以下是SQL,生成的结果中是否为主键和是否可为空,是不准确的 ,没有关联相关的系统表:
select '' as 业务源系统, t2.TABLE_NAME 表名称, nvl(t3.comments,'') as 表业务含义, t2.COLUMN_NAME 字段名称, t2.DATA_TYPE 字段类型, case when instr(t2.DATA_TYPE,'CHAR')>0 then 'string' when instr(t2.DATA_TYPE,'INT')>0 then 'INT' when instr(t2.DATA_TYPE,'NUMBER')>0 then 'decimal' when instr(t2.DATA_TYPE,'TIMESTAMP')>0 then 'timestamp' when instr(t2.DATA_TYPE,'DATE')>0 then 'timestamp' when instr(t2.DATA_TYPE,'FLOAT')>0 then 'decimal' when instr(t2.DATA_TYPE,'DOUBLE')>0 then 'decimal' else '' end as hive类型, t2.DATA_LENGTH 字段长度, '' as 是否为主键, '' as 可为空, t4.comments 字段含义 from all_users t1, all_tab_columns t2, all_tab_comments t3, all_col_comments t4 where t1.username not in('SYS','SYSTEM','ACCESS_LOG') and t2.OWNER=t1.username and t3.table_name=t2.TABLE_NAME and t3.owner=t2.OWNER and t4.table_name=t2.TABLE_NAME and t4.owner=t2.owner and t4.column_name=t2.COLUMN_NAME order by t1.username,t2.TABLE_NAME,t2.COLUMN_ID