刚完成了9月份深圳scala-meetup,趁刮台风有空,把我在meetup里的分享在这里发表一下。我这次的分享主要分三个主题:“Monadic编程风格“、”Future vs Task and ReaderMonad应用方法“及”using heterogeneous monads in for-comprehension with MonadTransformer“。这篇想先介绍一下Monadic编程风格。
Monadic编程就是用Monad来编程,它的形式是:F[G],F是个Monad,然后G是具体的运算,G就是我们习惯的运算表达式如1+1、update('a','new content')等等,可能会产生副作用的,比如输入输出,更改数据等。形象点描述:如果我们把F[_]当作是一个管道,那么Monadic编程模式就像是在F这个管道里组装连接一些可能产生副作用的运算表达式。实际上真正产生运算结果的是管道内部的这些运算表达式。这是疯了吗?我们为什么不直接按序运算这些表达式来获取结果呢?我们先听听下面的分析:
行令编程模式(imperative programming)
def au(t:T): T async update with result
val t2 = au(t1)
val t3 = au(t2)
val t4 = au(t2 + t3) t4 = ???
monadic programming : program with monads
val fp3 = F[p1] ⊕ F[p1] ⊕ F[p1] = F[p1+p2+p3]
1、延迟运算 :val res = fp3.run
2、按序运算 :flatMap{a => flatMap{b => flatMap{c =>…
我们看到:所谓的Monadic编程就是在F[_]管道内运算式p1,p2,p3的连接。这样做可以达到延迟运算和按序运算两个主要目的。延迟运算可以让我们完成对所有运算表达式的组合再一次性进行完整的运算。按序运算可以保证运算是按照编程人员的意图进行的,这里的flatMap是一种函数链,运算得到a后再运算b,得到b后再继续运算c 。。。
case class Tube[A](run: A) {
def map[B](f: A => B): Tube[B] = Tube(f(run))
def flatMap[B](f: A => Tube[B]): Tube[B] = f(run)
val value: Tube[Int] = Tube(10)
def add(a: Int, b: Int): Tube[Int] = Tube(a+b)
val f = for {
a <- value
b <- add(a , 3)
c <- add(a,b)
} yield c
println(f) //Tube(23)
println(f.run) //23
val value: Option[Int] = Some(10)
def add(a: Int, b: Int): Option[Int] = Some(a+b)
val p = for {
a <- value
b <- add(a, 3)
_ <- None
c <- add(a,b)
} yield a
println(p) //None
val value: Either[String,Int] = Right(10)
def add(a: Int, b: Int): Either[String,Int] = Right(a+b)
val p = for {
a <- value
b <- add(a, 3)
_ <- Left("oh no ...")
c <- add(a,b)
} yield c
println(p) //oh no ...
class KVStore[K,V] {
private val s = new ConcurrentHashMap[K,V]()
def create(k: K, v: V): Future[Boolean] = Future.successful(s.putIfAbsent(k,v) == null)
def read(k: K): Future[Option[V]] = Future.successful(Option(s.get(k)))
def update(k: K, v: V): Future[Unit] = Future.successful(s.put(k,v))
def delete(k: K): Future[Boolean] = Future.successful(s.remove(k) == null)
对KVStore的操作函数都采用了Future作为结果类型,这样可以实现non-blocking操作。Future是个Monad(虽然它不是一种纯函数impure function, 这个我们后面再解释),所以我们可以用for-comprehension来编程,如下:
type FoodName = String
type Quantity = Int
type FoodStore = KVStore[String,Int]
def addFood(food: FoodName, qty: Quantity )(implicit fs: FoodStore): Future[Unit] = for {
current <- fs.read(food)
newQty = current.map(cq => cq + qty ).getOrElse(qty)
_ <- fs.update(food, newQty)
} yield ()
def takeFood(food: FoodName, qty: Quantity)(implicit fs: FoodStore): Future[Quantity] = for {
current <- fs.read(food)
instock = current.getOrElse(0)
taken = Math.min(instock,qty)
left = instock - taken
_ <- if (left > 0) fs.update(food,left) else fs.delete(food)
} yield taken
def cookSauce(qty: Quantity)(get: (FoodName,Quantity) => Future[Quantity],
put:(FoodName,Quantity) => Future[Unit]): Future[Quantity] = for {
tomato <- get("Tomato",qty)
veggie <- get("Veggie",qty)
garlic <- get("Garlic", qty * 3)
sauceQ = tomato / 2 + veggie * 3 / 2
_ <- put("Sauce",sauceQ)
} yield sauceQ
def cookMeals(qty: Quantity)(get: (FoodName,Quantity) => Future[Quantity],
put: (FoodName,Quantity) => Future[Unit]): Future[Quantity] =
for {
pasta <- get("Pasta", qty)
sauce <- get("Sauce", qty)
_ <- get("Spice",10)
meals = Math.min(pasta,sauce)
_ <- put("Meal", meals)
} yield meals
implicit val refrigerator = new FoodStore
val shopping: Future[Unit] = for {
_ <- addFood("Tomato", 10)
_ <- addFood("Veggie", 15)
_ <- addFood("Garlic", 42)
_ <- addFood("Spice", 100)
_ <- addFood("Pasta", 6)
} yield ()
val cooking: Future[Quantity] = for {
_ <- shopping
sauce <- cookSauce(10)(takeFood(_,_),addFood(_,_))
meals <- cookMeals(10)(takeFood(_,_),addFood(_,_))
} yield (meals)
val todaysMeals = Await.result(cooking,3 seconds)
println(s"we have $todaysMeals pasta meals for the day.")
最后组合成这个cooking monad, 然后一次性Await.result(cooking...)获取最终结果。通过上面这个例子我们可以得到这么一种对Monadic编程风格的感觉,就是:用for-comprehension来组合,组合、再组合,然后run(Await.result)获取结果。