The Winner is always part of the answer; (贏家是答案的一部分)
The Loser is always part of the problem. (輸家是問題的一部分)
The Winner always has a program; (贏家總有計畫)
The Loser always has an excuse. (輸家總有藉口)
The Winner says,"Let me do it for you; (贏家說:我來幫你做)
The Loser says;" That is not my job." (輸家說:這不關我的事)
The Winner sees an answer for every problem; (贏家看到每個問題的答案)
The Loser sees a problem for every answer. (輸家看到每個答案的問題)
The Winner says," It may be difficult but it is possible"; (贏家說:這雖難,但還是有可能)
The Loser says,"It may be possible but it is too difficult." (輸家說:這雖有可能,但…還是很難!)
When a Winner makes a mistake,he says," I was wrong"; (贏家犯錯時會說:我錯了)
When a Loser makes a mistake, he says," It wasn't my fault." (輸家犯錯時會說:不是我的錯)
A Winner makes commitments; (贏家用行動承擔責任)
A Loser makes promises. (輸家只會口頭承諾)
Winners have dreams; (贏家有夢想)
Loser have schemes. (輸家有算計)
Winners say," I must do something"; (贏家說:我一定要做些事)
Losers say,"Something must be done." (輸家說:有些事情應該有人去做)
Winners are a part of the team; (贏家是團隊中的一份子)
Losers are apart from the team. (輸家是團隊外的一部份)
Winners see the gain; (贏家重視努力)
Losers see the pain. (輸家只看痛苦)
Winners see possibilities; (贏家看到可能)
Losers see problems. (輸家看到問題)
Winners believe in win/win; Losers believe for them to win someone has to lose. (贏家相信雙贏,輸家希望自己不要吃虧)
Winners see the potential; (贏家看到未來)
Losers see the past. (輸家回憶過去)
Winners are like a thermostat; (贏家像溫度調節器)
Losers are like thermometers. (輸家像溫度計)
Winners choose what they say; (贏家選擇說什麼)
Losers say what they choose. (輸家說他們選擇的)
Winners use hard arguments but soft words; (贏家為困難爭論, 但言語柔和)
Losers use soft arguments but hard words. (輸家因困難軟弱, 但言語剛烈)
Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things; (贏家為價值剛強,但為虛浮表像可以妥協)
Losers stand firm on petty things but compromise on values. (輸家堅持在虛浮表像,卻對價值可以妥協)
Winners follow the philosophy of empathy: "Don't do to others what you would not want them to do to you"; (贏家有同理心,己所不欲,勿施於人)
Losers follow the philosophy, "Do it to others before they do it to you." (輸家認為要在別人害你之前,先害他)
Winners make it happen; (贏家讓事情辦到)
Losers let it happen. (輸家等事情發生)