The main differences comes from the fact that .NET supports structs (value types), Java doesn't.
In Java, every entry (or message) exchanged by the disruptor needs to inherit from a base class called AbstractEntry. This class exposes the Sequence number required by the disruptor to process the messages, it is basically a header for the message.
In .NET we have replaced AbstractEntry by a generic struct: Entry<T>. An entry contains 2 fields: the sequence number and a field called data, used to store the message (of type T). Using this struct has several advantages:
- the array in the RingBuffer is of type Entry<T>, when we need to access the Sequence number we don't have to dereference (Entry<T> is a struct so instances are directly nested in the array) and this improves cache spatial locality.
- your message types do not need to implement or inherit from a base class, you can use POCOs.
- RingBuffer中的数组是Entry<T>类型,当我们需要访问序列号时,不需要解引用,并且能够提高缓存空间的局部性。
- 你的消息类型不需要实现或者继承基类,你可以使用POCOs.