c9-8302-1e2900a4504b",
        [string] $SourceCloudServiceName="lei2012chnvm",
        [string] $SourceVMName="lei2012chnvm01",
        #源Azure Storage Container Name
        [string] $SourceStorageContainerName="vhds",
        [string] $DestSubscritpionId="919ae904-1260-4f4b-85a6-8ac9d44d3106",
        [string] $DestCloudServiceName="LeiNewVM",
        [string] $DestVMName="LeiNewVM01",
        [string] $DestStorageAccountName="leinewvmstorage1",
        #目标Azure Storage Container Name    
        [string] $DestStorageContainerName="vhds",
        #目标虚拟机所在数据中心,分别为China North和China East
        [string] $DestLocationName,
        [string] $DestVNetName="LeiDesVNet",
        [string] $DestSubNet="Subnet-1",
        [string] $DiskNameSuffix="-prem"
    $IsSameSub = $false
    if (($SourceSubscriptionId -eq $DestSubscritpionId) -or ($DestSubscritpionId -eq ""))
        Write-Host "VM is copied at the same subscription!" -ForegroundColor Green
        $IsSameSub = $true
        $DestSubscritpionId = $SourceSubscriptionId
    if ($SourceStorageContainerName -eq "")
        Write-Host "Using the default source storage container vhds!" -ForegroundColor Green
        $SourceStorageContainerName = "vhds"
    if ($DestStorageContainerName -eq "")
        Write-Host "Using the default destination storage container vhds!" -ForegroundColor Green
        $DestStorageContainerName = "vhds"
    if ($DestLocationName -eq "")
        $DestLocationName = "China East"
    if ($DestSubNet -eq "")
        $DestSubNet = "Subnet-1"
    if (($DiskNameSuffix -eq $null) -or ($DiskNameSuffix -eq ""))
        $DiskNameSuffix = "-prem"
        Write-Host "Set the copyed Disk Name Suffix as:"+ $DiskNameSuffix -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t================= Migration Setting =======================" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t  Source Subscription ID          = $SourceSubscriptionId           " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t Source Cloud Service Name      = $SourceCloudServiceName       " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t            Source VM Name      = $SourceVMName                 " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t      Dest Subscription ID      = $DestSubscritpionId              " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t   Dest Cloud Service Name      = $DestCloudServiceName         " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t Dest Storage Account Name      = $DestStorageAccountName       " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t Source Storage Container Name = $SourceStorageContainerName   " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t Dest Storage Container Name      = $DestStorageContainerName   "   -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t             Dest Location      = $DestLocationName             " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t                 Dest VNET = $DestVNetName                      " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t               Dest Subnet = $DestSubNet                           " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t               Disk Name Prefix = $DiskNameSuffix              " -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "`t===============================================================" -ForegroundColor Green
    #  Verify Azure Source Subscription and Azure Desination Subscription
    Write-Host "Please verify the Source Azure Subscription" -ForegroundColor Green
    Add-AzureAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud
    Write-Host "Please verify the Destination Azure Subscription" -ForegroundColor Green
    Add-AzureAccount -Environment AzureChinaCloud
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    try{ stop-transcript|out-null }
    catch [System.InvalidOperationException] { }
    $workingDir = (Get-Location).Path
    $log = $workingDir + "VM-" + $SourceCloudServiceName + "-" + $SourceVMName + ".log"
    Start-Transcript -Path $log -Append -Force
    Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId $SourceSubscriptionId
    #  Check if the VM is shut down 
    #  Stopping the VM is a required step so that the file system is consistent when you do the copy operation. 
    #  Azure does not support live migration at this time.. 
    $sourceVM = Get-AzureVM –ServiceName $SourceCloudServiceName –Name $SourceVMName
    if ( $sourceVM -eq $null )
        Write-Host "[ERROR] - The source VM doesn't exist. Exiting." -ForegroundColor Red
    # check if VM is shut down
    if ( $sourceVM.Status -notmatch "Stopped" )
        Write-Host "[Warning] - Stopping the VM is a required step so that the file system is consistent when you do the copy operation. Azure does not support live migration at this time. If you’d like to create a VM from a generalized image, sys-prep the Virtual Machine before stopping it." -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $ContinueAnswer = Read-Host "`n`tDo you wish to stop $SourceVMName now? (Y/N)"
        If ($ContinueAnswer -ne "Y") { Write-Host "`n Exiting." -ForegroundColor Red; Exit }
        $sourceVM | Stop-AzureVM  -StayProvisioned
        # wait until the VM is shut down
        $sourceVMStatus = (Get-AzureVM –ServiceName $SourceCloudServiceName –Name $SourceVMName).Status
        while ($sourceVMStatus -notmatch "Stopped") 
            Write-Host "Waiting VM $vmName to shut down, current status is $sourceVMStatus" -ForegroundColor Green
            Sleep -Seconds 5
            $sourceVMStatus = (Get-AzureVM –ServiceName $SourceCloudServiceName –Name $SourceVMName).Status
    # exporting the source vm to a configuration file, you can restore the original VM by importing this config file
    # see more information for Import-AzureVM
    $vmConfigurationPath = $workingDir + "ExportedVMConfig-" + $SourceCloudServiceName + "-" + $SourceVMName +".xml"
    Write-Host "Exporting VM configuration to $vmConfigurationPath" -ForegroundColor Green
    $sourceVM | Export-AzureVM -Path $vmConfigurationPath
    #  Copy the vhds of the source vm 
    #  You can choose to copy all disks including os and data disks by specifying the
    #  parameter -DataDiskOnly to be $false. The default is to copy only data disk vhds
    #  and the new VM will boot from the original os disk. 
    $sourceOSDisk = $sourceVM.VM.OSVirtualHardDisk
    $sourceDataDisks = $sourceVM.VM.DataVirtualHardDisks
    # Get source storage account information, not considering the data disks and os disks are in different accounts
    $sourceStorageAccountName = $sourceOSDisk.MediaLink.Host -split "." | select -First 1
    $sourceStorageAccount = Get-AzureStorageAccount –StorageAccountName $sourceStorageAccountName
    $sourceStorageKey = (Get-AzureStorageKey -StorageAccountName $sourceStorageAccountName).Primary 
    Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId $DestSubscritpionId
    # Create destination context
    $destStorageAccount = Get-AzureStorageAccount | ? {$_.StorageAccountName -eq $DestStorageAccountName} | select -first 1
    if ($destStorageAccount -eq $null)
        New-AzureStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $DestStorageAccountName -Location $DestLocationName
        $destStorageAccount = Get-AzureStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $DestStorageAccountName
    $DestStorageAccountName = $destStorageAccount.StorageAccountName
    $destStorageKey = (Get-AzureStorageKey -StorageAccountName $DestStorageAccountName).Primary
    $sourceContext = New-AzureStorageContext  –StorageAccountName $sourceStorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $sourceStorageKey -Environment AzureChinaCloud
    $destContext = New-AzureStorageContext  –StorageAccountName $DestStorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $destStorageKey
    # Create a container of vhds if it doesn't exist
    Set-AzureSubscription -CurrentStorageAccountName $DestStorageAccountName -SubscriptionId $DestSubscritpionId
    #if ((Get-AzureStorageContainer -Context $destContext -Name vhds -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
    if ((Get-AzureStorageContainer -Name $DestStorageContainerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
        Write-Host "Creating a container vhds in the destination storage account." -ForegroundColor Green
    #    New-AzureStorageContainer -Context $destContext -Name vhds
        New-AzureStorageContainer -Name $DestStorageContainerName     
    $allDisks = @($sourceOSDisk) + $sourceDataDisks
    $destDataDisks = @()
    # Copy all data disk vhds
    # Start all async copy requests in parallel.
    foreach($disk in $allDisks)
        $blobName = $disk.MediaLink.Segments[2]
        # copy all data disks 
        Write-Host "Starting copying data disk $($disk.DiskName) at $(get-date)." -ForegroundColor Green
        $sourceBlob = "https://" + $disk.MediaLink.Host + "/" + $SourceStorageContainerName + "/"
        $targetBlob = $destStorageAccount.Endpoints[0] + $DestStorageContainerName + "/"
        $azcopylog = "azcopy-" + $SourceCloudServiceName + "-" + $SourceVMName +".log"
        Write-Host "Start copy vhd to destination storage account"  -ForegroundColor Green
        #Write-Host .azcopyAzCopyAzCopy.exe /Source:$sourceBlob /Dest:$targetBlob /SourceKey:$sourceStorageKey /DestKey:$destStorageKey /Pattern:$blobName /SyncCopy /v:$azcopylog -ForegroundColor Green
        #cd 'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsAzureAzCopy'
        #AzCopy.exe /Source:$sourceBlob /Dest:$targetBlob /SourceKey:$sourceStorageKey /DestKey:$destStorageKey /Pattern:$blobName /SyncCopy /v:$azcopylog
        #cd D:AzCopy
        #.AzCopy.exe /Source:$sourceBlob /Dest:$targetBlob /SourceKey:$sourceStorageKey /DestKey:$destStorageKey /Pattern:$blobName /SyncCopy /v:$azcopylog 
        #Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy is too slow
        Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy -SrcContainer $SourceStorageContainerName -SrcBlob $blobName -DestContainer $DestStorageContainerName -DestBlob $blobName -Context $sourceContext -DestContext $destContext -Force
        if ($disk –eq $sourceOSDisk)
            $destOSDisk = $targetBlob + $blobName
            $destDataDisks += $targetBlob + $blobName
    # Wait until all vhd files are copied.
    $CopyStatusReportInterval = 15
    $diskComplete = @()
        Write-Host "`n[WORKITEM] - Waiting for all disk copy to complete. Checking status every $CopyStatusReportInterval seconds." -ForegroundColor Yellow
        # check status every 30 seconds
        Sleep -Seconds $CopyStatusReportInterval
        foreach ( $disk in $allDisks)
            if ($diskComplete -contains $disk)
            $blobName = $disk.MediaLink.Segments[2]
            $copyState = Get-AzureStorageBlobCopyState -Blob $blobName -Container vhds -Context $destContext
            if ($copyState.Status -eq "Success")
                Write-Host "`n[Status] - Success for disk copy $($disk.DiskName) at $($copyState.CompletionTime)" -ForegroundColor Green
                $diskComplete += $disk
                if ($copyState.TotalBytes -gt 0)
                    $percent = ($copyState.BytesCopied / $copyState.TotalBytes) * 100
                    Write-Host "`n[Status] - $('{0:N2}' -f $percent)% Complete for disk copy $($disk.DiskName)" -ForegroundColor Green
    while($diskComplete.Count -lt $allDisks.Count)
    # Create OS and data disks 
    Write-Host "Add VM OS Disk. OS "+ $sourceOSDisk.OS +"diskName:" + $sourceOSDisk.DiskName + "Medialink:"+ $destOSDisk  -ForegroundColor Green
    # 设置源VM的Disk Name和目标VM的Disk Name
    $disknameOS = $sourceOSDisk.DiskName
        #OSDisk, 如果在同一个订阅下,则增加后缀以区分VHD文件名
        $disknameOS = $sourceOSDisk.DiskName + $DiskNameSuffix
    Add-AzureDisk -OS $sourceOSDisk.OS -DiskName $disknameOS -MediaLocation $destOSDisk
    # Attached the copied data disks to the new VM
    foreach($currenDataDisk in $destDataDisks)
        $diskName = ($sourceDataDisks | ? {$currenDataDisk.EndsWith($_.MediaLink.Segments[2])}).DiskName
            #DataDisk, 如果在同一个订阅下,则增加后缀以区分VHD文件名
            $diskName = ($sourceDataDisks | ? {$currenDataDisk.EndsWith($_.MediaLink.Segments[2])}).DiskName + $DiskNameSuffix
        Write-Host "Add VM Data Disk $diskName" -ForegroundColor Green
        Add-AzureDisk -DiskName $diskName -MediaLocation $currenDataDisk
    Write-Host "Import VM from " $vmConfigurationPath -ForegroundColor Green
    Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId $DestSubscritpionId -CurrentStorageAccountName $DestStorageAccountName
    # Manually change the data diskname in the same subscription coz it can't be same
        $ContinueAnswer = Read-Host "`n`tPlease update the Diskname in the configuration file "+ $vmConfigurationPath +", just add your suffix $DiskNameSuffix to the filename! Then press ENTER to continue.."
    # Import VM from previous exported configuration plus vnet info
    if (( Get-AzureService | Where { $_.ServiceName -eq $DestCloudServiceName } ).Count -eq 0 )
        New-AzureService -ServiceName $DestCloudServiceName -Location $DestLocationName
    Write-Host "`n import-AzureVM -Path $vmConfigurationPath | Set-AzureSubnet -SubnetNames $DestSubNet | New-AzureVM -ServiceName $DestCloudServiceName -VNetName $DestVNetName -WaitForBoot" -ForegroundColor Green
    Import-AzureVM -Path $vmConfigurationPath | Set-AzureSubnet -SubnetNames $DestSubNet | New-AzureVM -ServiceName $DestCloudServiceName -VNetName $DestVNetName -WaitForBoot
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/threestone/p/5326575.html
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