Extracting the Package Contents
Installing SAP HANA APL Using the Command Line
--SAP HANA 1.0 SP12 revision 122.04 and SAP HANA 2.0 and onwards:
./hdblcm --action=update_components --component_dirs=<Extracted_APL_folder_path>/installer --SAP HANA 1.0 SP12 revision 122.07: ./hdblcm --action=update --component_dirs=<Extracted_APL_folder_path>/installer
Upgrading SAP HANA APL
- Stopping the SAP HANA database
- Installing SAP HANA APL
- Restarting the SAP HANA database
- Deploying the delivery unit
Note Use the resident lifecycle management tool of SAP HANA hdblcm or hdblcmgui. Purge the cache after reinstallation or upgrade.
Purging the Cache
call "SAP_PA_APL"."sap.pa.apl.base::CLEANUP"(1,?);
Checking the Installation
Run the following SQL statements to check that the tables contain SAP HANA APL entries.
-- check that APL functions are there select * from "SYS"."AFL_AREAS"; select * from "SYS"."AFL_PACKAGES"; select * from "SYS"."AFL_FUNCTIONS" where AREA_NAME='APL_AREA'; select "F"."SCHEMA_NAME", "A"."AREA_NAME", "F"."FUNCTION_NAME", "F"."NO_INPUT_PARAMS", "F"."NO_OUTPUT_PARAMS", "F"."FUNCTION_TYPE", "F"."BUSINESS_CATEGORY_NAME" from "SYS"."AFL_FUNCTIONS_" F,"SYS"."AFL_AREAS" A where "A"."AREA_NAME"='APL_AREA' and "A"."AREA_OID" = "F"."AREA_OID"; select * from "SYS"."AFL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS" where AREA_NAME='APL_AREA';
refer to https://help.sap.com/viewer/7223667230cb471ea916200712a9c682/1909/en-US/7fa8b3b2ef70404480dac49753d7b179.html