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    '* File: comment2name.vbs
    '* Purpose: 在PowerDesigner的PDM图形窗口中显示数据列的中文注释
    '* Title: 将字段的comment赋值到字段的name中
    '* Category: 打开物理模型,运行本脚本(Ctrl+Shift+X)
    '* Copyright:foxzz@163.com,2006/07/25 .
    '* Author: foxzz
    '* Created:
    '* Modified:
    '* Version: 1.0
    '* Comment: 遍历物理模型中的所有表,将字段的comment赋值到字段的name中。
    ' 在将name置换为comment过程中,需要考虑的问题
    ' 1、name必须唯一,而comment有可能不唯一。
    ' 处理办法是如果字段的comment重复,则字段的name=comment+1、2、3...
    ' 2、comment值有可能为空,这种情况下对字段的name不处理。
    ' 针对oracle数据库,将comment on column 字段名称 is '';添加到C:/pdcomment.txt文件中。
    ' 在补充comment完毕后,便于在数据库中执行

    Option Explicit
    ValidationMode = True
    InteractiveMode = im_Batch

    Dim system, file
    Set system = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim ForReading, ForWriting, ForAppending '打开文件选项
    ForReading = 1 ' 只读
    ForWriting = 2 ' 可写
    ForAppending = 8 ' 可写并追加
    Set file = system.OpenTextFile("C:/pdcomment.txt", ForWriting, true)

    Dim mdl
    Set mdl = ActiveModel
    If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
    MsgBox "处理对象无模型"
    ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
    MsgBox "当前模型不是物理数据模型"
    ProcessFolder mdl,file
    End If

    Private sub ProcessFolder(folder,file)

    Dim i,j,k

    Dim ColumnComment()
    Dim ColumnCommentNumber()
    ReDim Preserve ColumnComment(i)
    ReDim Preserve ColumnCommentNumber(i)

    Dim tbl '当前表
    Dim col '当前字段
    dim curComment '当前字段comment

    for each tbl in folder.tables
    if not tbl.isShortcut then
    if len(trim(tbl.comment))<>0 then
    'tbl.name = tbl.name+"("+trim(tbl.comment)+")"
    end if

    for each col in tbl.columns
    k = 0
    curComment = trim(col.comment)
    if len(curComment)<>0 then
    for j = 0 to i
    if ColumnComment(j) = curComment then
    ColumnCommentNumber(j) = ColumnCommentNumber(j) + 1
    k = j
    end if
    if ColumnCommentNumber(k) <> 0 then
    col.name = curComment & cstr(ColumnCommentNumber(k))
    col.name = curComment
    i = i + 1
    ReDim Preserve ColumnComment(i)
    ReDim Preserve ColumnCommentNumber(i)
    ColumnComment(i) = curComment
    ColumnCommentNumber(i) = 0
    end if
    file.WriteLine "comment on column "+ tbl.name+"."+col.code+" is '';"
    end if
    end if
    ReDim Preserve ColumnComment(0)
    ReDim Preserve ColumnCommentNumber(0)


    Dim view '当前视图
    for each view in folder.Views
    if not view.isShortcut then
    'view.name = view.comment
    end if

    Dim subpackage 'folder
    For Each subpackage In folder.Packages
    if not subpackage.IsShortcut then
    ProcessFolder subpackage , file
    end if

    end sub


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/twodog/p/12136807.html
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