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  • 3 查询


    select * from 表名;
    • from关键字后面写表名,表示数据来源于是这张表
    • select后面写表中的列名,如果是*表示在结果中显示表中所有列
    • 在select后面的列名部分,可以使用as为列起别名,这个别名出现在结果集中
    • 如果要查询多个列,之间使用逗号分隔
    mysql> select id,name from students;
    | id | name   |
    |  1 | 腾旭   |
    |  2 | 腾旭   |


    • 在select后面列前使用distinct可以消除重复的行
    mysql> select distinct gender from students ;
    | gender |
    |       |
    |        |


    • 使用where子句对表中的数据筛选,结果为true的行会出现在结果集中
    • 语法如下:
    select * from 表名 where 条件;


    • 等于=
    • 大于>
    • 大于等于>=
    • 小于<
    • 小于等于<=
    • 不等于!=或<>
    • 查询编号大于3的学生
    select * from students where id>3;
    • 查询编号不大于4的科目
    select * from subjects where id<=4;
    • 查询姓名不是“黄蓉”的学生
    select * from students where sname!='黄蓉';
    • 查询没被删除的学生
    select * from students where isdelete=0;


    • and
    • or
    • not
    • 查询编号大于3的女同学
    select * from students where id>3 and gender=0;
    • 查询编号小于4或没被删除的学生
    select * from students where id<4 or isdelete=0;
    | id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  1 | 腾旭   |       | 1999-09-09 00:00:00 |          |
    |  2 | 腾旭   |       | 1990-02-02 00:00:00 |          |
    |  3 | 网易   |       | NULL                |          |
    |  4 | 小米   |       | NULL                |          |
    |  7 | QQ     |       | NULL                |          |


    • like
    • %表示任意多个任意字符
    • _表示一个任意字符
    • 查询姓黄的学生
    select * from students where sname like '黄%';
    mysql> select * from students where name like '腾%';
    | id | name      | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  1 | 腾旭      |       | 1999-09-09 00:00:00 |          |
    |  2 | 腾旭      |       | 1990-02-02 00:00:00 |          |
    |  8 | 腾讯云    |       | NULL                |          |
    • 查询姓黄并且名字是一个字的学生
    select * from students where sname like '黄_';
    mysql> select * from students where name like '腾%';
    | id | name      | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  1 | 腾旭      |       | 1999-09-09 00:00:00 |          |
    |  2 | 腾旭      |       | 1990-02-02 00:00:00 |          |
    |  8 | 腾讯云    |       | NULL                |          |
    • 查询姓黄或叫靖的学生
    select * from students where sname like '黄%' or sname like '%靖';


    • in表示在一个非连续的范围内
    • 查询编号是1或3或8的学生
    select * from students where id in(1,3,8);

    | id | name | gender | birthday | isDelete |
    | 1 | 腾旭 | | 1999-09-09 00:00:00 | |
    | 3 | 网易 | | NULL | |
    | 8 | 腾讯云 | | NULL | |

    • between ... and ...表示在一个连续的范围内
    • 查询学生是3至8的学生
    select * from students where id between 3 and 8;

    | id | name | gender | birthday | isDelete |
    | 3 | 网易 | | NULL | |
    | 4 | 小米 | | NULL | |
    | 6 | 酷狗 | | 2017-02-13 00:00:00 | |
    | 7 | QQ | | NULL | |
    | 8 | 腾讯云 | | NULL | |

    • 查询学生是3至8的男生
    select * from students where id between 3 and 8 and gender=1;


    • 注意:null与''是不同的
    • 判空is null
    • 查询没有填写地址的学生
    select * from students where hometown is null; 
    mysql> select * from students where birthday is null;
    | id | name      | gender | birthday | isDelete |
    |  3 | 网易      |       | NULL     |          |
    |  4 | 小米      |       | NULL     |          |
    |  7 | QQ        |       | NULL     |          |
    |  8 | 腾讯云    |       | NULL     |          |
    • 判非空is not null
    • 查询填写了地址的学生
    select * from students where hometown is not null; 
    mysql> select * from students where birthday is not null;
    | id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  1 | 腾旭   |       | 1999-09-09 00:00:00 |          |
    |  2 | 腾旭   |       | 1990-02-02 00:00:00 |          |
    |  6 | 酷狗   |        | 2017-02-13 00:00:00 |         |
    • 查询填写了地址的女生
    select * from students where hometown is not null and gender=0; 
    mysql> select * from students where birthday is not null and gender=0;
    | id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
    |  6 | 酷狗   |        | 2017-02-13 00:00:00 |         |



    • 小括号,not,比较运算符,逻辑运算符
    • and比or先运算,如果同时出现并希望先算or,需要结合()使用
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/venicid/p/8036307.html
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