// **Day5
// **array / dictionary
//let colors = ["redColors":(red:93,green:138,blue:168),
// "Gam44444":(red:98,green:111,blue:13),
// "Aboutblue":(red:111,green:1,blue:122),
// "Aboutblue2":(red:111,green:1,blue:12),
// "Aboutblue3":(red:211,green:1,blue:122),
// "Aboutblue1":(red:111,green:11,blue:22)
// ]
//var bgview = UIView(frame:CGRectMake(0.0,0.0,320.0,CGFloat(colors.count * 50)))
//bgview.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
//var index = 0;
//for(coloName,rgbType) in colors
// var colorStripe = UILabel(frame:CGRectMake(0.0,CGFloat(colors.count*50+5),320.0,50))
// colorStripe.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: CGFloat(rgbType.red)/255.0,green:CGFloat(rgbType.green)/255.0,blue:CGFloat(rgbType.blue)/255.0,alpha:1.0)
// colorStripe.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
// colorStripe.text = coloName + "111111"
// colorStripe.textColor = UIColor.redColor()
// bgview.didAddSubview(colorStripe)
//for i in -99...99
// i*i
//let arr = ["HEllo","world","lst"]
//for c in arr
// print(c)
//let dic = ["int":1,"inta":2,"int3":3]
//for item in dic
// print("item (item)")
//for (index,item) in dic
// print("(index): (item)")
//let base = 2
//let sque = 10
//var result = 1
//for i in 1...sque
// result *= base
//for var i = -100; i <= 100 ; i += 1
// print("i")
// i*i
//for var i = -0.6 ; i <= 6.6 ; i += 0.2
// sin(i)
// cos(i)
// tan(i)
//let number = arc4random()%10
//print("number :(number)")
//var rating = "z"
//switch rating
//case "a","A":
// print("it 's A")
//case "B","b":
// print("it's B")
// print("it's other word: (rating)")
//let coordinate = (3.0,2.1)
//switch coordinate
//case (_,5...6):
// print("it's conditional A")
//case (1...1.1,-2...2):
// print("it's B")
//case let (s,a) where s==a:
// print("a isEqual b")
//case let(a,b) where a != b:
// print("it's u")
// print("no")
//let courseInfo = ("3-3","一凡要变聪明点哦")
//let astr = "3-3"
//switch courseInfo
//case (let infoName,let courseName) where infoName.hasPrefix("13") || courseName.hasSuffix("点哦"):
// print("A")
//case (_,let name) where name.hasSuffix("点哦"):
// print("B")
// print("other")
//if you use switch to judge the workStatus , it must contains all the condition