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  • 新西兰招募“首席科技官”,年薪 40 万美元


    新西兰作为南半球的发达国家,在世界范围内都保有神奇的地位。它不仅作为《指环王》和《霍比特人》的取景地令人心驰神往,也凭借其得天独厚的自然资源和乳制品享誉世界。最近,新西兰政府发布了一则招聘广告,希望自己的国家可以在科技领域内大显身手、引领世界。正因为政府求贤若渴,他们甚至开出了 40 万美元年薪的价码。这究竟是怎么回事?我们跟着《卫报》一起来看看吧。

    'New Zealand wants you': the problem with tech at the edge of the world


    At the end of 2017, an unusual job advertisement appeared in New Zealand. Responsibilities included planning for future workforce needs, responding to “emerging and disruptive technologies” and improving digital access. The salary was $400,000.

    在 2017 年底,一则不同寻常的招聘广告在新西兰发布。职责包括:未来劳动力需求规划、改善“新兴且仍显混乱的技术领域”以及提高网络普及程度。年薪为 40 万美元。

    The advert wasn’t placed by a Silicon Valley tech giant, but the government seeking the nation’s first ever “chief technology officer”.


    The creation of the CTO role and a new “global impact visa” specifically to lure entrepreneurs, investors and tech start-ups are key parts of that push.



    “If you want to make a positive global impact,” pleads a video for the government’s global impact visa. “New Zealand wants you.”


    Despite the bold talk – including the slogan “this is the place of the possible” – investment still lags astronomically far behind the two biggest earners of agriculture and tourism.



    However, that might be about to change. Green MP Gareth Hughes recently told the Spinoff: “There is a limit to how many tourists we can cram into Fiordland with the infrastructure. There is a limit to how many cows we can have in our paddocks, and we are seeing that in the state of our waterways. There is no limit to the export of software, services and intellectual property in creative industries.”

    不过,这也许到了做出改变的时候。近日,绿党议员加里斯·休斯这样和本地媒体 Spinoff 说道:“借助现有的基础设施,我们可以把多少游客塞进峡湾是有限的。围场里能容纳多少头牛也是有限的,我们现在水资源的状况也证实了这一点。但是能输出多少软件、服务平台和创意产业的知识财产,是无限的。”


    —————  文章来源 / 卫报 


    workforce    /ˈwɜːrkfɔːrs/    n. 劳动力,全体从业人员

    emerging    /iˈmɜːrdʒɪŋ/    adj. 新兴的,发展初期的    e.g.  emerge

    disruptive    /dɪsˈrʌptɪv/  adj. 引起混乱的,捣乱的

    lure   /lʊr/    v. 吸引,引诱

    entrepreneur    /ˌɑːntrəprəˈnɜːr/   n. 企业家

    start-up   /ˈstɑːrt ʌp/  n. 刚起步的公司(尤指互联网);创业公司

    plead  /pliːd/   v. 恳请,恳求,解释,论证,提到

    lag    /læɡ/    v. 落后于,拖后   e.g.  My computer is lagging.

    astronomically    /ˌæstrəˈnɑːmɪkli/    adv. 极其巨大地

    infrastructure   /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər/   n. 基础设施,基础结构

    waterway    /ˈwɑːtərweɪ/   n. 水路,航道

    intellectual property    知识财产,知识产权

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