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  • 吴裕雄--天生自然轻量级JAVA EE企业应用开发Struts2Sping4Hibernate整合开发学习笔记:Spring_lifecycle-destroy

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?>
    <project name="spring" basedir="." default="">
        <property name="src" value="src"/>
        <property name="dest" value="classes"/>
        <path id="classpath">
            <fileset dir="../../lib">
                <include name="**/*.jar"/>
            <pathelement path="${dest}"/>
        <target name="compile" description="Compile all source code">
            <delete dir="${dest}"/>
            <mkdir dir="${dest}"/>
            <copy todir="${dest}">
                <fileset dir="${src}">
                    <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
            <javac destdir="${dest}" debug="true" includeantruntime="yes"
                deprecation="false" optimize="false" failonerror="true">
                <src path="${src}"/>
                <classpath refid="classpath"/>
                <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
        <target name="run" description="Run the main class" depends="compile">
            <java classname="lee.BeanTest" fork="yes" failonerror="true">
                <classpath refid="classpath"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?>
    <beans xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        <bean id="steelAxe" class="org.crazyit.app.service.impl.SteelAxe"/>
        <!--  配置chinese Bean,使用destroy-method="close"
            指定该Bean实例被销毁之前,Spring会自动执行指定该Bean的close方法 -->
        <bean id="chinese" class="org.crazyit.app.service.impl.Chinese"
            <property name="axe" ref="steelAxe"/>
    package lee;
    import org.springframework.context.*;
    import org.springframework.context.support.*;
    import org.crazyit.app.service.*;
     * Description:
     * <br/>网站: <a href="http://www.crazyit.org">疯狂Java联盟</a>
     * <br/>Copyright (C), 2001-2016, Yeeku.H.Lee
     * <br/>This program is protected by copyright laws.
     * <br/>Program Name:
     * <br/>Date:
     * @author  Yeeku.H.Lee kongyeeku@163.com
     * @version  1.0
    public class BeanTest
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // 以CLASSPATH路径下的配置文件创建ApplicationContext
            AbstractApplicationContext ctx = new
            // 获取容器中的Bean实例
            Person p = ctx.getBean("chinese" , Person.class);
            // 为Spring容器注册关闭钩子
    package org.crazyit.app.service;
     * Description:
     * <br/>网站: <a href="http://www.crazyit.org">疯狂Java联盟</a>
     * <br/>Copyright (C), 2001-2016, Yeeku.H.Lee
     * <br/>This program is protected by copyright laws.
     * <br/>Program Name:
     * <br/>Date:
     * @author  Yeeku.H.Lee kongyeeku@163.com
     * @version  1.0
    public interface Axe
        public String chop();
    package org.crazyit.app.service;
     * Description:
     * <br/>网站: <a href="http://www.crazyit.org">疯狂Java联盟</a>
     * <br/>Copyright (C), 2001-2016, Yeeku.H.Lee
     * <br/>This program is protected by copyright laws.
     * <br/>Program Name:
     * <br/>Date:
     * @author  Yeeku.H.Lee kongyeeku@163.com
     * @version  1.0
    public interface Person
        public void useAxe();
    package org.crazyit.app.service.impl;
    import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
    import org.crazyit.app.service.*;
     * Description:
     * <br/>网站: <a href="http://www.crazyit.org">疯狂Java联盟</a>
     * <br/>Copyright (C), 2001-2016, Yeeku.H.Lee
     * <br/>This program is protected by copyright laws.
     * <br/>Program Name:
     * <br/>Date:
     * @author  Yeeku.H.Lee kongyeeku@163.com
     * @version  1.0
    public class Chinese implements Person,DisposableBean
        private Axe axe;
        public Chinese()
        public void setAxe(Axe axe)
            this.axe = axe;
        public void useAxe()
        public void close()
            System.out.println("正在执行销毁之前的方法 close...");
        public void destroy() throws Exception
            System.out.println("正在执行销毁之前的方法 destroy...");
    package org.crazyit.app.service.impl;
    import org.crazyit.app.service.*;
     * Description:
     * <br/>网站: <a href="http://www.crazyit.org">疯狂Java联盟</a>
     * <br/>Copyright (C), 2001-2016, Yeeku.H.Lee
     * <br/>This program is protected by copyright laws.
     * <br/>Program Name:
     * <br/>Date:
     * @author  Yeeku.H.Lee kongyeeku@163.com
     * @version  1.0
    public class SteelAxe implements Axe
        public SteelAxe()
        public String chop()
            return "钢斧砍柴真快";
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tszr/p/12371870.html
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