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  • Python语言100例

    Python版本:python 3.2.2



      1 #!/usr/bin/python
      2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
      3 import string
      4 import math
      5 import time
      6 import sys
      7 import os
      8 #import pygame
      9 #eg1:There are 1, 2, 3, 4 numbers, can be composed of a number of different and no duplication of the three digit number? How much is it?
     10 for i in range(1,5):
     11     for j in range(1,5):
     12         for k in range(1,5):
     13             if (i != k) and (i != j) and (j != k):
     14                 print("The number is ",i,j,k)
     15 #eg2:Bonuses paid by enterprises in accordance with the profit commission. Total number of 1.5% between 7.5% of the profits (I) less than or equal to 10 million yuan, bonus provided 10%; profit of more than 10 million yuan, less than 20 million yuan, less than 10 million yuan in 10% deduct a percentage from a sum of money, more than 10 million yuan, the Commission; 20 million to 40 million, more than 20 million yuan, to the Commission of 5%; 40 million to 60 million more than 40 million yuan, to the Commission of 3%; 60 million to 100 million, more than 60 million yuan, deduct a percentage from a sum of money, more than 100 million yuan, more than 100 million yuan according to the 1% commission, from the keyboard input month profit I, seeking to be bonuses?
     16 #Solution 1
     17 percent_less10mili = 0.1
     18 percent_less20mili = 0.075
     19 percent_less40mili = 0.05
     20 percent_less60mili = 0.03
     21 percent_less100mili = 0.015
     22 percent_last = 0.01
     23 I=input("Please enter a the profit for this year :")
     24 i=int(I)
     25 if i <= 10:
     26     Sum = i*percent_less10mili 
     27 elif 10 < i and i <= 20:
     28     Sum = 1+(i-10)*percent_less20mili 
     29 elif 20 < i and i <= 40:
     30     Sum = 1+0.75+(i-20)*percent_less40mili 
     31 elif 40 < i and i <= 60:
     32     Sum = 1+0.75+1+(i-40)*percent_less60mili 
     33 elif 60 < i and i <= 100:
     34     Sum = 1+0.75+1+0.6+(i-60)*percent_less100mili 
     35 elif 100 < i:
     36     Sum = 1+0.75+1+0.6+0.6+(i-100)*percent_last
     37 else :
     38     print("Your have enter a wrong number!")
     39 print("The profit of this year for MaMiao",Sum)
     40 #Solution 2
     41 i = int(input("The profit:"))
     42 arr = [1000000,600000,400000,200000,100000,0]
     43 rat = [0.01,0.015,0.03,0.05,0.075,0.1]
     44 r = 0
     45 for idx in range(0,6):
     46     if i>arr[idx]:
     47         r+=(i-arr[idx])*rat[idx]
     48         print((i-arr[idx])*rat[idx])
     49         i=arr[idx]
     50 print(r)
     51 #eg3:An integer, which adds 100 and plus 268 is a perfect square, what is the number?
     52 #Solution 1
     53 n=0
     54 m=0
     55 for K_f in range(1,12):#This algorithm has a simple mathematical pretreatment and analysis, to a certain extent, the time complexity of the algorithm is simplified.
     56     K_s = 168/K_f
     57     if (K_s == int(K_s)):
     58         m=(K_s+K_f)/2
     59         n=(K_s-K_f)/2
     60     if n == int(n) and m == int(m) and n!=0 and m!=0:
     61         print(m,n)
     62         print(m*m-268)
     63 #Solution 2
     64 for i in range(10000):
     65     x = int(math.sqrt(i + 100))
     66     y = int(math.sqrt(i + 268))
     67     if(x * x == i + 100) and (y * y == i + 268):
     68         print(i)
     69 #eg4:Enter a certain day, judgment day is the first few days this year?
     70 year = int(input("Please enter the year:"))
     71 month = int(input("Please enter the month:"))
     72 day = int(input("Please enter the day:"))
     73 sum = 0
     74 month_day=(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
     75 if (year%4==0 and year%100!=0) or year%400==0 :
     76     day_plus = 1
     77     print("This year is a leap year!")
     78 else :
     79     day_plus = 0
     80     print("This year is not a leap year!") 
     81 if 2 < month :
     82     sum += day_plus 
     83 for i in range(0,month-1):
     84     sum += month_day[i]
     85 sum += day
     86 print("The sum of today is equal to:",sum)
     87 #eg5:Enter three integers x, y, z, please put the three number of small to large output.
     88 #Solution 1
     89 def compare(A,B):
     90     if A>B:
     91         result = A
     92     else:
     93         result = B
     94     return result
     95 NUM1=int(input("Please enter the first number:"))
     96 NUM2=int(input("Please enter the second number:"))
     97 NUM3=int(input("Please enter the third number:"))
     98 Big1=compare(NUM1,NUM2)
     99 Big2=compare(Big1,NUM3)#caculate the biggest one
    100 if NUM1 == Big2:
    101     NUM1=0
    102 if NUM2 == Big2:
    103     NUM2=0
    104 if NUM3 == Big2:
    105     NUM3=0
    106 middle1=compare(NUM1,NUM2)
    107 middle2=compare(middle1,NUM3)#caculate the second biggest one
    108 if NUM1 == middle2:
    109     NUM1=0
    110 if NUM2 == middle2:
    111     NUM2=0
    112 if NUM3 == middle2:
    113     NUM3=0
    114 small1=compare(NUM1,NUM2)
    115 small2=compare(small1,NUM3)#caculate the second biggest one
    116 print(small2,middle2,Big2)
    117 #Solution 2
    118 l = []
    119 for i in range(3):
    120     x = int(input("Please enter the first number:"))
    121     l.append(x)
    122 l.sort()
    123 print(l)
    124 #eg6:Fibonacci sequence
    125 #Solution 1
    126 F = [0,1,1]
    127 print(F[0])
    128 print(F[1])
    129 for i in range(1,10):
    130     F[0]=F[1]
    131     F[1]=F[2]
    132     F[2]=F[0]+F[1]
    133     print(F[2])
    134 #Solution 2
    135 def fib(n):
    136     if n==1 or n==2:
    137         return 1
    138     return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
    139 print(fib(10))
    140 #Copy a list of data into another list.
    141 #Solution 1
    142 a = [1, 2, 3]
    143 b = a[:]
    144 print(b)
    145 #Solution 2
    146 c=[0,0,0]
    147 for i in range(0,3):
    148     c[i]=a[i]
    149 print(c)
    150 #eg8:The output of 9*9 multiplication table
    151 for i in range(1,10):
    152     for j in range(1,10):
    153         print(i,"*",j,"=",i*j)
    154 #eg9:Pause one second output
    155 #It need to import the headfiles named time like this:import time
    156 myD = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}
    157 for key,value in dict.items(myD):
    158     print(key, value)
    159     print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())))
    160     time.sleep(1)
    161     print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())))
    162 #To determine how many prime numbers between 101-200, and the output of all prime numbers
    163 h = 0
    164 leap = 1
    165 from math import sqrt
    166 from sys import stdout
    167 for m in range(101,201):
    168     k = int(sqrt(m + 1))
    169     for i in range(2,k + 1):
    170         if m % i == 0:
    171             leap = 0
    172             break
    173     if leap == 1:
    174         print('%-4d' % m)
    175         h += 1
    176         if h % 10 == 0:
    177             print('')
    178     leap = 1
    179 print('The total is %d' % h)
    180 #eg10:Print out all the "daffodils", the so-called "daffodils" is a three digit number. The all digital cube and equal to the number itself. For example: 153 is a "daffodils", because 153=1^3+5^3+3^3
    181 for i in range(100,1000):
    182     sum = math.pow(int(i/100),3)+ math.pow(int((i%100)/10),3)+ math.pow(i%10,3)
    183     if sum==i:
    184         print("This number is a daffodils number equal to:",i)
    185 #eg11:A positive integer factorization. For example: enter 90, print out 90=2*3*3*5
    186 n = int(input("input number:
    187 print("n = %d" % n)
    188 for i in range(2,n + 1):
    189     while n != i:
    190         if n % i == 0:#All the number,which is not a prime number can't appear at there,because that the number(not prime number) have ever been diverse to be the premi number ,for Example:10 have already been diverse to be 2 multiple 5
    191             print(str(i))
    192             print("*")
    193             n = n / i
    194         else:
    195             break
    196 print("%d"% n)
    197 #eg11:Use the conditional operator to complete this problem: the study results >=90 points of the students with A, 60-89 points between the use of B, said the following 60 points with C
    198 Score = int(input("Please enter the score:"))#Python haven't the loop function for three member like this : A = expression ? "Q" : "P"
    199 if Score < 60:
    200     print("Your Grade is equal to C")
    201 elif 60<= Score < 90:
    202     print("Your Grade is equal to B")
    203 else :
    204     print("Your Grade is equal to A")
    205 #eg12:Enter a line of characters, respectively, the statistics of the English letters, spaces, numbers and other characters of the number
    206 write = "Come on,Baby!"
    207 write = write.encode()
    208 fo = open("eg_test.txt",'wb',1000)
    209 print("The filename is :",fo.name)
    210 print("The Rquest_Model of files :",fo.mode)
    211 print("This is the sentence which I have already written into the file named ",fo.name,write)
    212 fo.write(write)
    213 fo.close() 
    214 fo = open("eg_test.txt","rb",1)
    215 Str = fo.read(15)
    216 Str = Str.decode()#You have to decode the string to count how many times the letter "C" have appear in the str! 
    217 print("The string i have already read from txt file is :",Str)
    218 C = Str.count('C')
    219 Where = Str.find("Ba")
    220 print("The latter C have appear for ",C,"times!")
    221 print("The string om have appear at the address:",Where)
    222 fo.close()
    223 letters = 0
    224 space = 0
    225 digit = 0
    226 others = 0
    227 for c in Str:
    228     if c.isalpha():#remember the function to find alpha
    229         letters += 1
    230     elif c.isspace():#rememeber the function to find the space
    231         space += 1
    232     elif c.isdigit():#remember the function to find the digit
    233         digit += 1
    234     else:
    235         others += 1
    236 print('char = %d,space = %d,digit = %d,others = %d' % (letters,space,digit,others))#输出
    237 #eg13:Detect keyboard to control the size of the key
    238 print("Please enter the keyboard values,this example is used to detect the values of top bottom right and left values of keyboard!")
    239 top = input("Please enter the top key in keyboard!")
    240 #bottom = input("Please enter the bottom key in keyboard!")
    241 #left = input("Please enter the left key in keyboard!")
    242 #right = input("Please enter the right key in keyboard!")
    243 print("The top values is equal to ",top,int(top))
    244 #print("The bottom values is equal to ",bottom,int(bottom))
    245 #print("The left values is equal to ",left,int(left))
    246 #print("The right values is equal to ",right,int(right))
    247 #eg14:Find the value of s=a+aa+aaa+aaaa+aa... A, where a is a number. For example, 2+22+222+2222+22222 (at this time a total of 5 numbers add), a few numbers add a keyboard control
    248 K = int(input("Please enter a Number to calculate:"))
    249 N = int(input("Please enter a Number to define how many time you want to calculate:"))
    250 #for i in range(1,10):#范围是1到10-1=9,记住了!!!
    251 #    print(i)
    252 #for i in range(10):#范围是0到9之间,记住了!!!
    253 #    print(i)
    254 sum = 0#出初始化一定要做到啊!!!!
    255 for i in range(1,N+1):
    256     temp = i*math.pow(10,N-i)
    257     sum += temp
    258     print("The precudure is :",temp,"+")
    259 print(sum)
    260 print("The result is calculate to be :",sum*K)
    261 #eg15:If a number is exactly equal to the sum of its factors, this number is called "end of a few". For example 6=123. programming to find all completed within 1000
    262 i=1
    263 while (i<=1000):
    264     Buffer = i
    265     for j in range(1,i):
    266         if (i%j==0):
    267             Buffer -= j
    268     if (Buffer==0):
    269         print("This number is a complete number equal to:",i)
    270     i += 1
    271 #eg16:A ball dropped from a height of 100 m free. Each fall to the ground after jump back to the original height of half; to fall for it on the 10th floor, the total number of meters after? How high is the tenth bounce?
    272 Heigth = int(input("Please enter a Number for Heigth:"))
    273 sum = Heigth
    274 Times = int(input("Please enter a Number for calculate times:"))
    275 print("The Heigth of 10th bounce is equal to :",math.pow(0.5,Times)*Heigth)
    276 for i in range(1,Times):
    277     sum +=  2*Heigth*math.pow(0.5,i)
    278 print("The total length is equal to:",sum)
    279 #eg17:Two table tennis team for the game, each out of the three. A team for the A, B, C three, B team for the X, y, Z three. Draw a draw. Someone asked the team about the competition. A said he did not x than, C said he does not and Z, X than, please make up the program to find out the list of three teams race
    280 for i in range(ord('x'),ord('z') + 1):
    281     for j in range(ord('x'),ord('z') + 1):
    282         if i != j:
    283             for k in range(ord('x'),ord('z') + 1):
    284                 if (i != k) and (j != k):
    285                     if (i != ord('x')) and (k != ord('x')) and (k != ord('z')):
    286                         print('order is a -- %s	 b -- %s	c--%s' % (chr(i),chr(j),chr(k)))
    287 #这种题目有很强的抽象性,一定要注意求解的方法
    288 #eg8:Print out the following pattern (diamond)
    289 print("   *")
    290 print("  ***")
    291 print(" *****")
    292 print("*******")
    293 print(" *****")
    294 print("  ***")
    295 print("   *")
    296 #eg19:There is a sequence of points: 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, and the sum of the first 20 items of this series.
    297 #分析题目的基本规律:
    298 #分子:2+3=5 3+5=8 5+8=13 8+13=21
    299 #分母:1+2=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 5+8=13
    300 Top_num1=2
    301 Bot_num1=1
    302 Top_num2=3
    303 Bot_num2=2
    304 sum=7/2
    305 for i in range(18):
    306     #Num = (Top_num1+Top_num2)/(Bot_num1+Bot_num2)
    307     print("The number is :",Top_num1,Bot_num1)
    308     Temp1=Top_num1#中间变量的申请和数据更新及存放注意啊!!
    309     Temp2=Bot_num1
    310     Top_num1 = Top_num2
    311     Bot_num1 = Bot_num2
    312     Top_num2 = (Temp1+Top_num2)
    313     Bot_num2 = (Temp2+Bot_num2)
    314     sum += Top_num2/Bot_num2
    315 print(sum)
    316 #eg20:Use recursive method for 5!
    317 def recursive(N):
    318     result = N
    319     if (N==1):
    320         return 1
    321     else :
    322         result *= recursive(N-1)
    323     return result
    324 result = recursive(5)
    325 print(result)
    326 #eg21:By using the recursive function call, the input of the 5 characters, in order to print out the opposite order
    327 #Solution 1:
    328 FIFO=['A','B','C','D','E']
    329 print("Please enter five letter for FIFO!")
    330 for i in range(5):
    331     FIFO[i] = input("Please enter the letter:")
    332 print(FIFO[0],FIFO[1],FIFO[2],FIFO[3],FIFO[4])
    333 print(FIFO[4],FIFO[3],FIFO[2],FIFO[1],FIFO[0])
    334 print(FIFO[4]+FIFO[3]+FIFO[2]+FIFO[1]+FIFO[0])
    335 #Solution 2(采用递归算法):
    336 def output(s,l):
    337     if l==0:
    338        return
    339     print(s[l-1])
    340     output(s,l-1)
    341 s = FIFO[4]+FIFO[3]+FIFO[2]+FIFO[1]+FIFO[0]    
    342 l = len(s)
    343 output(s,l)
    344 #eg22:A 5 digit number, it is not a palindrome judgment. That 12321 is a palindrome, a bit and bit the same ten million, with thousands of the same
    346 #del Num
    347 Num = 12321
    348 print("The number for test is :",Num)
    349 if (int(Num/10000)==Num%10) and (int(Num/1000)%10==int((Num%100)/10)):
    350     print("This is a palindrome number!")
    351 #eg23:Please enter the first letter of the week to determine what is a week, if the first letter, then continue to determine the second letters
    352 days = ['Monday','Thuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday']
    353 print("Please enter the first letter to determine the day in week:")
    354 Ch1=input("Please enter the first letter:")
    355 if Ch1=='M':
    356     print("Today is Monday!")
    357 elif Ch1=='W':
    358     print("Today is Wednsday!")
    359 elif Ch1=='F':
    360     print("Today is Friday!")
    361 elif Ch1=='T':
    362     print("Please enter the second letter for determined!")
    363     Ch2=input()
    364     if Ch2=='h':
    365         print("Today is Thuesday!")
    366     else :
    367         print("Today is Tursday!")
    368 else:
    369     print("Please enter the second letter for detemined!")
    370     Ch2=input()
    371     if Ch2=='a':
    372         print("Today is Saturday!")
    373     else :
    374         print("Today is Sunday!")
    375 #eg24:Comma separated list按逗号分隔列表
    376 L = [1,2,3,4,5]
    377 s1 = ','.join(str(n) for n in L)
    378 print(s1)
    379 #eg25:文本颜色设置--示例35
    380 class bcolors:
    381     HEADER = '33[95m'
    382     OKBLUE = '33[94m'
    383     OKGREEN = '33[92m'
    384     WARNING = '33[93m'
    385     FAIL = '33[91m'
    386     ENDC = '33[0m'
    387     BOLD = '33[1m'
    388     UNDERLINE = '33[4m'
    389 print(bcolors.WARNING + "Warning mesg color?" + bcolors.ENDC)
      1 #!/usr/bin/python
      2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
      3 import string
      4 import math
      5 import time
      6 import sys
      7 import os
      8 #import pygame
      9 #eg1:There are 1, 2, 3, 4 numbers, can be composed of a number of different and no duplication of the three digit number? How much is it?
     10 for i in range(1,5):
     11     for j in range(1,5):
     12         for k in range(1,5):
     13             if (i != k) and (i != j) and (j != k):
     14                 print("The number is ",i,j,k)
     15 #eg2:Bonuses paid by enterprises in accordance with the profit commission. Total number of 1.5% between 7.5% of the profits (I) less than or equal to 10 million yuan, bonus provided 10%; profit of more than 10 million yuan, less than 20 million yuan, less than 10 million yuan in 10% deduct a percentage from a sum of money, more than 10 million yuan, the Commission; 20 million to 40 million, more than 20 million yuan, to the Commission of 5%; 40 million to 60 million more than 40 million yuan, to the Commission of 3%; 60 million to 100 million, more than 60 million yuan, deduct a percentage from a sum of money, more than 100 million yuan, more than 100 million yuan according to the 1% commission, from the keyboard input month profit I, seeking to be bonuses?
     16 #Solution 1
     17 percent_less10mili = 0.1
     18 percent_less20mili = 0.075
     19 percent_less40mili = 0.05
     20 percent_less60mili = 0.03
     21 percent_less100mili = 0.015
     22 percent_last = 0.01
     23 I=input("Please enter a the profit for this year :")
     24 i=int(I)
     25 if i <= 10:
     26     Sum = i*percent_less10mili 
     27 elif 10 < i and i <= 20:
     28     Sum = 1+(i-10)*percent_less20mili 
     29 elif 20 < i and i <= 40:
     30     Sum = 1+0.75+(i-20)*percent_less40mili 
     31 elif 40 < i and i <= 60:
     32     Sum = 1+0.75+1+(i-40)*percent_less60mili 
     33 elif 60 < i and i <= 100:
     34     Sum = 1+0.75+1+0.6+(i-60)*percent_less100mili 
     35 elif 100 < i:
     36     Sum = 1+0.75+1+0.6+0.6+(i-100)*percent_last
     37 else :
     38     print("Your have enter a wrong number!")
     39 print("The profit of this year for MaMiao",Sum)
     40 #Solution 2
     41 i = int(input("The profit:"))
     42 arr = [1000000,600000,400000,200000,100000,0]
     43 rat = [0.01,0.015,0.03,0.05,0.075,0.1]
     44 r = 0
     45 for idx in range(0,6):
     46     if i>arr[idx]:
     47         r+=(i-arr[idx])*rat[idx]
     48         print((i-arr[idx])*rat[idx])
     49         i=arr[idx]
     50 print(r)
     51 #eg3:An integer, which adds 100 and plus 268 is a perfect square, what is the number?
     52 #Solution 1
     53 n=0
     54 m=0
     55 for K_f in range(1,12):#This algorithm has a simple mathematical pretreatment and analysis, to a certain extent, the time complexity of the algorithm is simplified.
     56     K_s = 168/K_f
     57     if (K_s == int(K_s)):
     58         m=(K_s+K_f)/2
     59         n=(K_s-K_f)/2
     60     if n == int(n) and m == int(m) and n!=0 and m!=0:
     61         print(m,n)
     62         print(m*m-268)
     63 #Solution 2
     64 for i in range(10000):
     65     x = int(math.sqrt(i + 100))
     66     y = int(math.sqrt(i + 268))
     67     if(x * x == i + 100) and (y * y == i + 268):
     68         print(i)
     69 #eg4:Enter a certain day, judgment day is the first few days this year?
     70 year = int(input("Please enter the year:"))
     71 month = int(input("Please enter the month:"))
     72 day = int(input("Please enter the day:"))
     73 sum = 0
     74 month_day=(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
     75 if (year%4==0 and year%100!=0) or year%400==0 :
     76     day_plus = 1
     77     print("This year is a leap year!")
     78 else :
     79     day_plus = 0
     80     print("This year is not a leap year!") 
     81 if 2 < month :
     82     sum += day_plus 
     83 for i in range(0,month-1):
     84     sum += month_day[i]
     85 sum += day
     86 print("The sum of today is equal to:",sum)
     87 #eg5:Enter three integers x, y, z, please put the three number of small to large output.
     88 #Solution 1
     89 def compare(A,B):
     90     if A>B:
     91         result = A
     92     else:
     93         result = B
     94     return result
     95 NUM1=int(input("Please enter the first number:"))
     96 NUM2=int(input("Please enter the second number:"))
     97 NUM3=int(input("Please enter the third number:"))
     98 Big1=compare(NUM1,NUM2)
     99 Big2=compare(Big1,NUM3)#caculate the biggest one
    100 if NUM1 == Big2:
    101     NUM1=0
    102 if NUM2 == Big2:
    103     NUM2=0
    104 if NUM3 == Big2:
    105     NUM3=0
    106 middle1=compare(NUM1,NUM2)
    107 middle2=compare(middle1,NUM3)#caculate the second biggest one
    108 if NUM1 == middle2:
    109     NUM1=0
    110 if NUM2 == middle2:
    111     NUM2=0
    112 if NUM3 == middle2:
    113     NUM3=0
    114 small1=compare(NUM1,NUM2)
    115 small2=compare(small1,NUM3)#caculate the second biggest one
    116 print(small2,middle2,Big2)
    117 #Solution 2
    118 l = []
    119 for i in range(3):
    120     x = int(input("Please enter the first number:"))
    121     l.append(x)
    122 l.sort()
    123 print(l)
    124 #eg6:Fibonacci sequence
    125 #Solution 1
    126 F = [0,1,1]
    127 print(F[0])
    128 print(F[1])
    129 for i in range(1,10):
    130     F[0]=F[1]
    131     F[1]=F[2]
    132     F[2]=F[0]+F[1]
    133     print(F[2])
    134 #Solution 2
    135 def fib(n):
    136     if n==1 or n==2:
    137         return 1
    138     return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
    139 print(fib(10))
    140 #Copy a list of data into another list.
    141 #Solution 1
    142 a = [1, 2, 3]
    143 b = a[:]
    144 print(b)
    145 #Solution 2
    146 c=[0,0,0]
    147 for i in range(0,3):
    148     c[i]=a[i]
    149 print(c)
    150 #eg8:The output of 9*9 multiplication table
    151 for i in range(1,10):
    152     for j in range(1,10):
    153         print(i,"*",j,"=",i*j)
    154 #eg9:Pause one second output
    155 #It need to import the headfiles named time like this:import time
    156 myD = {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}
    157 for key,value in dict.items(myD):
    158     print(key, value)
    159     print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())))
    160     time.sleep(1)
    161     print(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time())))
    162 #To determine how many prime numbers between 101-200, and the output of all prime numbers
    163 h = 0
    164 leap = 1
    165 from math import sqrt
    166 from sys import stdout
    167 for m in range(101,201):
    168     k = int(sqrt(m + 1))
    169     for i in range(2,k + 1):
    170         if m % i == 0:
    171             leap = 0
    172             break
    173     if leap == 1:
    174         print('%-4d' % m)
    175         h += 1
    176         if h % 10 == 0:
    177             print('')
    178     leap = 1
    179 print('The total is %d' % h)
    180 #eg10:Print out all the "daffodils", the so-called "daffodils" is a three digit number. The all digital cube and equal to the number itself. For example: 153 is a "daffodils", because 153=1^3+5^3+3^3
    181 for i in range(100,1000):
    182     sum = math.pow(int(i/100),3)+ math.pow(int((i%100)/10),3)+ math.pow(i%10,3)
    183     if sum==i:
    184         print("This number is a daffodils number equal to:",i)
    185 #eg11:A positive integer factorization. For example: enter 90, print out 90=2*3*3*5
    186 n = int(input("input number:
    187 print("n = %d" % n)
    188 for i in range(2,n + 1):
    189     while n != i:
    190         if n % i == 0:#All the number,which is not a prime number can't appear at there,because that the number(not prime number) have ever been diverse to be the premi number ,for Example:10 have already been diverse to be 2 multiple 5
    191             print(str(i))
    192             print("*")
    193             n = n / i
    194         else:
    195             break
    196 print("%d"% n)
    197 #eg11:Use the conditional operator to complete this problem: the study results >=90 points of the students with A, 60-89 points between the use of B, said the following 60 points with C
    198 Score = int(input("Please enter the score:"))#Python haven't the loop function for three member like this : A = expression ? "Q" : "P"
    199 if Score < 60:
    200     print("Your Grade is equal to C")
    201 elif 60<= Score < 90:
    202     print("Your Grade is equal to B")
    203 else :
    204     print("Your Grade is equal to A")
    205 #eg12:Enter a line of characters, respectively, the statistics of the English letters, spaces, numbers and other characters of the number
    206 write = "Come on,Baby!"
    207 write = write.encode()
    208 fo = open("eg_test.txt",'wb',1000)
    209 print("The filename is :",fo.name)
    210 print("The Rquest_Model of files :",fo.mode)
    211 print("This is the sentence which I have already written into the file named ",fo.name,write)
    212 fo.write(write)
    213 fo.close() 
    214 fo = open("eg_test.txt","rb",1)
    215 Str = fo.read(15)
    216 Str = Str.decode()#You have to decode the string to count how many times the letter "C" have appear in the str! 
    217 print("The string i have already read from txt file is :",Str)
    218 C = Str.count('C')
    219 Where = Str.find("Ba")
    220 print("The latter C have appear for ",C,"times!")
    221 print("The string om have appear at the address:",Where)
    222 fo.close()
    223 letters = 0
    224 space = 0
    225 digit = 0
    226 others = 0
    227 for c in Str:
    228     if c.isalpha():#remember the function to find alpha
    229         letters += 1
    230     elif c.isspace():#rememeber the function to find the space
    231         space += 1
    232     elif c.isdigit():#remember the function to find the digit
    233         digit += 1
    234     else:
    235         others += 1
    236 print('char = %d,space = %d,digit = %d,others = %d' % (letters,space,digit,others))#输出
    237 #eg13:Detect keyboard to control the size of the key
    238 print("Please enter the keyboard values,this example is used to detect the values of top bottom right and left values of keyboard!")
    239 top = input("Please enter the top key in keyboard!")
    240 #bottom = input("Please enter the bottom key in keyboard!")
    241 #left = input("Please enter the left key in keyboard!")
    242 #right = input("Please enter the right key in keyboard!")
    243 print("The top values is equal to ",top,int(top))
    244 #print("The bottom values is equal to ",bottom,int(bottom))
    245 #print("The left values is equal to ",left,int(left))
    246 #print("The right values is equal to ",right,int(right))
    247 #eg14:Find the value of s=a+aa+aaa+aaaa+aa... A, where a is a number. For example, 2+22+222+2222+22222 (at this time a total of 5 numbers add), a few numbers add a keyboard control
    248 K = int(input("Please enter a Number to calculate:"))
    249 N = int(input("Please enter a Number to define how many time you want to calculate:"))
    250 #for i in range(1,10):#范围是1到10-1=9,记住了!!!
    251 #    print(i)
    252 #for i in range(10):#范围是0到9之间,记住了!!!
    253 #    print(i)
    254 sum = 0#出初始化一定要做到啊!!!!
    255 for i in range(1,N+1):
    256     temp = i*math.pow(10,N-i)
    257     sum += temp
    258     print("The precudure is :",temp,"+")
    259 print(sum)
    260 print("The result is calculate to be :",sum*K)
    261 #eg15:If a number is exactly equal to the sum of its factors, this number is called "end of a few". For example 6=123. programming to find all completed within 1000
    262 i=1
    263 while (i<=1000):
    264     Buffer = i
    265     for j in range(1,i):
    266         if (i%j==0):
    267             Buffer -= j
    268     if (Buffer==0):
    269         print("This number is a complete number equal to:",i)
    270     i += 1
    271 #eg16:A ball dropped from a height of 100 m free. Each fall to the ground after jump back to the original height of half; to fall for it on the 10th floor, the total number of meters after? How high is the tenth bounce?
    272 Heigth = int(input("Please enter a Number for Heigth:"))
    273 sum = Heigth
    274 Times = int(input("Please enter a Number for calculate times:"))
    275 print("The Heigth of 10th bounce is equal to :",math.pow(0.5,Times)*Heigth)
    276 for i in range(1,Times):
    277     sum +=  2*Heigth*math.pow(0.5,i)
    278 print("The total length is equal to:",sum)
    279 #eg17:Two table tennis team for the game, each out of the three. A team for the A, B, C three, B team for the X, y, Z three. Draw a draw. Someone asked the team about the competition. A said he did not x than, C said he does not and Z, X than, please make up the program to find out the list of three teams race
    280 for i in range(ord('x'),ord('z') + 1):
    281     for j in range(ord('x'),ord('z') + 1):
    282         if i != j:
    283             for k in range(ord('x'),ord('z') + 1):
    284                 if (i != k) and (j != k):
    285                     if (i != ord('x')) and (k != ord('x')) and (k != ord('z')):
    286                         print('order is a -- %s	 b -- %s	c--%s' % (chr(i),chr(j),chr(k)))
    287 #这种题目有很强的抽象性,一定要注意求解的方法
    288 #eg8:Print out the following pattern (diamond)
    289 print("   *")
    290 print("  ***")
    291 print(" *****")
    292 print("*******")
    293 print(" *****")
    294 print("  ***")
    295 print("   *")
    296 #eg19:There is a sequence of points: 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, and the sum of the first 20 items of this series.
    297 #分析题目的基本规律:
    298 #分子:2+3=5 3+5=8 5+8=13 8+13=21
    299 #分母:1+2=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 5+8=13
    300 Top_num1=2
    301 Bot_num1=1
    302 Top_num2=3
    303 Bot_num2=2
    304 sum=7/2
    305 for i in range(18):
    306     #Num = (Top_num1+Top_num2)/(Bot_num1+Bot_num2)
    307     print("The number is :",Top_num1,Bot_num1)
    308     Temp1=Top_num1#中间变量的申请和数据更新及存放注意啊!!
    309     Temp2=Bot_num1
    310     Top_num1 = Top_num2
    311     Bot_num1 = Bot_num2
    312     Top_num2 = (Temp1+Top_num2)
    313     Bot_num2 = (Temp2+Bot_num2)
    314     sum += Top_num2/Bot_num2
    315 print(sum)
    316 #eg20:Use recursive method for 5!
    317 def recursive(N):
    318     result = N
    319     if (N==1):
    320         return 1
    321     else :
    322         result *= recursive(N-1)
    323     return result
    324 result = recursive(5)
    325 print(result)
    326 #eg21:By using the recursive function call, the input of the 5 characters, in order to print out the opposite order
    327 #Solution 1:
    328 FIFO=['A','B','C','D','E']
    329 print("Please enter five letter for FIFO!")
    330 for i in range(5):
    331     FIFO[i] = input("Please enter the letter:")
    332 print(FIFO[0],FIFO[1],FIFO[2],FIFO[3],FIFO[4])
    333 print(FIFO[4],FIFO[3],FIFO[2],FIFO[1],FIFO[0])
    334 print(FIFO[4]+FIFO[3]+FIFO[2]+FIFO[1]+FIFO[0])
    335 #Solution 2(采用递归算法):
    336 def output(s,l):
    337     if l==0:
    338        return
    339     print(s[l-1])
    340     output(s,l-1)
    341 s = FIFO[4]+FIFO[3]+FIFO[2]+FIFO[1]+FIFO[0]    
    342 l = len(s)
    343 output(s,l)
    344 #eg22:A 5 digit number, it is not a palindrome judgment. That 12321 is a palindrome, a bit and bit the same ten million, with thousands of the same
    346 #del Num
    347 Num = 12321
    348 print("The number for test is :",Num)
    349 if (int(Num/10000)==Num%10) and (int(Num/1000)%10==int((Num%100)/10)):
    350     print("This is a palindrome number!")
    351 #eg23:Please enter the first letter of the week to determine what is a week, if the first letter, then continue to determine the second letters
    352 days = ['Monday','Thuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday']
    353 print("Please enter the first letter to determine the day in week:")
    354 Ch1=input("Please enter the first letter:")
    355 if Ch1=='M':
    356     print("Today is Monday!")
    357 elif Ch1=='W':
    358     print("Today is Wednsday!")
    359 elif Ch1=='F':
    360     print("Today is Friday!")
    361 elif Ch1=='T':
    362     print("Please enter the second letter for determined!")
    363     Ch2=input()
    364     if Ch2=='h':
    365         print("Today is Thuesday!")
    366     else :
    367         print("Today is Tursday!")
    368 else:
    369     print("Please enter the second letter for detemined!")
    370     Ch2=input()
    371     if Ch2=='a':
    372         print("Today is Saturday!")
    373     else :
    374         print("Today is Sunday!")
    375 #eg24:Comma separated list按逗号分隔列表
    376 L = [1,2,3,4,5]
    377 s1 = ','.join(str(n) for n in L)
    378 print(s1)
    379 #eg25:文本颜色设置--示例35
    380 class bcolors:
    381     HEADER = '33[95m'
    382     OKBLUE = '33[94m'
    383     OKGREEN = '33[92m'
    384     WARNING = '33[93m'
    385     FAIL = '33[91m'
    386     ENDC = '33[0m'
    387     BOLD = '33[1m'
    388     UNDERLINE = '33[4m'
    389 print(bcolors.WARNING + "Warning mesg color?" + bcolors.ENDC)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/uestc-mm/p/5719681.html
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