DECLARE p_cust_acct_site_rec hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.cust_acct_site_rec_type; p_cust_site_use_rec hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.cust_site_use_rec_type; p_customer_profile_rec hz_customer_profile_v2pub.customer_profile_rec_type; x_site_use_id NUMBER; x_return_status VARCHAR2(20000); x_msg_count NUMBER; x_msg_data VARCHAR2(20000); x_cust_acct_site_id NUMBER; l_org_id NUMBER; l_party_site_id NUMBER; l_cust_account_id NUMBER; l_location_id NUMBER; l_error_msg VARCHAR2(32000); v_location_rec hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type; v_location_clear hz_location_v2pub.location_rec_type; v_location_id NUMBER; v_version_number NUMBER; CURSOR cur IS SELECT t.import_id, t.ou_name, t.party_name, t.party_site_number, t.error_flag, t.error_msg, t.attribute1, t.attribute2, t.attribute3, t.attribute4, t.attribute5 FROM cux_party_site_import_temp t WHERE 1 = 1 --AND t.party_name = '东莞市安德丰电池有限公司' -- and t.import_id=406 ; -- AND t.error_flag = 'Y'; BEGIN -- Setting the Context -- mo_global.init('AR'); fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => 1318, resp_id => 50559, resp_appl_id => 222); l_error_msg := NULL; FOR rec IN cur LOOP l_error_msg := NULL; -- Initializing the Mandatory API parameters l_org_id := NULL; BEGIN SELECT hou.organization_id INTO l_org_id FROM hr_operating_units hou WHERE 1 = 1 AND = rec.ou_name; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_org_id := NULL; l_error_msg := l_error_msg || ' 业务实体不存在'; END; mo_global.set_policy_context('S', l_org_id); fnd_global.set_nls_context('AMERICAN'); BEGIN SELECT hps.party_site_id, hl.location_id INTO l_party_site_id, l_location_id FROM hz_party_sites hps, hz_parties hp, hz_locations hl WHERE hps.party_id = hp.party_id AND hps.location_id = hl.location_id(+) AND hps.party_site_number = rec.party_site_number AND hp.party_name = rec.party_name; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_party_site_id := NULL; l_location_id := NULL; --l_error_msg := l_error_msg || ' 客户地址不存在'; END; IF (l_location_id IS NULL) THEN END IF; BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT hca.cust_account_id INTO l_cust_account_id FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas, hz_cust_accounts_all hca, hz_parties hp WHERE hp.party_id = hca.party_id AND hca.cust_account_id = hcas.cust_account_id AND hcas.party_site_id = l_party_site_id AND hp.party_name = rec.party_name; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN l_cust_account_id := NULL; l_error_msg := l_error_msg || ' 客户账户不存在 '; END; IF (l_error_msg IS NULL) THEN --创建客户地点 p_cust_acct_site_rec.org_id := l_org_id; p_cust_acct_site_rec.cust_account_id := l_cust_account_id; p_cust_acct_site_rec.party_site_id := l_party_site_id; p_cust_acct_site_rec.location_id := l_party_site_id; p_cust_acct_site_rec.created_by_module := 'HZ_CPUI'; dbms_output.put_line('Calling the API hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_acct_site****************************'); hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_acct_site(p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_cust_acct_site_rec => p_cust_acct_site_rec, x_cust_acct_site_id => x_cust_acct_site_id, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data); IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN l_error_msg := NULL; --COMMIT; dbms_output.put_line('Creation of Customer Account Site is Successful,Customer Account Site Id is = ' || x_cust_acct_site_id); --创建客户地点的业务用途(收单方,收货方) -- Initializing the Mandatory API parameters 111 p_cust_site_use_rec.cust_acct_site_id := x_cust_acct_site_id; p_cust_site_use_rec.site_use_code := 'BILL_TO'; --p_cust_site_use_rec.location := l_location_id; p_cust_site_use_rec.created_by_module := 'HZ_CPUI'; dbms_output.put_line('Calling the API hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_site_use============='); x_site_use_id := NULL; hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_site_use(p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_cust_site_use_rec => p_cust_site_use_rec, p_customer_profile_rec => p_customer_profile_rec, p_create_profile => fnd_api.g_true, p_create_profile_amt => fnd_api.g_true, x_site_use_id => x_site_use_id, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data); IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN l_error_msg := NULL; --COMMIT; dbms_output.put_line('Successful,Site Use Id = ' || x_site_use_id || ',Site Use = ' || p_cust_site_use_rec.site_use_code); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('Creation of Customer Accnt Site use got failed:' || x_msg_data); l_error_msg := l_error_msg || x_msg_data; ROLLBACK; FOR i IN 1 .. x_msg_count LOOP x_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => i, p_encoded => 'F'); dbms_output.put_line(i || ') ' || x_msg_data); END LOOP; END IF; p_cust_site_use_rec.cust_acct_site_id := x_cust_acct_site_id; p_cust_site_use_rec.site_use_code := 'SHIP_TO'; --p_cust_site_use_rec.bill_to_site_use_id := x_site_use_id; --p_cust_site_use_rec.location := l_location_id; p_cust_site_use_rec.created_by_module := 'HZ_CPUI'; x_site_use_id := NULL; hz_cust_account_site_v2pub.create_cust_site_use(p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true, p_cust_site_use_rec => p_cust_site_use_rec, p_customer_profile_rec => p_customer_profile_rec, p_create_profile => fnd_api.g_true, p_create_profile_amt => fnd_api.g_true, x_site_use_id => x_site_use_id, x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data); IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN l_error_msg := NULL; --COMMIT; dbms_output.put_line('Successful,Site Use Id = ' || x_site_use_id || ',Site Use = ' || p_cust_site_use_rec.site_use_code); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('Creation of Customer Accnt Site use got failed:' || x_msg_data); --ROLLBACK; FOR i IN 1 .. x_msg_count LOOP x_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => i, p_encoded => 'F'); l_error_msg := l_error_msg || x_msg_data; dbms_output.put_line(i || ') ' || x_msg_data); END LOOP; END IF; ELSE dbms_output.put_line('Creation of Customer Account Site got failed:' || x_msg_data); --ROLLBACK; FOR i IN 1 .. x_msg_count LOOP x_msg_data := fnd_msg_pub.get(p_msg_index => i, p_encoded => 'F'); l_error_msg := l_error_msg || x_msg_data; dbms_output.put_line(i || ') ' || x_msg_data); END LOOP; END IF; --IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN ELSE dbms_output.put_line('l_error_msg:=' || l_error_msg); END IF; -- IF (l_error_msg IS NULL) THEN IF (l_error_msg IS NOT NULL) THEN UPDATE cux_party_site_import_temp t SET t.error_flag = 'Y', t.error_msg = l_error_msg WHERE 1 = 1 AND t.import_id = rec.import_id; ELSE UPDATE cux_party_site_import_temp t SET t.error_flag = 'N', t.error_msg = NULL WHERE 1 = 1 AND t.import_id = rec.import_id; END IF; END LOOP; --COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('导入异常!'); END;
create table cux_party_site_import_temp (IMPORT_ID NUMBER, OU_NAME VARCHAR2(240), PARTY_NAME VARCHAR2(240), PARTY_SITE_NAME VARCHAR2(240), ADDRESS VARCHAR2(240), ERROR_FLAG VARCHAR2(240), ERROR_MSG VARCHAR2(4000), ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2(240), ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2(240), ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2(240), ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2(240), ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2(240)) /* select * from hz_parties hps where hps.PARTY_NAME like '%惠州市伟江新能源有限公司%'*/