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  • Python简单读写Excel (xlwt, xlrd, xlutils)

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    #此程序是为了将excel中的一列单元格的中的某些数字不够三位的补零,如cell: abc_12_cd -> abc_012_cd
    import xlwt #Need install xlwt, create excel and write
    import xlrd #Need install xlrd, read excel
    from datetime import datetime #date covert
    from xlutils.copy import copy #此module是打开excel文件后直接写入要改写cell,need install xlutils(relay on xlwt,xlrd)
    style_backGreen_fontBlack_boldYes = xlwt.easyxf('align: horz center; font: name Times New Roman, color-index black, bold on, height 250; pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour light_green; borders: left 1, right 1, top 1, bottom 1;')
    style_backGreen_fontBlack_boldYes_header = xlwt.easyxf('align: horz center; font: name Times New Roman, color-index black, bold on, height 300; pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour bright_green; borders: left 1, right 1, top 1, bottom 1;')
    style_backYellow_fontBlack_boldNo = xlwt.easyxf('align: horz center; font: name Times New Roman, color-index black, bold off, height 250; pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour light_yellow; borders: left 1, right 1, top 1, bottom 1;')
    style_backGray25_fontBlack_boldNo = xlwt.easyxf('align: horz center; font: name Times New Roman, color-index black, bold off, height 250; pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour gray25; borders: left 1, right 1, top 1, bottom 1;')
    style_backwhite_fontBlack_boldNo = xlwt.easyxf('align: horz center; font: name Times New Roman, color-index black, bold off, height 250; pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour white; borders: left 1, right 1, top 1, bottom 1;')
    def createExcelHandler(sheetName):
        wb = xlwt.Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet(sheetName, cell_overwrite_ok=True)
        return wb, ws
    def readXlsAndChange(readFileName, sheetName):
        mWorkBook = xlrd.open_workbook(readFileName, formatting_info = False) #打开一个excel表,并保持格式
        (wb, ws) = createExcelHandler(sheetName) #创建一个excel表,建立一个sheet
        #mSheet = mWorkBook.sheets()[0] #取一个excel表的第一个sheet
        #mRowData = mSheet.row_values(1) #获取一行excel数据
        #mRowDataCell = mRowData[1].split('_') #获取第二个cell的值
        mSheet = mWorkBook.sheets()[0]
        mStationChange = []
        for index, station in enumerate(mSheet.col_slice(1, 0, None)): #从第二列,第一行往下读
            #print station
            if index == 0: #第一行保存的是"station"使用split后会造成后续的list range out
            mStationChangeCell = mStationChange[index].value.encode('utf-8').split('_') #获取单元格的内容 .value.encode('utf-8').split('_')
            #print mStationChangeCell
            mStationChangeCell[2] = mStationChangeCell[2].zfill(3) #29->029
            mStationChange[index] = '_'.join(mStationChangeCell)
            #print mStationChange[index]
        for rowIndex, mRowData in enumerate(mSheet.get_rows()):
            #print mRowData
            for colIndex, cellData in enumerate(mRowData):
                if (cellData.ctype == 3): # 日期type为3, ctype :  0 empty,1 string, 2 number, 3 date, 4 boolean, 5 error
                    date_value = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(cellData.value, mWorkBook.datemode)
                    #print date_value #(2016, 1, 10, 3, 53, 23)
                    date_tmp = datetime(*date_value[:6])             #2016-01-10 03:59:01
                    #date_tmp = datetime(*date_value[:6]).isoformat() #2016-01-10T03:59:01
                    #print date_tmp
                    ws.write(rowIndex, colIndex, date_tmp, style_backwhite_fontBlack_boldNo) #日期不转换的话可以自己使用excel中的日期调节
                elif colIndex == 1:
                    ws.write(rowIndex, colIndex, mStationChange[rowIndex], style_backwhite_fontBlack_boldNo)
                    ws.write(rowIndex, colIndex, cellData.value, style_backwhite_fontBlack_boldNo)
        print '/'.join(readFileName.split('/')[0:-1])  + '/new_' + readFileName.split('/')[-1]
        wb.save('/'.join(readFileName.split('/')[0:-1])  + '/new_' + readFileName.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '.xls') #不知为何只能保存.xls格式的excel,xlsx格式创建后打不开
        print "Function readXlsAndChange Done!"
        #print string.zfill(int(mRowData[1].split('_')[2], base=10), 3) #变换为数字
    def copyAndRewrite(readFileName):
        mWorkBook = xlrd.open_workbook(readFileName, formatting_info = False) #打开一个excel表,并保持格式
        msheetNo1 = mWorkBook.sheets()[0]
        newWorkBook = copy(mWorkBook) #复制一个workbook,是可以重写的
        newSheetNo1 = newWorkBook.get_sheet(0) #得到一个sheet,然后写入指定位置,其它不变
        mStationChange = []
        for index, station in enumerate(msheetNo1.col_slice(1, 0, None)): #从第二列,第一行往下读
            #print station
            if index == 0: #第一行保存的是"station"使用split后会造成后续的list range out
            mStationChangeCell = mStationChange[index].value.encode('utf-8').split('_') #获取单元格的内容 .value.encode('utf-8').split('_')
            #print mStationChangeCell
            mStationChangeCell[2] = mStationChangeCell[2].zfill(3) #29->029
            mStationChange[index] = '_'.join(mStationChangeCell)
            #print mStationChange[index]
        for rowIndex, mCellData in enumerate(mStationChange):
            newSheetNo1.write(rowIndex, 1, mCellData)
        newWorkBook.save('/'.join(readFileName.split('/')[0:-1])  + '/new_' + readFileName.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '.xls') #不知为何只能保存.xls格式的excel,xlsx格式创建后打不开
        print "Function copyAndRewrite Done!"
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        readXlsAndChange("./abc/testZero.xlsx", "Retest_Item")




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