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  • ITPUB: Newkid的两个NULL与索引的小技巧


    CREATE INDEX my_index ON my_table(my_column,0);

    后面这个零就是加入的伪列。这样以后在有 my_column IS NULL 的条件就可以利用索引了(当然最终使用与否还得由CBO决定)。

    2.不想索引的行,即使不是NULL, 也可用函数把它剔除。
      假设有status_id列,里面有0:未处理,1:已处理 两种状态,我们关心的仅仅是0的行,处理完就会改成1. 这样表中0的行仅仅是少数,大部分是1的行,数据量多了BTREE索引的维护就有开销。
      CREATE INDEX my_index ON my_table(DECODE(status_id,0,0));
      它只对0行数据进行索引。当你要取未处理数据时,SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE DECODE(status_id,0,0)=0 就可以高效利用索引。

    TOM的9i 10g 编程艺术:

    11.4.3 只对部分行建立索引
    基于函数的索引除了对使用内置函数(如UPPER、LOWER 等)的查询显然有帮助之外,还可以用来有
    选择地只是对表中的某些行建立索引。稍后会讨论,B*树索引对于完成为NULL 的键没有相应的条目。也就
    是说,如果在表T 上有一个索引I:
    Create index I on t(a,b);

    而且行中A 和B 都为NULL,索引结构中就没有相应的条目。如果只对表中的某些行建立索引,这就
    考虑有一个很大的表,其中有一个NOT NULL 列,名为PROCESSED_FLAG,它有两个可取值:Y 或N,
    来指示已处理。我们可能想对这个列建立索引,从而能快速地获取值为N 的记录,但是这里有数百万行,
    而且几乎所有行的值都为Y。所得到的B*树索引将会很大,如果我们把值从N 更新为Y,维护这样一个大
    改。如果考虑到这个表中会不断地将N 更新为Y,那位图就更不合适了,根本不应考虑,因为这个过程会
    所以,我们真正想做的是,只对感兴趣的记录建立索引(即该列值为N 的记录)。我们会介绍如何利
    前面“环境设置”一节中描述的标准BIG_TABLE 脚本,下面更新TEMPORARY 列,在此将Y 变成N,以及N
    ops$tkyte@ORA10G> update big_table set temporary = decode(temporary,'N','Y','N');
    1000000 rows updated.
    现在检查Y 与N 地比例:
    ops$tkyte@ORA10G> select temporary, cnt,
    2 round( (ratio_to_report(cnt) over ()) * 100, 2 ) rtr
    3 from (
    4 select temporary, count(*) cnt
    5 from big_table
    6 group by temporary
    7 )
    8 /
    - ---------- ----------
    N 1779 .11.
    Y 998221 99.82

    可以看到,在表的11.000,000 条记录中,只有0.2%的数据应当加索引。如果在TEMPORARY 列上使用
    传统索引(相对于这个例子中PROCESSED_FLAG 列的角色),会发现这个索引有11.000,000 个条目,占用了
    超过14MB 的空间,其高度为3:

    ops$tkyte@ORA10G> create index processed_flag_idx
    2 on big_table(temporary);
    Index created.
    ops$tkyte@ORA10G> analyze index processed_flag_idx
    2 validate structure;
    Index analyzed.
    ops$tkyte@ORA10G> select name, btree_space, lf_rows, height
    2 from index_stats;
    ------------------------------ ----------- ----------
    PROCESSED_FLAG_IDX 14528892 1000000 3

    通过这个索引获取任何数据都会带来3 个I/O 才能达到叶子块。这个索引不仅很“宽”,还很“高”。
    要得到第一个未处理的记录,必须至少执行4 个I/O(其中3 个是对索引的I/O,另外一个是对表的I/O)。
    对想加索引的行则返回一个非NULL 值。例如,由于我们只对列值为N 的记录感兴趣,所以只对这些记录加
    ops$tkyte@ORA10G> drop index processed_flag_idx;
    Index dropped.
    ops$tkyte@ORA10G> create index processed_flag_idx
    2 on big_table( case temporary when 'N' then 'N' end );
    Index created.
    ops$tkyte@ORA10G> analyze index processed_flag_idx
    2 validate structure;
    Index analyzed.
    ops$tkyte@ORA10G> select name, btree_space, lf_rows, height
    2 from index_stats;

    ------------------------------ ----------- ----------
    PROCESSED_FLAG_IDX 40012 1779 2


    Indexing Only Some of the Rows
    In addition to transparently helping out queries that use built-in functions like UPPER, LOWER, and so on,
    function-based indexes can be used to selectively index only some of the rows in a table. As we’ll discuss
    a little later, B*Tree indexes do not contain entries for entirely NULL keys. That is, if you have an index I
    on a table T
    Create index I on t(a,b);
    and you have a row where A and B are both NULL, there will be no entry in the index structure. This
    comes in handy when you are indexing just some of the rows in a table.
    Consider a large table with a NOT NULL column called PROCESSED_FLAG that may take one of two
    values, Y or N, with a default value of N. New rows are added with a value of N to signify not processed, and
    as they are processed, they are updated to Y to signify processed. We would like to index this column to
    be able to retrieve the N records rapidly, but there are millions of rows and almost all of them are going to
    have a value of Y. The resulting B*Tree index will be large, and the cost of maintaining it as we update
    from N to Y will be high. This table sounds like a candidate for a bitmap index (this is low cardinality, after
    all!), but this is a transactional system and lots of people will be inserting records at the same time with
    the processed column set to N and, as we discussed earlier, bitmaps are not good for concurrent
    modifications. When we factor in the constant updating of N to Y in this table as well, then bitmaps
    would be out of the question, as this process would serialize entirely.
    So, what we would really like is to index only the records of interest (the N records). We’ll see how to
    do this with function-based indexes, but before we do, let’s see what happens if we just use a regular
    index. Using the standard BIG_TABLE script described in the setup section, we’ll update the TEMPORARY
    column, flipping the Ys to Ns and the Ns to Ys
    ops$tkyte@ORA11GR2> update big_table set temporary = decode(temporary,'N','Y','N');
    1000000 rows updated.
    and we’ll check out the ratio of Ys to Ns
    ops$tkyte@ORA11GR2> select temporary, cnt,
    2 round( (ratio_to_report(cnt) over ()) * 100, 2 ) rtr
    3 from (
    4 select temporary, count(*) cnt
    5 from big_table
    6 group by temporary
    7 )
    8 /
    - ---------- ----------
    N 1779 .18
    Y 998221 99.82
    As we can see, of the 1,000,000 records in the table, only about one-fifth of 1 percent of the data
    should be indexed. If we use a conventional index on the TEMPORARY column (which is playing the role of
    the PROCESSED_FLAG column in this example), we would discover that the index has 1,000,000 entries,
    consumes almost 14MB of space, and has a height of 3:
    ops$tkyte@ORA11GR2> create index processed_flag_idx
    2 on big_table(temporary);
    Index created.
    ops$tkyte@ORA11GR2> analyze index processed_flag_idx
    2 validate structure;
    Index analyzed.
    ops$tkyte@ORA11GR2> select name, btree_space, lf_rows, height
    2 from index_stats;
    ------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ----------
    PROCESSED_FLAG_IDX 14528892 1000000 3
    Any retrieval via this index would incur three I/Os to get to the leaf blocks. This index is not only
    wide, but also tall. To get the first unprocessed record, we will have to perform at least four I/Os (three
    against the index and one against the table).
    How can we change all of this? We need to make it so the index is much smaller and easier to
    maintain (with less runtime overhead during the updates). Enter the function-based index, which
    allows us to simply write a function that returns NULL when we don’t want to index a given row and
    returns a non-NULL value when we do. For example, since we are interested just in the N records, let’s
    index just those:
    ops$tkyte@ORA11GR2> drop index processed_flag_idx;
    Index dropped.
    ops$tkyte@ORA11GR2> create index processed_flag_idx
    2 on big_table( case temporary when 'N' then 'N' end );
    Index created.
    ops$tkyte@ORA11GR2> analyze index processed_flag_idx
    2 validate structure;
    Index analyzed.
    ops$tkyte@ORA11GR2> select name, btree_space, lf_rows, height
    2 from index_stats;
    ------------------------------ ----------- ---------- ----------
    PROCESSED_FLAG_IDX 40012 1779 2
    That is quite a difference—the index is some 40KB, not 14MB. The height has decreased as well. If
    we use this index, we’ll perform one less I/O than we would using the previous taller index.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tracy/p/2061132.html
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