WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS.Release_Status can have any of the below valid values
SELECT lookup_type, lookup_code, meaning, description FROM fnd_lookup_values WHERE lookup_type = 'PICK_STATUS' AND LANGUAGE = 'US';
PICK_STATUS | B | Backordered | Line failed to be allocated in Inventory |
PICK_STATUS | C | Shipped | Line has been shipped |
PICK_STATUS | D | Cancelled | Line is Cancelled |
PICK_STATUS | E | Replenishment Requested | Line has been replenishment requested |
PICK_STATUS | F | Replenishment Completed | Line has been replenishment completed |
PICK_STATUS | I | Interfaced | Line has been shipped and interfaced to Order Management and Inventory |
PICK_STATUS | K | Planned for Crossdocking | Line has been Planned for X-dock |
PICK_STATUS | L | Closed | Line has been Received |
PICK_STATUS | N | Not Ready to Release | Line is not ready to be released |
PICK_STATUS | P | Purged | Line has been purged from source system |
PICK_STATUS | R | Ready to Release | Line is ready to be released |
PICK_STATUS | S | Released to Warehouse | Line has been released to Inventory for processing |
PICK_STATUS | X | Not Applicable | Line is not applicable for Pick Release |
PICK_STATUS | Y | Staged/Pick Confirmed | Line has been picked and staged by Inventory |
WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES.status_code column values
SELECT lookup_type, lookup_code, meaning, description FROM fnd_lookup_values WHERE lookup_type = 'TRIP_STATUS' AND LANGUAGE = 'US';
TRIP_STATUS CL Closed Trip has completed
TRIP_STATUS IT In-Transit Trip is in-transit and has begun
TRIP_STATUS OP Open Trip is Open and has not begun