//数据库Dao层 使用Mybatis框架
@Repository public interface ShopDao { /** * 返回查询条件的总数 * @param shopCondition * @return */ int queryShopCount(@Param("shopCondition") Shop shopCondition); /** * * 分页查询店铺 * 输入条件 * 店铺名(模糊查询)、店铺状态、店铺类别、区域Id、owner * * @param shopCondition * @param rowIndex 第几行 * @param pageSize 取几行 * @return */ List<Shop> queryShopList(@Param("shopCondition") Shop shopCondition, @Param("rowIndex") int rowIndex, @Param("pageSize") int pageSize); /*** * 新增店铺 * @param shop * @return */ int insertSHop(Shop shop); /*** * 更新店铺信息 * @param shop * @return */ int updateShop(Shop shop); /** * 店铺信息查询 * @param shopId * @return */ Shop queryByShopId(long shopId); }
// 对应的ShopDao.xml文件
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.swust.emporium.dao.ShopDao"> <!-- useGeneratedKeys 代表插入结束后是否自动获取数据表的自增主键值 keyColumn 代表数据表的主键是哪个属性 keyProperty 代表数据表的主键与实体类中哪个属性相对应 --> <insert id="insertSHop" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyColumn="shop_id" keyProperty="shopId"> insert into tb_shop(owner_id, area_id,shop_category_id, shop_name, shop_desc, shop_addr, phone, shop_img, priority, create_time, last_edit_time, enable_status, advice) values( #{owner.userId}, #{area.areaId}, #{shopCategory.shopCategoryId}, #{shopName}, #{shopDesc}, #{shopAddr}, #{phone}, #{shopImg}, #{priority}, #{createTime}, #{lastEditTime}, #{enableStatus}, #{advice} ) </insert> <update id="updateShop" parameterType="com.swust.emporium.pojo.Shop"> <!-- 动态SQL生成 实体类字段不为空 则更新数据库字段 注意逗号 <if test="xxx != null"> xxx_xxx = #{xxx}> </if> --> update tb_shop <set> <if test="shopName != null"> shop_name = #{shopName},</if> <if test="shopDesc != null"> shop_desc = #{shopDesc},</if> <if test="shopAddr != null"> shop_addr = #{shopAddr},</if> <if test="phone != null"> phone = #{phone},</if> <if test="shopImg != null"> shop_img = #{shopImg},</if> <if test="priority != null"> priority = #{priority},</if> <if test="lastEditTime != null"> last_edit_time = #{lastEditTime},</if> <if test="enableStatus != null"> enable_status = #{enableStatus},</if> <if test="advice != null"> advice = #{advice},</if> <!--复合类型--> <if test="shopCategory != null"> shop_category_id = #{shopCategory.shopCategoryId},</if> <if test="area != null"> area_id = #{area.areaId}</if> </set> where shop_id = #{shopId} </update> <!--定义queryByShopId查询方法的返回值类型--> <resultMap type="com.swust.emporium.pojo.Shop" id ="shopMap"> <!--定义主键Id 有且仅有一个--> <id column="shop_id" property="shopId"></id> <!--定义基本数据类型--> <result column="shop_name" property="shopName"></result> <result column="shop_desc" property="shopDesc"></result> <result column="shop_addr" property="shopAddr"></result> <result column="phone" property="phone"></result> <result column="shop_img" property="shopImg"></result> <result column="priority" property="priority"></result> <result column="create_time" property="createTime"></result> <result column="last_edit_time" property="lastEditTime"></result> <result column="enable_status" property="enableStatus"></result> <result column="advice" property="advice"></result> <!--定义复合数据类型--> <association property="area" column="area_id" javaType="com.swust.emporium.pojo.Area"> <id column="area_id" property="areaId"></id> <result column="area_name" property="areaName"></result> </association> <association property="owner" column="owner" javaType="com.swust.emporium.pojo.PersonInfo"> <id column="user_id" property="userId"></id> <result column="name" property="name"></result> </association> <association property="shopCategory" column="shop_category_id" javaType="com.swust.emporium.pojo.ShopCategory"> <id column="shop_category_id" property="shopCategoryId"></id> <result column="shop_category_name" property="shopCategoryName"></result> </association> </resultMap> <select id="queryByShopId" resultMap="shopMap" parameterType="Long"> select s.shop_id, s.shop_name, s.shop_desc, s.shop_addr, s.phone, s.shop_img, s.priority, s.create_time, s.last_edit_time, s.enable_status, s.advice, a.area_id, a.area_name, sc.shop_category_id, sc.shop_category_name FROM tb_shop s, tb_area a, tb_shop_category sc where s.area_id = a.area_id and s.shop_category_id = sc.shop_category_id and s.shop_id = #{shopId} </select> <!--分页查询功能--> <select id="queryShopList" resultMap="shopMap"> select s.shop_id, s.shop_name, s.shop_desc, s.shop_addr, s.phone, s.shop_img, s.priority, s.create_time, s.last_edit_time, s.enable_status, s.advice, a.area_id, a.area_name, sc.shop_category_id, sc.shop_category_name FROM tb_shop s, tb_area a, tb_shop_category sc <!--实现条件查询功能--> <where> <!--实现店铺类别条件查询功能--> <if test="shopCondition.shopCategory != null and shopCondition.shopCategory.shopCategoryId != null "> and s.shop_category_id = #{shopCondition.shopCategory.shopCategoryId} </if> <!--实现区域信息条件查询功能--> <if test="shopCondition.area != null and shopCondition.area.areaId != null"> and s.area_id = #{shopCondition.area.areaId} </if> <!----> <if test="shopCondition.shopCategory != null and shopCondition.shopCategory.parent != null and shopCondition.shopCategory.parent.shopCategoryId != null"> and s.shop_category_id in(select shop_category_id from tb_shop_category where parent_id = #{shopCondition.shopCategory.parent.shopCategoryId}) </if> <!--%%%%%实现店铺名称模糊功能%%%%%--> <if test="shopCondition.shopName != null"> and s.shop_name like '%${shopCondition.shopName}%' </if> <!--实现状态信息条件查询功能--> <if test="shopCondition.enableStatus"> and s.enable_status = #{shopCondition.enableStatus} </if> <if test="shopCondition.owner != null and shopCondition.owner.userId != null"> and s.owner_id = #{shopCondition.owner.userId} </if> <!--通过Id连接三张表--> and s.area_id = a.area_id and s.shop_category_id = sc.shop_category_id </where> <!--按照优先级降序排列--> order by s.priority desc <!--实现分页功能--> limit #{rowIndex},#{pageSize}; </select> <!--获取分页查询功能所查询出来的数据总数--> <select id="queryShopCount" resultType="int"> select count(1) from tb_shop s, tb_area a, tb_shop_category sc <!--实现条件查询功能--> <where> <!--实现店铺类别条件查询功能--> <if test="shopCondition.shopCategory != null and shopCondition.shopCategory.shopCategoryId != null "> and s.shop_category_id = #{shopCondition.shopCategory.shopCategoryId} </if> <!--实现区域信息条件查询功能--> <if test="shopCondition.area != null and shopCondition.area.areaId != null"> and s.area_id = #{shopCondition.area.areaId} </if> <if test="shopCondition.shopCategory != null and shopCondition.shopCategory.parent != null and shopCondition.shopCategory.parent.shopCategoryId != null"> and s.shop_category_id in(select shop_category_id from tb_shop_category where parent_id = #{shopCondition.shopCategory.parent.shopCategoryId}) </if> <!--%%%%%实现店铺名称模糊功能%%%%%--> <if test="shopCondition.shopName != null"> and s.shop_name like '%${shopCondition.shopName}%' </if> <!--实现状态信息条件查询功能--> <if test="shopCondition.enableStatus"> and s.enable_status = #{shopCondition.enableStatus} </if> <if test="shopCondition.owner != null and shopCondition.owner.userId != null"> and s.owner_id = #{shopCondition.owner.userId} </if> <!--通过Id连接三张表--> and s.area_id = a.area_id and s.shop_category_id = sc.shop_category_id </where> </select> </mapper>
// 枚举类
public enum ShopStateEnum { CHECK(0,"审核中"), OFFLINE(-1,"非法店铺"), SUCCESS(1, "操作成功"), PASS(2, "通过认证"), INNER_ERROR(-1001, "内部系统错误"), NULL_SHOPID(-1002,"shop为空"), NULL_SHOP(-1003,"shop信息为空"); private int state; private String stateInfo; /** * 枚举构造方法 * @param state * @param stateInfo */ private ShopStateEnum(int state, String stateInfo){ this.state = state; this.stateInfo = stateInfo; } /*** * 根据传入的state值返回对应的数据 * @param state * @return */ public static ShopStateEnum stateEnum(int state){ for (ShopStateEnum stateEnum : ShopStateEnum.values()){ if (stateEnum.getState() == state){ return stateEnum; } } return null; } public String getStateInfo(){ return this.stateInfo; } public int getState(){ return this.state; } }
@Getter @Setter public class ShopExecution { //结果状态 private int state; //状态描述 private String stateInfo; //店铺数量 private int count; //操作的Shop 增删改 private Shop shop; //shop列表 查询 private List<Shop> shopList; public ShopExecution(){} // 店铺操作失败的时候使用的构造器 public ShopExecution(ShopStateEnum shopStateEnum){ this.state = shopStateEnum.getState(); this.stateInfo = shopStateEnum.getStateInfo(); } // 店铺操作成功的时候使用构的造器 public ShopExecution(ShopStateEnum shopStateEnum, Shop shop){ this.state = shopStateEnum.getState(); this.stateInfo = shopStateEnum.getStateInfo(); this.shop = shop; } // 店铺操作成功的时候使用的构造器 public ShopExecution(ShopStateEnum shopStateEnum, List<Shop> shopList){ this.state = shopStateEnum.getState(); this.stateInfo = shopStateEnum.getStateInfo(); this.shopList = shopList; } }
// 店铺操作异常类 生成随机序列化ID需要在类名上使用Alt+Enter快捷键
public class ShopOperationException extends RuntimeException{ //生成随机序列化ID private static final long serialVersionUID = -2293712388036514485L; public ShopOperationException(String msg){ super(msg); } }
// web层
// web层相对于SSM框架所对应的controller层 这里是实现前端与后端的连接层 我采用的admin和management对不同的访问请求进行处理,admin主要处理html页面跳转请求,management主要负责shopoperation.js文件传递来的AJAX业务访问请求
@Controller @RequestMapping("/shopadmin") public class ShopManagementController { @Autowired private ShopService shopService; @Autowired private ShopCategoryService shopCategoryService; @Autowired private AreaService areaService; /*** * 获取初始信息 * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getshopinitinfo", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> getShopInitInfo(HttpServletRequest request){ Map<String, Object> modelMap = new HashMap<>(); List<ShopCategory> shopCategoryLists = new ArrayList<>(); List<Area> areaLists = new ArrayList<>(); try { ShopCategoryExecution sce = shopCategoryService.getShopCategoryList(new ShopCategory()); shopCategoryLists = sce.getShopCategoryList(); areaLists = areaService.getAreaList(); modelMap.put("shopCategoryList", shopCategoryLists); modelMap.put("areaList", areaLists); modelMap.put("success", true); }catch (Exception e){ modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg", e.getMessage()); return modelMap; } return modelMap; } /** * 注册店铺 * @param request * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/registershop", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody //将返回的map自动转换为Json格式 private Map<String, Object> registerShop(HttpServletRequest request){ Map<String,Object> modelMap = new HashMap<>(); // 校验验证码是否一致 if (CodeUtils.checkVerifyCode(request)){ modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg", "校验码不能为空或输入错误..."); return modelMap; } // 接收并转换响应参数 店铺信息 图片信息 String shopStr = HttpServletRequestUtils.getString(request, "shopStr"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); Shop shop = null; try { shop = mapper.readValue(shopStr, Shop.class); } catch (IOException e) { modelMap.put("success",false); modelMap.put("errMsg",e.getMessage()); return modelMap; } // 接收图片信息 CommonsMultipartFile shopImg = null; // 文件上传解析器 CommonsMultipartResolver commonsMultipartResolver = new CommonsMultipartResolver( request.getSession().getServletContext() ); // 是否存在上传的文件流信息 if (commonsMultipartResolver.isMultipart(request)){ MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartHttpServletRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; shopImg = (CommonsMultipartFile)multipartHttpServletRequest.getFile("shopImg"); }else { modelMap.put("success",false); modelMap.put("errMsg","上传图片不能为空"); return modelMap; } // 注册店铺 if (shop != null && shopImg != null){ // PersonInfo owner = new PersonInfo(); PersonInfo owner = (PersonInfo) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); // 从session域中获取店铺信息 // Session TODO ... // owner.setUserId(1L); shop.setOwner(owner); String fileName = shopImg.getOriginalFilename(); ShopExecution se = null; try { ImageHolder imageHolder = new ImageHolder(); imageHolder.setImage(shopImg.getInputStream()); imageHolder.setImageName(fileName); se = shopService.addShop(shop, imageHolder); } catch (IOException e) { modelMap.put("success",false); modelMap.put("errMsg", e.getMessage()); return modelMap; } // 判断店铺是否创建成功 同时将店铺信息更新到session中 if (se.getState() == ShopStateEnum.CHECK.getState()){ modelMap.put("success",true); // 将店铺保存到session域内 // unchecked 去除警告信息 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Shop> shopList = (List<Shop>) request.getSession().getAttribute("shopList"); //是否是第一次创建店铺 if (shopList.size() == 0 || shopList == null){ shopList = new ArrayList<>(); } shopList.add(se.getShop()); request.getSession().setAttribute("shopList", shopList); return modelMap; }else { modelMap.put("success",false); modelMap.put("errMsg", se.getStateInfo()); return modelMap; } }else { modelMap.put("success",false); modelMap.put("errMsg","请输入店铺信息"); return modelMap; } } // /** // * 将InputStream转换成file对象 // * 该方法已废弃 // * @param inputStream // * @param file // */ // private static void InputStramToFile(InputStream inputStream, File file){ // FileOutputStream os = null; // try { // os = new FileOutputStream(file); // int bytesRead = 0; // // 读取数据的buffer缓冲区 // byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; // // 从输入流读取一些字节数,并将它们存储到缓冲区buffer中。 // while ((bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer)) != -1){ // // 需要理解 // os.write(buffer,0,bytesRead); // } // } catch (Exception e) { // throw new RuntimeException("调用InputStramToFile方法流解析异常 ==> " + e.getMessage()); // } finally { // if (os != null){ // try { // os.close(); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("调用InputStramToFile方法关闭输出流异常 ==> " + e.getMessage()); // } // } // if (inputStream != null){ // try { // inputStream.close(); // } catch (IOException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("调用InputStramToFile方法关闭输入流异常 ==> " + e.getMessage()); // } // } // } // } /** * 基于传入的shopId查询店铺信息 * @param request * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getshopbyid", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody private Map<String, Object> getShopById(HttpServletRequest request){ Map<String, Object> modelMap = new HashMap<>(); Shop currentShop = (Shop) request.getSession().getAttribute("currentShop"); Long id = currentShop.getShopId(); System.out.println(id); long shopId = HttpServletRequestUtils.getLong(request, "shopId"); if (shopId > -1){ try { Shop shop = shopService.getByShopId(shopId); List<Area> list = areaService.getAreaList(); modelMap.put("shop", shop); modelMap.put("areaList", list); modelMap.put("success", true); return modelMap; }catch (Exception e){ modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg", e.getMessage()); return modelMap; } }else { modelMap.put("success",false); modelMap.put("errMsg","店铺信息查询错误"); return modelMap; } } /** * 更新店铺信息 * @param request * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/modifyshop", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody private Map<String, Object> modifyShop(HttpServletRequest request){ Map<String, Object> modelMap = new HashMap<>(); // 校验码判断 if (CodeUtils.checkVerifyCode(request)){ modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg", "请输入正确的验证码"); return modelMap; } // 格式化shop对象 ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // 获取基于Ajax请求传递过来的店铺信息参数 String shopStr = HttpServletRequestUtils.getString(request, "shopStr"); Shop shop = null; try { shop = mapper.readValue(shopStr, Shop.class); } catch (IOException e) { modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg", e.getMessage()); return modelMap; } //判断是否具有图片上传信息流 HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest; CommonsMultipartResolver commonsMultipartResolver = new CommonsMultipartResolver(request.getSession().getServletContext()); CommonsMultipartFile shopImg = null; if (commonsMultipartResolver.isMultipart(request)){ MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartHttpServletRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; shopImg = (CommonsMultipartFile)multipartHttpServletRequest.getFile("shopImg"); }else { modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg", "图片信息解析错误"); return modelMap; } ShopExecution shopExecution = null; // 更新信息 if (shop != null && shop.getShopId() != null){ if (shopImg != null){ InputStream shopImgInputStream = null; try { shopImgInputStream = shopImg.getInputStream(); String fileName = shopImg.getOriginalFilename(); ImageHolder imageHolder = new ImageHolder(); imageHolder.setImageName(fileName); imageHolder.setImage(shopImgInputStream); shopExecution = shopService.modifyShop(shop, imageHolder); } catch (IOException e) { modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg", e.getMessage()); return modelMap; } }else { // 上传图片信息为空 选择只更新其余信息 try { shopExecution = shopService.modifyShop(shop, null) ; }catch (Exception e){ modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg", e.getMessage()); return modelMap; } } } // 判读店铺是否更新成功 if (shopExecution != null){ int state = shopExecution.getState(); String stateInfo = shopExecution.getStateInfo(); if (state == ShopStateEnum.SUCCESS.getState()){ modelMap.put("success", true); return modelMap; }else { modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg","状态码返回异常"); return modelMap; } }else { modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg","店铺更新异常"); return modelMap; } } /*** * 店铺信息分页查询模块功能开发 * controller * @param request * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "/getshoplist", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> getShopList(HttpServletRequest request){ Map<String, Object> modelMap = new HashMap<>(); // TODO...这里有bug userLogin和personInfo的Id必须一致 // session中获取登陆信息 UserLogin userLogin = (UserLogin) request.getSession().getAttribute("userLogin"); int uid = userLogin.getUid(); PersonInfo user = new PersonInfo(); user.setUserId(new Long(uid)); request.getSession().setAttribute("user", user); user = (PersonInfo) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); Long userId = user.getUserId(); List<Shop> shopList = new ArrayList<>(); ShopExecution se = null; try { Shop shopCondition = new Shop(); shopCondition.setOwner(user); se = shopService.getShopList(shopCondition, 0, 100); modelMap.put("success", true); modelMap.put("shopList", se.getShopList()); // 将shopList保存到session中 request.getSession().setAttribute("shopList",se.getShopList()); modelMap.put("user",user); return modelMap; }catch (Exception e){ modelMap.put("success", false); modelMap.put("errMsg", e.getMessage()); return modelMap; } } /*** * 获取店铺管理相关信息 * @param request * @return */ @RequestMapping(value = "getshopmanagementinfo", method = RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody private Map<String, Object> getShopManagementInfo(HttpServletRequest request){ Map<String, Object> modelMap = new HashMap<>(); long shopId = HttpServletRequestUtils.getLong(request, "shopId"); if (shopId <= 0){ // 尝试从session中获取店铺Id信息 Object currenShopObj = request.getSession().getAttribute("currentShop"); if (currenShopObj == null){ // 重定向回店铺页面 modelMap.put("redirect", true); // 访问Html页面 modelMap.put("url", "/emporium/shopadmin/shoplist"); }else { Shop currenShop = (Shop) currenShopObj; modelMap.put("redirect", false); modelMap.put("shopId", currenShop.getShopId()); } }else { Shop current = new Shop(); current.setShopId(shopId); request.getSession().setAttribute("currentShop", current); modelMap.put("redirect", false); } return modelMap; } }
@Controller @RequestMapping(value = "shopadmin", method = RequestMethod.GET) public class ShopAdminController { @RequestMapping(value = "/shopoperation") public String shopOperation(){ return "shop/shopoperation"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/shoplist") public String shopList(){ return "shop/shoplist"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/shopmanagement") public String shopManagement(){ return "shop/shopmanagement"; } }
// 前端主要使用Html+Css渲染页面,为快速开发,缩短研发周期,本项目使用 Sui Mobile进行开发设计,借助原始的模板引擎获取数据
// 对于前端所展示需要的数据,主要在页面加载时调用相应的javas文件获取后台数据
// 获取初始信息填充到前端界面 // 当点击提交时通过Ajax将请求转发到后台 $(function (){ // 解析get请求的url上的shopId var shopId = getQueryString('shopId'); // 如果shopId为空则证明是注册店铺否则代表修改店铺信息 var isEdit = shopId ? true : false; // 完成信息初始化 localhost:8888 + URL var initUrl = '/emporium/shopadmin/getshopinitinfo'; // 注册信息 var registerShopUrl = '/emporium/shopadmin/registershop'; // 根据店铺Id获取店铺信息 var shopInfoUrl = '/emporium/shopadmin/getshopbyid?shopId=' + shopId; // 更新店铺信息 var editShopUrl = '/emporium/shopadmin/modifyshop'; if (!isEdit){ getShopInitInfo(); }else { getShopInfo(shopId); } function getShopInfo(shopId){ $.getJSON(shopInfoUrl,function (data){ if (data.success){ var shop = data.shop; // 根据查询到的值给html页面内控件赋值 $('#shop-name').val(shop.shopName); $('#shop-addr').val(shop.shopAddr); $('#shop-phone').val(shop.phone); $('#shop-desc').val(shop.shopDesc); // 将shopCategory的内容以option形式进行保存 var shopCategory = '<option data-id="' + shop.shopCategory.shopCategoryId + '"selected>' + shop.shopCategory.shopCategoryName + '</option>'; // 获取下拉列表 var tempAreahtml = ''; data.areaList.map(function (item, index){ tempAreahtml += '<option data-id="' + item.areaId + '">' + item.areaName + '</option>'; }); $('#shop-category').html(shopCategory);//控件绑定属性 // 设置店铺信息无法进行修改 $('#shop-category').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('#area').html(tempAreahtml); // 默认选择 $('#area option[data-id="' + shop.area.areaId + "']").attr('selected',"selected"); } }); } function getShopInitInfo(){ $.getJSON(initUrl, function(data){ if (data.success){ var tempHtml = ''; var tempAreaHtml = ''; data.shopCategoryList.map(function (item,index){ tempHtml += '<option data-id="' + item.shopCategoryId + '">' +item.shopCategoryName + '</option>>'; }); data.areaList.map(function (item,index){ tempAreaHtml += '<option data-id="' + item.areaId + '">' +item.areaName + '</option>'; }); // 将信息发送到html文件 $('#shop-category').html(tempHtml); $('#area').html(tempAreaHtml); } }); } // 点击提交时 进行响应 $('#submit').click(function (){ var shop = {}; if (isEdit){ shop.shopId = shopId; } shop.shopName = $('#shop-name').val(); shop.shopAddr = $('#shop-addr').val(); shop.phone = $('#shop-phone').val(); shop.shopDesc = $('#shop-desc').val(); // 从列表中获取信息 shop.shopCategory = { shopCategoryId:$('#shop-category').find('option').not(function (){ return !this.selected; }).data('id') }; shop.area = { areaId:$('#area').find('option').not(function (){ return !this.selected; }).data('id') }; var shopImg = $('#shop-img')[0].files[0]; var formData = new FormData(); formData.append('shopImg', shopImg); formData.append('shopStr', JSON.stringify(shop)); // 验证码 var verifyCodeActual = $('#j_captcha').val(); if (!verifyCodeActual){ $.toast('请输入验证码!'); return ; } formData.append('verifyCodeActual', verifyCodeActual); $.ajax({ url:isEdit?editShopUrl:registerShopUrl, type:'POST', data:formData, contentType:false, processData:false, cache:false, success:function (data){ if (data.success){ alert('success!'); $.toast('提交成功 !'); }else { // alert('error!'); $.toast('提交失败' + data.errMsg); } // 每次执行ok后更换验证码 $('#captcha_img').click(); } }) }) })