Seminar Schedule (C2017 | 2019.9-12 | 3rd semester S0500783)
- Time: Friday, 16:10-17:40 +
- Venue: 3-501 +
Administrative Issues
Paper Reading Session usually lasts 50 minutes. Each group is expected to recommend one member to do the presentation and the paper should be selected from top-conferences held in 2019, such as CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NIPS, ICML, ICLR, etc.
Project Discussion Session usually lasts 40 minutes and each group is allocated 10 minutes. Group leader is expected to report the progress and the problems encounted.
Individual face-to-face meeting
16:00-17:00 (Mon. 3-501 *Tentative)
If you would like to have an individual meeting with me, please make an appointment at an early time. You are always welcome.
Group Arrangement
G1: Object detection/localization
G2: Tracking
G3: Summarization
G4: Action/Event Analysis
W1) 9. 6 Holiday Summary & Semester Plan
W2) 9.13 Paper Reading - G1
W3) 9.20 Paper Reading - G2 + Project Discussion
W4) 9.27 Paper Reading - G3
W5) 10. 4 Holiday
W6) 10.11 Paper Reading - G4
W7) 10.18 Paper Reading - G1 + Project Discussion
W8) 10.25 Paper Reading - G2
W9) 11.1 Midterm project report <slides + in-progress demo>
W10) 11. 8 Paper Reading - G3
W11) 11.15 Paper Reading - G4 + Project Discussion
W12) 11.22 Paper Reading - G1
W13) 11.29 Paper Reading - G2
W14) 12. 6 Paper Reading - G3 + Project Discussion
W15) 12.13 Paper Reading - G4 + Proposal Plan
W16) 12.20 Proposal Discussion
W17) 12.27 Final project report <slides + demo code + pdf report>
- Slides in English, report/speak in Chinese or English