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  • 同步测试


    1 编译运行附件中的代码,提交运行结果截图,并说明程序功能
    2 修改代码,把同步资源个数减少为3个,把使用资源的线程增加到 (你的学号%3 + 4)个,编译代码,提交修改后的代码和运行结果截图。



    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <pthread.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <semaphore.h>
    #define NUM 5
    int queue[NUM];
    sem_t blank_number, product_number;
    void *producer ( void * arg )
        static int p = 0;
        for ( ;; ) {
            sem_wait( &blank_number );
            queue[p] = rand() % 5;
            printf("Product %d \n", queue[p]);
            p = (p+1) % NUM;
            sleep ( rand() % 5);
            sem_post( &product_number );
    void *consumer ( void * arg )
        static int c = 0;
        for( ;; ) {
            sem_wait( &product_number );
            printf("Consume %d\n", queue[c]);
            c = (c+1) % NUM;
            sleep( rand() % 5);
            sem_post( &blank_number );
    int main(int argc, char *argv[] )
        pthread_t pid, cid;
        sem_init( &blank_number, 0, NUM );
        sem_init( &product_number, 0, 0);
        pthread_create( &pid, NULL, producer, NULL);
        pthread_create( &cid, NULL, consumer, NULL);
        pthread_join( pid, NULL );
        pthread_join( cid, NULL );
        sem_destroy( &blank_number );
        sem_destroy( &product_number );
        return 0;





    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <pthread.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <semaphore.h>
    #define NUM 3
    int queue[NUM];
    sem_t blank_number, product_number;
    void *producer ( void * arg )
    	static int p = 0;
    	for ( ;; ) {
    		sem_wait( &blank_number );
    		queue[p] = rand() % 12;
    		printf("Product %d \n", queue[p]);
    		p = (p+1) % NUM;
    		sleep ( rand() % 5);
    		sem_post( &product_number );
    void *consumer ( void * arg )
    	static int c = 0;
    	for( ;; ) {
    		sem_wait( &product_number );
    		printf("Consume %d\n", queue[c]);
    		c = (c+1) % NUM;
    		sleep( rand() % 5 );
    		sem_post( &blank_number );
    int main(int argc, char *argv[] )
    	pthread_t pid, cid;
    	sem_init( &blank_number, 0, NUM );
    	sem_init( &product_number, 0, 0);
    	pthread_create( &pid, NULL, producer, NULL);
    	pthread_create( &cid, NULL, consumer, NULL);
    	pthread_join( pid, NULL );
    	pthread_join( cid, NULL );
    	sem_destroy( &blank_number );
    	sem_destroy( &product_number );
    	return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tzy20191327/p/15555429.html
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