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  • 特朗普访英,吃瓜群众却只想看《真爱至上》


    特朗普这次访问英国,与过去半世纪以来历次到访的美国总统相比,场面和气氛大不相同。虽然也要见英国女王,但特朗普不会与女王乘坐敞篷马车在白金汉宫前的皇家大道上接受群众的夹道欢迎;虽然也要出席国宴,但不是在白金汉宫,而是在牛津郡的丘吉尔庄园;虽然也要与英国首相会谈,但不是在首相府唐宁街 10 号,而是在白金汉郡的首相乡间官邸。这其实是因为特朗普不想看到抗议者。自从特朗普的访英行程确定后,抗议者以各种形式表达他们对他的愤怒。今天我们一起来读《纽约时报》的文章,看看英国网友怎么看待特朗普这次访问吧。


    Q1: 英国民众希望首相重现《真爱至上》的哪个片段?

    Q2: channel 在新闻中是什么特殊的意思?

    Q3: 英国首相特蕾莎·梅是否对特朗普作出了回应?


    Trump visit to U.K. inspires yearning for a 'Love Actually' moment


    How should Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain respond to President Donald Trump’s interview undercutting her position on Brexit, just as she hosts him for a visit?  



    According to many Twitter users Friday, there was only one option: to channel actor Hugh Grant, specifically his performance in the romantic comedy “Love Actually.”  


    In the film, Grant plays a British prime minister who hosts a lecherous U.S. president played by Billy Bob Thornton, and who finally snaps. At a news conference, he is asked about the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States.  


    “I fear that this has become a bad relationship — a relationship based on the president taking exactly what he wants and casually ignoring all those things that really matter to, um, Britain,” he says in the movie.  



    “We may be a small country, but we’re a great one too,” he adds, to a soundtrack of soaring strings. “A friend who bullies us is no longer a friend. And since bullies only respond to strength, from now onward I should be prepared to be much stronger. And the president should be prepared for that.”  



    May, who hosted Trump at a dinner Thursday and was meeting with him at the country estate Chequers on Friday, showed no sign of planning a confrontation. But at least one prominent supporter of the opposition leader, Jeremy Corbyn, said that he would have done so: “If we’d elected Jeremy Corbyn last year, we’d be getting our Love Actually moment right now,” Kerry-Anne Mendoza wrote on Twitter. “Instead, Trump baby is getting his ego fondled by Theresa the Appeaser. We may get a do-over soon. Don’t make the same mistake twice Britain.”  



    —————  文章来源 / 纽约时报 


    yearning   /ˈjɜːrnɪŋ/    n. 渴望,切盼      e.g.    a yearning for a quiet life

    undercut    /ˌʌndərˈkʌt/     v. 削弱,破坏      同义词:weaken/undermine      e.g.   I don't want to undercut his effort. 

    channel    /ˈtʃænl/     v. 模仿,引导,开导;    n.渠道;海峡;频道    e.g.   The band were dressed in 1960s outfits and seemed to be channelling the Beatles.

    lecherous    /ˈletʃərəs/     adj. 好色的     e.g.    lecherous old men 老色鬼

    snap      /snæp/     v. 失去控制   

    soundtrack    /ˈsaʊndtræk/     n. 伴奏 

    strings    /strɪŋz/     n. 弦乐 

    onward     /ˈɔːnwərd/     adv. 向前地 

    confrontation    /ˌkɑːnfrənˈteɪʃn/      n. 对峙 

    appeaser    /əˈpiːzə/    n. 安抚人 

    do-over     n. 重新来过的机会

    【Q1】hello~今天课程里有一个搭配Theresa the Appeaser,想问一下,这种人名+the+名词/形容词的搭配中,名词/形容词是不是首字母必须大写呢?

    【雪梨】没错!课程里举的其他例子,比如 Bob the Alcoholic, 在 the 后面的词也需要大写。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tianqizhi/p/9372792.html
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