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  • Scalaz(55)- scalaz-stream: fs2-基础介绍,fs2 stream transformation

        fs2是scalaz-stream的最新版本,沿用了scalaz-stream被动式(pull model)数据流原理但采用了全新的实现方法。fs2比较scalaz-stream而言具备了:更精简的基础组件(combinator)、更安全的类型、资源使用(type safe, resource safety)、更高的运算效率。由于fs2基本沿用了scalaz-stream的原理,所以我们会在下面的讨论里着重介绍fs2的使用。根据fs2的官方文件,fs2具备了以下新的特点:

    1、完全不含任何外部依赖(third-party dependency)



    4、更精简的流转换组件(stream transformation primitives)

    5、增加了更多并行运算组件(concurrent primitives)




    • type Pipe[F,A,B] = Stream[F,A] => Stream[F,B]
    • type Pipe2[F,A,B,C] = (Stream[F,A], Stream[F,B]) => Stream[F,C]
    • Pipe 替代了 Channel 和 Process1 
    • Pipe2 替代了 Tee 和 Wye


    1 Stream()                       //> res0: fs2.Stream[Nothing,Nothing] = Segment(Emit(Chunk()))
    2 Stream(1,2,3)                  //> res1: fs2.Stream[Nothing,Int] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(1, 2, 3)))
    3 Stream.emit(4)                 //> res2: fs2.Stream[Nothing,Int] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(4)))
    4 Stream.emits(Seq(1,2,3))       //> res3: fs2.Stream[Nothing,Int] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(1, 2, 3)))

    Stream的类型款式是:Stream[F[_],A]。从上面的例子我们看到所有的F[_]都是Nothing,我们称这样的流为纯数据流(pure stream)。再值得注意的是每个流构建都形成了一个Chunk,代表一节元素。fs2增加了Chunk类型来提高数据元素处理效率。这是fs2的一项新功能。


    1 Stream.emits(Seq(1,2,3)).toList        //> res3: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
    2 Stream.emits(Seq(1,2,3)).toVector      //> res4: Vector[Int] = Vector(1, 2, 3)


     1 (Stream(1,2,3) ++ Stream(4,5)).toList             //> res5: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
     2 Stream(1,2,3).map { _ + 1}.toList                 //> res6: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4)
     3 Stream(1,2,3).filter { _ % 2 == 0}.toList         //> res7: List[Int] = List(2)
     4 Stream(1,2,3).fold(0)(_ + _).toList               //> res8: List[Int] = List(6)
     5 Stream(None,Some(1),Some(3),None).collect {
     6   case None => 0
     7   case Some(i) => i
     8 }.toList                                          //> res9: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 3, 0)
     9 Stream.range(1,5).intersperse(42).toList          //> res10: List[Int] = List(1, 42, 2, 42, 3, 42, 4)
    10 Stream(1,2,3).flatMap {x => Stream(x,x)}.toList   //> res11: List[Int] = List(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)
    11 Stream(1,2,3).repeat.take(5).toList               //> res12: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 1, 2)


    我们知道,纯数据流就是scalaz-stream里的Process1,即transducer,是负责对流进行状态转换的。在fs2里transducer就是Pipe(也是channel),我们一般用through来连接transducer。上面示范中的take,filter等都是transducer,我们可以在object pipe里找到这些函数:

     1 object pipe {
     2 ...
     3 /** Drop `n` elements of the input, then echo the rest. */
     4   def drop[F[_],I](n: Long): Stream[F,I] => Stream[F,I] =
     5     _ pull (h => Pull.drop(n)(h) flatMap Pull.echo)
     6 ...
     7 /** Emits `true` as soon as a matching element is received, else `false` if no input matches */
     8   def exists[F[_], I](p: I => Boolean): Stream[F, I] => Stream[F, Boolean] =
     9     _ pull { h => Pull.forall[F,I](!p(_))(h) flatMap { i => Pull.output1(!i) }}
    11   /** Emit only inputs which match the supplied predicate. */
    12   def filter[F[_], I](f: I => Boolean): Stream[F,I] => Stream[F,I] =
    13     mapChunks(_ filter f)
    15   /** Emits the first input (if any) which matches the supplied predicate, to the output of the returned `Pull` */
    16   def find[F[_],I](f: I => Boolean): Stream[F,I] => Stream[F,I] =
    17     _ pull { h => Pull.find(f)(h).flatMap { case o #: h => Pull.output1(o) }}
    20   /**
    21    * Folds all inputs using an initial value `z` and supplied binary operator,
    22    * and emits a single element stream.
    23    */
    24   def fold[F[_],I,O](z: O)(f: (O, I) => O): Stream[F,I] => Stream[F,O] =
    25     _ pull { h => Pull.fold(z)(f)(h).flatMap(Pull.output1) }
    26 ...
    27 /** Emits all elements of the input except the first one. */
    28   def tail[F[_],I]: Stream[F,I] => Stream[F,I] =
    29     drop(1)
    31   /** Emit the first `n` elements of the input `Handle` and return the new `Handle`. */
    32   def take[F[_],I](n: Long): Stream[F,I] => Stream[F,I] =
    33     _ pull Pull.take(n)
    34 ...


    1 Stream(1,2,3).repeat
    2   .throughPure(pipe.take(10))
    3   .throughPure(pipe.filter(_ % 2 == 0))
    4   .toList                                    //> res13: List[Int] = List(2, 2, 2)

    以上的throughPure等于是through + pure。Pure是没有任何作用的F[_],是专门为帮助compiler进行类型推导的类型。其实我们可以用pure先把纯数据流升格后再用through:

    1 Stream(1,2,3).repeat.pure
    2   .through(pipe.take(10))
    3   .through(pipe.filter(_ % 2 == 0))
    4   .toList                                         //> res14: List[Int] = List(2, 2, 2)

    这时compiler不再出错误信息了。在fs2 pipe对象里的函数通过方法注入或者类型继承变成了Stream的自身函数,所以我们也可以直接在Stream类型上使用这些transducer:

    1 Stream(1,2,3).repeat.take(10).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList
    2                                   //> res15: List[Int] = List(2, 2, 2)


    type Pipe[F[_],-I,+O] = Stream[F,I] => Stream[F,O]

    我们看到Pipe就是一个Function1的类型别名,一个lambda:提供一个Stream[F,I],返回Stream[F,O]。那么在fs2里是如何读取一个Stream[F,I]里的元素呢?我们前面提到是通过一个新的数据结构Pull来实现的,先来看看fs2是如何实现Stream >> Pull >> Stream转换的:

    1 val pll = Stream(1,2,3).pure.open    //> pll  : fs2.Pull[fs2.Pure,Nothing,fs2.Stream.Handle[fs2.Pure,Int]] = fs2.Pull
    2 de5031f
    3 val strm = pll.close                 //> strm  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Pure,Nothing] = evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<
    4 function1>))).flatMap(<function1>)


    class Pull[+F[_],+O,+R](private[fs2] val get: Free[P[F,O]#f,Option[Either[Throwable,R]]])


    implicit class HandleOps[+F[_],+A](h: Handle[F,A]) {
        def push[A2>:A](c: Chunk[A2])(implicit A2: RealSupertype[A,A2]): Handle[F,A2] =
          self.push(h: Handle[F,A2])(c)
        def push1[A2>:A](a: A2)(implicit A2: RealSupertype[A,A2]): Handle[F,A2] =
          self.push1(h: Handle[F,A2])(a)
        def #:[H](hd: H): Step[H, Handle[F,A]] = Step(hd, h)
        def await: Pull[F, Nothing, Step[Chunk[A], Handle[F,A]]] = self.await(h)
        def await1: Pull[F, Nothing, Step[A, Handle[F,A]]] = self.await1(h)
        def awaitNonempty: Pull[F, Nothing, Step[Chunk[A], Handle[F,A]]] = Pull.awaitNonempty(h)
        def echo1: Pull[F,A,Handle[F,A]] = Pull.echo1(h)
        def echoChunk: Pull[F,A,Handle[F,A]] = Pull.echoChunk(h)
        def peek: Pull[F, Nothing, Step[Chunk[A], Handle[F,A]]] = self.peek(h)
        def peek1: Pull[F, Nothing, Step[A, Handle[F,A]]] = self.peek1(h)
        def awaitAsync[F2[_],A2>:A](implicit S: Sub1[F,F2], F2: Async[F2], A2: RealSupertype[A,A2]):
          Pull[F2, Nothing, AsyncStep[F2,A2]] = self.awaitAsync(Sub1.substHandle(h))
        def await1Async[F2[_],A2>:A](implicit S: Sub1[F,F2], F2: Async[F2], A2: RealSupertype[A,A2]):
          Pull[F2, Nothing, AsyncStep1[F2,A2]] = self.await1Async(Sub1.substHandle(h))
        def covary[F2[_]](implicit S: Sub1[F,F2]): Handle[F2,A] = Sub1.substHandle(h)
      implicit class HandleInvariantEffectOps[F[_],+A](h: Handle[F,A]) {
        def invAwait1Async[A2>:A](implicit F: Async[F], A2: RealSupertype[A,A2]):
          Pull[F, Nothing, AsyncStep1[F,A2]] = self.await1Async(h)
        def invAwaitAsync[A2>:A](implicit F: Async[F], A2: RealSupertype[A,A2]):
          Pull[F, Nothing, AsyncStep[F,A2]] = self.awaitAsync(h)
        def receive1[O,B](f: Step[A,Handle[F,A]] => Pull[F,O,B]): Pull[F,O,B] = h.await1.flatMap(f)
        def receive[O,B](f: Step[Chunk[A],Handle[F,A]] => Pull[F,O,B]): Pull[F,O,B] = h.await.flatMap(f)


     1 import scala.language.higherKinds
     2 def myFilter[F[_],A](f: A => Boolean): Pipe[F, A, A] = {
     3   def go(h: Stream.Handle[F,A]): Pull[F,A,Unit] =  {
     4 //      h.receive1 {case Step(a,h) => if(f(a)) Pull.output1(a) >> go(h) else go(h)}
     5        h.await1.flatMap { case Step(a,h) => if(f(a)) Pull.output1(a) >> go(h) else go(h)}
     6   }
     7 //  sin => sin.open.flatMap {h => go(h)}.close
     8   sin => sin.pull(go _)
     9 }                                   //> myFilter: [F[_], A](f: A => Boolean)fs2.Pipe[F,A,A]
    11 Stream.range(0,10).pure.through(myFilter(_ % 2 == 0)).toList
    12                                      //> res17: List[Int] = List(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)

    我们从Pull里用await1或者receive1把一个Step数据结构从Handle里扯(pull)出来然后再output到Pull结构里。把这个Pull close后得到我们需要的Stream。我们把例子使用的类型及函数款式陈列在下面:

    type Pipe[F[_],-I,+O] = Stream[F,I] => Stream[F,O]
    def await1[F[_],I]: Handle[F,I] => Pull[F,Nothing,Step[I,Handle[F,I]]] = {...}
    def receive1[F[_],I,O,R](f: Step[I,Handle[F,I]] => Pull[F,O,R]): Handle[F,I] => Pull[F,O,R] =
    def pull[F[_],F2[_],A,B](s: Stream[F,A])(using: Handle[F,A] => Pull[F2,B,Any])(implicit S: Sub1[F,F2])
      : Stream[F2,B] =
        Pull.close { Sub1.substPull(open(s)) flatMap (h => Sub1.substPull(using(h))) }


    1 def myTake[F[_],A](n: Int): Pipe[F,A,A] = {
    2    def go(n: Int): Stream.Handle[F,A] => Pull[F,A,Unit] = h => {
    3       if (n <= 0) Pull.done
    4       else h.receive1 { case a #: h => Pull.output1(a).flatMap{_ => go(n-1)(h)}}
    5    }
    6    sin => sin.pull(go(n))
    7 }                                                 //> myTake: [F[_], A](n: Int)fs2.Pipe[F,A,A]
    8 Stream.range(0,10).pure.through(myTake(3)).toList //> res18: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 2)

    我们曾经提过fs2功能提升的其中一项是增加了节组(Chunk)数据类型和相关的操作函数。Chunk是fs2内部使用的一种集合,这样fs2就可以一节一节(by chunks)来处理数据了。Chunk本身具备了完整的集合函数:

     * Chunk represents a strict, in-memory sequence of `A` values.
    trait Chunk[+A] { self =>
      def size: Int
      def uncons: Option[(A, Chunk[A])] =
        if (size == 0) None
        else Some(apply(0) -> drop(1))
      def apply(i: Int): A
      def copyToArray[B >: A](xs: Array[B]): Unit
      def drop(n: Int): Chunk[A]
      def take(n: Int): Chunk[A]
      def filter(f: A => Boolean): Chunk[A]
      def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B,A) => B): B
      def foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (A,B) => B): B
      def indexWhere(p: A => Boolean): Option[Int] = {
        val index = iterator.indexWhere(p)
        if (index < 0) None else Some(index)
      def isEmpty = size == 0
      def toArray[B >: A: ClassTag]: Array[B] = {
        val arr = new Array[B](size)
      def toList = foldRight(Nil: List[A])(_ :: _)
      def toVector = foldLeft(Vector.empty[A])(_ :+ _)
      def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A,B]): Chunk[B] = {
        val buf = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[B](size)
      def map[B](f: A => B): Chunk[B] = {
        val buf = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[B](size)
      def mapAccumulate[S,B](s0: S)(f: (S,A) => (S,B)): (S,Chunk[B]) = {
        val buf = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[B](size)
        var s = s0
        for { c <- iterator } {
          val (newS, newC) = f(s, c)
          buf += newC
          s = newS
        (s, Chunk.indexedSeq(buf))
      def scanLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): Chunk[B] = {
        val buf = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[B](size + 1)
      def iterator: Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A] {
        var i = 0
        def hasNext = i < self.size
        def next = { val result = apply(i); i += 1; result }


    1 (Stream(1,2) ++ Stream(3,4,5) ++ Stream(6,7)).chunks.toList
    2     //> res16: List[fs2.Chunk[Int]] = List(Chunk(1, 2), Chunk(3, 4, 5), Chunk(6, 7))


     1 def myTakeC[F[_],A](n: Int): Pipe[F,A,A] = {
     2   def go(n: Int): Stream.Handle[F,A] => Pull[F,A,Unit] = h => {
     3      if ( n <= 0 ) Pull.done
     4      else Pull.awaitLimit(n)(h).flatMap {case Step(chunk,h) =>
     5        if (chunk.size <= n) Pull.output(chunk) >> go(n-chunk.size)(h)
     6        else Pull.output(chunk.take(n)) }
     7   }
     8   sin => sin.pull(go(n))
     9 }                       //> myTakeC: [F[_], A](n: Int)fs2.Pipe[F,A,A]
    10 val s1 = (Stream(1,2) ++ Stream(3,4,5) ++ Stream(6,7))
    11                        //> s1  : fs2.Stream[Nothing,Int] = append(append(Segment(Emit(Chunk(1, 2))), S
    12 egment(Emit(Chunk(()))).flatMap(<function1>)), Segment(Emit(Chunk(()))).fla
    13 tMap(<function1>))
    14 s1.pure.through(myTake(4)).chunks.toList  //> res20: List[fs2.Chunk[Int]] = List(Chunk(1), Chunk(2), Chunk(3), Chunk(4))
    15 s1.pure.through(myTakeC(4)).chunks.toList //> res21: List[fs2.Chunk[Int]] = List(Chunk(1, 2), Chunk(3, 4))



    1 val s2 = Stream.emits(Seq(1,2,3)).covary[Task]    //> s2  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Int] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(1, 2, 3)))


    1 val s2 = Stream.emits(Seq(1,2,3)).covary[Task]    //> s2  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Int] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(1, 2, 3)))
    2 val t2 = s2.runLog                                //> t2  : fs2.Task[Vector[Int]] = Task
    3 t2.unsafeRun                                      //> res22: Vector[Int] = Vector(1, 2, 3)


    1 s3.through(myFilter(_ % 2 == 0)).through(myTake(3)).runLog.unsafeRun
    2                                                   //> res23: Vector[Int] = Vector(2, 2, 2)


     1 def stdOut: Sink[Task,String]  =
     2   _.evalMap { x => Task.delay{ println(s"milli: $x")}}
     3                                                   //> stdOut: => fs2.Sink[fs2.Task,String]
     4 Stream.repeatEval(Task.delay{System.currentTimeMillis})
     5   .map(_.toString)
     6   .through(myTake(3))
     7   .to(stdOut)
     8   .run.unsafeRun                                  //> milli: 1472001934708
     9                                                   //| milli: 1472001934714
    10                                                   //| milli: 1472001934714
















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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tiger-xc/p/5801747.html
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