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  • Python Cookbook 3.1. Calculating Yesterday and Tomorrow

    Credit: Andrea Cavalcanti



    You want to get today's date, then calculate yesterday's or tomorrow's.




    Whenever you have to deal with a "change" or "difference" in time, think timedelta:




    This recipe's Problem has been a fairly frequent question on Python mailing lists since the datetime module arrived. When first confronted with this task, it's quite common for people to try to code it as yesterday = today - 1, which gives a TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.date' and 'int'.

    这个配方中的问题在Python的邮件列表中经常被提到.很多人在首次面对这个问题时总是试图去编写这样的代码,yesterday = today - 1,Python对这样的代码将会给出TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.date' and 'int'.

    Some people have called this a bug, implying that Python should guess what they mean. However, one of the guiding principles that gives Python its simplicity and power is: "in the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess." Trying to guess would clutter datetime with heuristics meant to guess that you "really meant 1 day", rather than 1 second (which timedelta also supports), or 1 year.


    Rather than trying to guess what you mean, Python, as usual, expects you to make your meaning explicit. If you want to subtract a time difference of one day, you code that explicitly. If, instead, you want to add a time difference of one second, you can use timedelta with a datetime.datetime object, and then you code the operation using exactly the same syntax. This way, for each task you might want to perform, there's only one obvious way of doing it. This approach also allows a fair amount of flexibility, without added complexity. Consider the following interactive snippet:

    Python通常希望你更精确地表达你的意思而不是去猜测你的意思.如果你想减去一天的时间,你要对其进行准确的编码.如果你想减去一秒的时间,你可以使用datetime.datetime对象的timedelta 方法,然后使用同样的语法来完成这个运算.这样,对每个任务,你只有唯一的方法来完成它.这种途径也在不增加复杂性的前提下尽量保证了灵活性.考虑如下的交互片段:


    Keep in mind that, if you want fancier control over date and time arithmetic, third-party packages, such as dateutil (which works together with the built-in datetime) and the classic mx.DateTime, are available. For example:


    1from dateutil import relativedelta 
    2nextweek = today + relativedelta.relativedelta(weeks=1)
    3print nextweek
    4#emits: 2004-11-25

    However, "always do the simplest thing that can possibly work." For simple, straightforward tasks such as the ones in this recipe, datetime.timedelta works just fine.

    但是要记住"在能完成工作的前提下,始终做最简单的事".如在这个配方中的简单任务,datetime.timedelta 就能很好的完成.

    See Also


    dateutil documentation at https://moin.conectiva.com.br/DateUtil?action=highlight&value= DateUtil, and datetime documentation in the Library Reference. mx.DateTime can be found at http://www.egenix.com/files/python/mxDateTime.html

    dateutil的文档在https://moin.conectiva.com.br/DateUtil?action=highlight&value= DateUtil,datetime 的文档能在库参考中找到. mx.DateTime的文档在 http://www.egenix.com/files/python/mxDateTime.html.

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