Your intuition would tell you that there's a O(n) solution. Actually it is another stack-based problem to solve.
class Solution { public: struct Rec { Rec(char _c, int _inx) : c(_c), inx(_inx) {} char c; int inx; }; int longestValidParentheses(string s) { int len = s.length(); if (len <= 1) return false; // Init vector<int> rec; rec.resize(len); std::fill(rec.begin(), rec.end(), 0); // 1st pass - mark stack<Rec> stk; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = s[i]; if (c == '(') { stk.push(Rec('(', i)); } else { if (stk.empty()) stk.push(Rec(')', i)); else { Rec &top =; if (top.c == ')') { stk.push(Rec(')', i)); } else { rec[top.inx] = i - top.inx + 1; for (int i = top.inx + 1; i < top.inx + rec[top.inx]; i++) { rec[i] == 0; } stk.pop(); } } } }// for // 2nd - calc int max = 0; int j = 0; while (j < len) { int curr = 0; if (rec[j] > 0) { while (rec[j] > 0) { curr += rec[j]; j += rec[j]; if (j >= len) break; } max = std::max(max, curr); } else { j ++; } } return max; } };