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  • Scalaz(17)- Monad:泛函状态类型-State Monad

      我们经常提到函数式编程就是F[T]。这个F可以被视为一种运算模式。我们是在F运算模式的壳子内对T进行计算。理论上来讲,函数式程序的运行状态也应该是在这个运算模式壳子内的,也是在F[]内更新的。那么我们就应该像函数式运算T值一样,也有一套函数式更新程序状态的方法。之前我们介绍了Writer Monad。Writer也是在F[]内维护Log的,可以说是一种状态维护方式。但Writer的Log是一种Monoid类型,只支持Semigroup的a|+|b操作,所以只能实现一种两段Log相加累积这种效果。WriterT的款式是这样的:

    final case class WriterT[F[_], W, A](run: F[(W, A)]) { self =>

    Writer是WriterT的一个F[_] >>> Id特例,那么它的款式也可以被视作这样:

    final case class Writer[W, A](run: (W, A)) { self =>


      def flatMap[B](f: A => WriterT[F, W, B])(implicit F: Bind[F], s: Semigroup[W]): WriterT[F, W, B] =
      def flatMapF[B](f: A => F[(W, B)])(implicit F: Bind[F], s: Semigroup[W]): WriterT[F, W, B] =
        writerT(F.bind(run){wa =>
          val z = f(wa._2)
          F.map(z)(wb => (s.append(wa._1, wb._1), wb._2))

    以上的flatMapF函数把上一个运算的W与下一个运算的W用Monoid操作结合起来s.append(wa._1,wb._1)。Writer类型款式的一个特点就是这个(W,A)返回类型,就是把状态和运算值传入再同时返回。不过对状态的操作只能局限在Monoid操作。曾经提到过Writer还可以被理解成一种特别的状态维护,只是目标锁定在了Log的更新。那么真正意义的状态类型State Monad又是怎样的呢?我们先看看State是怎样定义的:scalaz/package.scala

      type StateT[F[_], S, A] = IndexedStateT[F, S, S, A]
      type IndexedState[-S1, S2, A] = IndexedStateT[Id, S1, S2, A]
      /** A state transition, representing a function `S => (S, A)`. */
      type State[S, A] = StateT[Id, S, A]


    trait IndexedStateT[F[_], -S1, S2, A] { self =>
      /** Run and return the final value and state in the context of `F` */
      def apply(initial: S1): F[(S2, A)]
      /** An alias for `apply` */
      def run(initial: S1): F[(S2, A)] = apply(initial)
      /** Calls `run` using `Monoid[S].zero` as the initial state */
      def runZero[S <: S1](implicit S: Monoid[S]): F[(S2, A)] =
      /** Run, discard the final state, and return the final value in the context of `F` */
      def eval(initial: S1)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[A] =
      /** Calls `eval` using `Monoid[S].zero` as the initial state */
      def evalZero[S <: S1](implicit F: Functor[F], S: Monoid[S]): F[A] =
      /** Run, discard the final value, and return the final state in the context of `F` */
      def exec(initial: S1)(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[S2] =
      /** Calls `exec` using `Monoid[S].zero` as the initial state */
      def execZero[S <: S1](implicit F: Functor[F], S: Monoid[S]): F[S2] =

    IndexedStateT的抽象函数是这个apply(initial:S1):F[(S2,A)],它的函数款式是:S1=>F[(S2,A)],意思是传入S1,把结果包在F里以F[(W,A)]返回。如果F[]=Id的话,那就是S1=>(S2,A)了。函数run就是apply,就是一种状态运算函数:传入状态S1,通过运算返回计算值A和新状态S2,并把结果包在F[(S2,A)]里。其它函数都是用来获取新的运算值或新状态的,如:eval返回F[A],exec返回F[S2]。值得注意的是这个F必须是Functor才行,因为我们必须用map才能在F[]内更新运算值或状态。当然,如果我们使用State类型的话,F就是Id,那么run=>(s,a),eval=>a,exec=>s。与Writer比较,State Monad通过一个状态运算函数功能要强大得多了,运用也要灵活许多。


     def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): IndexedStateT[F, S1, S2, B] = IndexedStateT(s => F.map(apply(s)) {
        case (s1, a) => (s1, f(a))
     def flatMap[S3, B](f: A => IndexedStateT[F, S2, S3, B])(implicit F: Bind[F]): IndexedStateT[F, S1, S3, B] = IndexedStateT(s => F.bind(apply(s)) {
        case (s1, a) => f(a)(s1)



    object IndexedStateT extends StateTInstances with StateTFunctions {
      def apply[F[_], S1, S2, A](f: S1 => F[(S2, A)]): IndexedStateT[F, S1, S2, A] = new IndexedStateT[F, S1, S2, A] {
        def apply(s: S1) = f(s)


    State Monad应该需要一套读写、传递状态的方法。这些方法可以在MonadState trait里找到:scalaz/MonadState.scala

    trait MonadState[F[_,_],S] extends Monad[({type f[x]=F[S,x]})#f] {
      def state[A](a: A): F[S, A] = bind(init)(s => point(a))
      def constantState[A](a: A, s: => S): F[S, A] = bind(put(s))(_ => point(a))
      def init: F[S, S]
      def get: F[S, S]
      def gets[A](f: S => A): F[S, A] = bind(init)(s => point(f(s)))
      def put(s: S): F[S, Unit]
      def modify(f: S => S): F[S, Unit] = bind(init)(s => put(f(s)))
    object MonadState {
      def apply[F[_,_],S](implicit F: MonadState[F, S]) = F

    MonadState是个抽象类型,因为它继承了Monad类但并没有实现Monad的抽象函数point和bind。所以这些状态维护函数必须在MonadState子类实例存在的情况下才能使用。这个情况在object MonadState里的apply函数的隐式参数F可以推断得出。IndexedStateT就是MonadState的子类,所以通过IndexedStateT的实例来施用状态运算函数是没用什么问题的。以下是这些操作函数的实现:

    private trait StateTMonadState[S, F[_]] extends MonadState[({type f[s, a] = StateT[F, s, a]})#f, S] {
      implicit def F: Monad[F]
      def bind[A, B](fa: StateT[F, S, A])(f: A => StateT[F, S, B]): StateT[F, S, B] = fa.flatMap(f)
      def point[A](a: => A): StateT[F, S, A] = {
        lazy val aa = a
        StateT(s => F.point(s, aa))
      def init: StateT[F, S, S] = StateT(s => F.point((s, s)))
      def get = init
      def put(s: S): StateT[F, S, Unit] = StateT(_ => F.point((s, ())))
      override def modify(f: S => S): StateT[F, S, Unit] = StateT(s => F.point((f(s), ())))
      override def gets[A](f: S => A): StateT[F, S, A] = StateT(s => F.point((s, f(s))))

    我们现在可以尝试一些简单的State Monad使用案例,先试着模仿一个数字堆栈(Integer Stack)操作:

    1   type Stack = List[Int]
    2   def pop: State[Stack, Int] = State { case h::t => (t,h) }
    3                                                   //> pop: => scalaz.State[Exercises.stateT.Stack,Int]
    4   def push(a: Int): State[Stack, Unit] = State { xs => (a :: xs, ()) }
    5                                                   //> push: (a: Int)scalaz.State[Exercises.stateT.Stack,Unit]


     1  val prg = for {
     2     _ <- push(1)
     3     _ <- push(2)
     4     _ <- push(3)
     5     a <- pop
     6     b <- get
     7     _ <- pop
     8     _ <- put(List(9))
     9   } yield b                                       //> prg  : scalaz.IndexedStateT[scalaz.Id.Id,Exercises.stateT.Stack,List[Int],E
    10                                                   //| xercises.stateT.Stack] = scalaz.IndexedStateT$$anon$10@72d1ad2e
    11   prg.run(List())                                 //> res2: scalaz.Id.Id[(List[Int], Exercises.stateT.Stack)] = (List(9),List(2, 
    12                                                   //| 1))

    prg只是一段功能描述,因为状态运算函数是个lambda: s => (s,a)。这里s是个未知数,它在for loop里逐层传递下去。运算结果需要通过运行run函数并提供初始状态值List()后才能获取,也就是说真正的运算是在运行run时才开始的。我们称run为程序prg的翻译器(interpreter),这是函数式编程的典型模式,这样可以把具体运算延到最后。


     1   val prg = for {
     2     _ <- push(1)
     3     _ <- push(2)
     4     _ <- push(3)
     5     a <- pop
     6     b <- get     //(s,s)
     7     c <- gets { s:Stack => s.length} //(s,s.length)
     8     _ <- pop
     9     _ <- put(List(9))  //(List(9),a)
    10     _ <- modify {s:Stack => s ++ List(10) } //(List(9,10),a)
    11   } yield c                                       //> prg  : scalaz.IndexedStateT[scalaz.Id.Id,Exercises.stateT.Stack,List[Int],I
    12                                                   //| nt] = scalaz.IndexedStateT$$anon$10@72d1ad2e
    13   prg.run(List())                                 //> res2: scalaz.Id.Id[(List[Int], Int)] = (List(9, 10),2)


    1 val prg1 = for {
    2     _ <- push(1)
    3     _ <- push(2)
    4     _ <- push(3)
    5     a <- pop
    6     b <- if (a == 3 ) put(List(1,2,3)) else put(List(2,3,4))
    7   } yield b                                       //> prg1  : scalaz.IndexedStateT[scalaz.Id.Id,Exercises.stateT.Stack,List[Int],
    8                                                   //| Unit] = scalaz.IndexedStateT$$anon$10@3349e9bb
    9   prg1.run(List())                                //> res4: scalaz.Id.Id[(List[Int], Unit)] = (List(1, 2, 3),())


    private trait StateTMonadStateMonadPlus[S, F[_]] extends StateTMonadState[S, F] with StateTHoist[S] with MonadPlus[({type λ[α] = StateT[F, S, α]})#λ] {
      implicit def F: MonadPlus[F]
      def empty[A]: StateT[F, S, A] = liftM[F, A](F.empty[A])
      def plus[A](a: StateT[F, S, A], b: => StateT[F, S, A]): StateT[F, S, A] = StateT(s => F.plus(a.run(s), b.run(s)))


      def liftM[G[_], A](ga: G[A])(implicit G: Monad[G]): StateT[G, S, A] =
        StateT(s => G.map(ga)(a => (s, a)))


    1  def incr: State[Int,Int] = State { s => (s+1,s)}//> incr: => scalaz.State[Int,Int]
    2   incr.replicateM(10).evalZero[Int]               //> res3: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)


      incr.replicateM(10000).runZero[Int]             //> java.lang.StackOverflowError

    啊!StackOverflowError。解决堆栈溢出其中一个方法是使用Trampoline结构,以heap换stack。Trampoline就是Free Monad的一个特殊案例,我们后面会详细介绍Free Monad。现在可以用lift把F[(S2,A)]升格成M[F[(S2,A)]]:

      def lift[M[_]: Applicative]: IndexedStateT[({type λ[α]=M[F[α]]})#λ, S1, S2, A] = new IndexedStateT[({type λ[α]=M[F[α]]})#λ, S1, S2, A] {
        def apply(initial: S1): M[F[(S2, A)]] = Applicative[M].point(self(initial))


    1  import scalaz.Free.Trampoline
    2   incr.lift[Trampoline].replicateM(10).evalZero[Int]
    3                                                   //> res4: scalaz.Free[Function0,List[Int]] = Gosub()


      import scalaz.Free.Trampoline
                                                      //> res4: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)


    1  def zipIndex[A](xs: List[A]): List[(A, Int)] =
    2     xs.foldLeft(State.state[Int,List[(A,Int)]](List()))(
    3        (acc, a) => for {
    4           xn <- acc
    5           n <- get[Int]
    6           _ <- put[Int](n+1)
    7      } yield (a,n) :: xn).evalZero.reverse        //> zipIndex: [A](xs: List[A])List[(A, Int)]
    9   zipIndex(1 |-> 5)                               //> res5: List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,0), (2,1), (3,2), (4,3), (5,4))


     1  def zipIndex[A](xs: List[A]): List[(A, Int)] =
     2     xs.foldLeft(State.state[Int,List[(A,Int)]](List()))(
     3        (acc, a) => for {
     4           xn <- acc
     5           n <- get[Int]
     6           _ <- put[Int](n+1)
     7      } yield (a,n) :: xn).lift[Trampoline].evalZero.run.reverse.take(10)
     8                                                   //> zipIndex: [A](xs: List[A])List[(A, Int)]
    10   zipIndex(1 |-> 1000)                            //> res5: List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,0), (2,1), (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,
    11                                                   //| 6), (8,7), (9,8), (10,9))

    看起来可以升格到Trampoline,但实际上还没有解决StackOverflowError问题。这个细节就留在后面我们讨论Free Monad时再研究吧。


    object StateTUsage extends App {
      import StateT._
      def f[M[_]: Functor] {
        Functor[({type l[a] = StateT[M, Int, a]})#l]
      def m[M[_]: Monad] {
        Applicative[({type l[a] = StateT[M, Int, a]})#l]
        Monad[({type l[a] = StateT[M, Int, a]})#l]
        MonadState[({type f[s, a] = StateT[M, s, a]})#f, Int]
      def state() {
        val state: State[String, Int] = State((x: String) => (x + 1, 0))
        val eval: Int = state.eval("")
        state.flatMap(_ => state)


     import Scalaz._
      import scala.language.higherKinds
      def f[M[_]: Functor] {
        Functor[({type l[a] = StateT[M, Int, a]})#l]
      }                                               //> f: [M[_]](implicit evidence$2: scalaz.Functor[M])Unit
      def m[M[_]: Monad] {
        Applicative[({type l[a] = StateT[M, Int, a]})#l]
        Monad[({type l[a] = StateT[M, Int, a]})#l]
        MonadState[({type f[s, a] = StateT[M, s, a]})#f, Int]
      }                                               //> m: [M[_]](implicit evidence$3: scalaz.Monad[M])Unit
      def state() {
        val state: State[String, Int] = State((x: String) => (x + 1, 0))
        val eval: Int = state.eval("")
        state.flatMap(_ => state)
      }                                               //> state: ()Unit

    全部返回Unit。我想它只是示范了如何取得一些type class的StateT实例吧。我们知道,获取了一些type class的StateT实例后就可以对StateT施用这些type class的方法函数了。下面是如何获取这些实例以及简单的type class函数引用:

     1 //Functor实例
     2  val fs = Functor[({type l[a] = StateT[List, Int, a]})#l]
     3                                                   //> fs  : scalaz.Functor[[a]scalaz.IndexedStateT[[+A]List[A],Int,Int,a]] = scala
     4                                                   //| z.StateTInstances1$$anon$1@12468a38
     5  State[Int,Int] {s => (s+1,s)}                    //> res0: scalaz.State[Int,Int] = scalaz.package$State$$anon$3@1aa7ecca
     6  val st = StateT[List, Int, Int](s => List((s,s)))//> st  : scalaz.StateT[List,Int,Int] = scalaz.package$StateT$$anon$1@6572421
     7  fs.map(st){a => a + 1}.run(0)                    //> res1: List[(Int, Int)] = List((0,1))
     8  //MonadState实例
     9  val ms = MonadState[({type f[s, a] = StateT[List, s, a]})#f, Int]
    10                                                   //> ms  : scalaz.MonadState[[s, a]scalaz.IndexedStateT[[+A]List[A],s,s,a],Int] =
    11                                                   //|  scalaz.StateTInstances1$$anon$1@3c19aaa5
    12  ms.state(1).run(0)                               //> res2: List[(Int, Int)] = List((0,1))
    13  //Monad实例
    14  val monad = Monad[({type l[a] = StateT[List, Int, a]})#l]
    15                                                   //> monad  : scalaz.Monad[[a]scalaz.IndexedStateT[[+A]List[A],Int,Int,a]] = scal
    16                                                   //| az.StateTInstances1$$anon$1@689604d9
    17  monad.bind(st){a => StateT(a1 => List((a1,a)))}.run(0)
    18  //Applicative实例                                  //> res3: List[(Int, Int)] = List((0,0))
    19  val ap = Applicative[({type l[a] = StateT[List, Int, a]})#l]
    20                                                   //> ap  : scalaz.Applicative[[a]scalaz.IndexedStateT[[+A]List[A],Int,Int,a]] = s
    21                                                   //| calaz.StateTInstances1$$anon$1@18078bef
    22  ap.point(0).run(0)                               //> res4: List[(Int, Int)] = List((0,0))


    1 // def state() {
    2  //构建一个State实例。每次它的状态会加个!符号
    3     val state: State[String, Int] = State((x: String) => (x + "!", 0))
    4                                                   //> state  : scalaz.State[String,Int] = scalaz.package$State$$anon$3@1e67b872
    5  //运算值不变
    6     val eval: Int = state.eval("")                //> eval  : Int = 0
    7  //连续两次运行状态运算函数。加两个!
    8     state.flatMap(_ => state).run("haha")         //> res0: scalaz.Id.Id[(String, Int)] = (haha!!,0)
    9  // }

    那么StateTUsage.scala里其它例子呢?又离不开什么List,Tree,ADT...,太脱离现实了。还是介绍些实际点的例子吧。最好能把在现实应用中如何选择使用State的思路过程示范一下。曾经看到过一个例子是这样的:查询一个网页的跟帖人信息;维护一个cache,存储5分钟内查过的信息;如果在cache里不存在就从数据库里读取,同时更新cache。我们用伪代码来示范。由于我们选择immutable cache,所以按FP惯用方式传入当前cache,返回新cache:

    trait Cache
    trait FollowerState
    def followerState(user: String, cache: Cache): (Cache, FollowerState) = {
        val (c1,ofs) = checkCache(user,cache)  //检查cache里有没有user资料
                                               //c1是新cache,更新了hit或miss count
        ofs match {  //在cache里找到否
            case Some(fs) => (c1,fs)  //找到就返回fs和新cache c1
            case None => retrieve(user,c1) //找不到就从数据库里重新读取
    //检查cache,更新cache hit/miss count
    def checkCache(user: String, cache: Cache): (Cache, Option[FollowerState]) = ...
    def retrieve(user: String, cache: Cache): (Cache, FollowerState) = ...

    这个cache不就是一种状态嘛。我们现在需要考虑怎么在上面的函数里使用State Monad来维护这个cache。我们先耍点手段,来点函数款式变形(transformation):

    def followerState(user: String, cache: Cache): (Cache, FollowerState) 
    def followerState(user: String)(cache: Cache): (Cache, FollowerState) 
    def followerState(user: String): Cache => (Cache, FollowerState)

    先用curry分开参数,再部分施用(partially apply)就形成了新的函数款式。其它两个函数也一样:

    def checkCache(user: String): Cache => (Cache, Option[FollowerState]) = ...
    def retrieve(user: String): Cache => (Cache, FollowerState) = ...


    def followerState(user: String): Cache => (Cache, FollowerState) = cache => {
        val (c1,ofs) = checkCache(user,cache)
        ofs match {
            case Some(fs) => (c1,fs)
            case None => retrieve(user,c1)


    def followerState(user: String): State[Cache,FollowerState] = State {
      cache => {
          val (c1,ofs) = checkCache(user,cache)
          ofs match {
              case Some(fs) => (c1,fs)
              case None => retrieve(user,c1)


    def checkCache(user: String): State[Cache,Option[FollowerState]] = ...
    def retrieve(user: String): State[Cache,FollowerState] = ...


    def followerState(user: String): State[Cache,FollowerState] = for {
        optfs <- checkCache(user)
        fs <- optfs match {
            case Some(fs) => State{ s => (s, fs) }
            case None => retrieve(user)
    } yield fs


    followerState("Johny Depp").eval(emptyCache)







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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tiger-xc/p/5038311.html
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