- Select: Mandatory Command
00 A4 04 00 Lc Command Data Le
Lc = 05 - 10 (Length of Command Data)
Command Data = File Name
Le = (Not Present T=0)
- Select Next: Mandatory Command
00 A4 04 02 Lc Command Data Le
Lc = 05 - 10 (Length of Command Data)
Command Data = File Name
Le = (Not Present T=0)
- Get Processing Options: Mandatory Command
80 A8 00 00 Lc Command Data Le
Lc = variable (Length of Command Data)
Command Data = (Processing Options Data Object List - PDOL)
Le = (Not Present T=0)
- Read Record: Mandatory Command
00 B2 P1 P2 00
P1 = Record Number
P2= Reference control parameter - Short File Indicator (SFI)
Multiple Read Record commands will be issued dependent on AFL
- GENERATE AC.: Mandatory Command
80 AE P1 00 Lc Command Data Le
P1 = Reference Control Parameter (00 - AAC, 40 - TC, 80 - ARQC)
Le = 00 (Not Present T=0)
- Internal Authenticate: Mandatory if terminal supports Dynamic Data Authentication
00 88 00 00 Lc Command Data Le
Lc = (Length of Command Data)
Command Data = Length of authentication-related data
Le = 00 (Not Present for T=0)
- External Authenticate: Mandatory Command
00 82 00 00 Lc Command Data Le
Lc = 8 - 16 (Length of Command Data)
Command Data = Issuer Authentication Data
Le = Not Present
- Get Data For PIN Try Counter: If Terminal Supports
80 CA 9F 17 00
Lc = Not Present
Command Data = Not Present
- Verify Command
00 20 00 P2 Lc Command Data Le
P2 = Qualifier (80 - plaintext)
Command Data (Transaction PIN Data)
Le = (Not Present)
- Get Challenge: Mandatory Command if terminal supports Enciphered PIN
00 84 00 00 Lc Command Data Le
Lc = Not Present
Command Data = Not Present
Le = 00