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  • ORACLE学习之scott用户的表结构sql

    -- Create table
    create table SALGRADE
    tablespace USERS
      pctfree 10
      initrans 1
      maxtrans 255
        initial 64
        next 8
        minextents 1
        maxextents unlimited
    -- Add comments to the table 
    comment on table SALGRADE
      is '工资等级表:salgrade';
    -- Add comments to the columns 
    comment on column SALGRADE.GRADE
      is '工资的等级';
    comment on column SALGRADE.LOSAL
      is '此等级的最低工资';
    comment on column SALGRADE.HISAL
      is '此等级的最高工资';


    -- Create table
    create table BONUS
      ENAME VARCHAR2(10),
      JOB   VARCHAR2(9),
      SAL   NUMBER,
    tablespace USERS
      pctfree 10
      initrans 1
      maxtrans 255;
    -- Add comments to the table 
    comment on table BONUS
      is '工资表:bonus';
    -- Add comments to the columns 
    comment on column BONUS.ENAME
      is '雇员姓名';
    comment on column BONUS.JOB
      is '雇员职位';
    comment on column BONUS.SAL
      is '雇员的工资';
    comment on column BONUS.COMM
      is '雇员的奖金';


    -- Create table
    create table DEPT
      DEPTNO NUMBER(2) not null,
      DNAME  VARCHAR2(14),
      LOC    VARCHAR2(13)
    tablespace USERS
      pctfree 10
      initrans 1
      maxtrans 255
        initial 64
        next 8
        minextents 1
        maxextents unlimited
    -- Add comments to the table 
    comment on table DEPT
      is '部门表:dept';
    -- Add comments to the columns 
    comment on column DEPT.DEPTNO
      is '表示部门编号,由两位数字所组成';
    comment on column DEPT.DNAME
      is '部门名称,最多由14个字符所组成';
    comment on column DEPT.LOC
      is '部门所在的位置';
    -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
    alter table DEPT
      add constraint PK_DEPT primary key (DEPTNO)
      using index 
      tablespace USERS
      pctfree 10
      initrans 2
      maxtrans 255
        initial 64K
        next 1M
        minextents 1
        maxextents unlimited


    -- Create table
    create table EMP
      EMPNO    NUMBER(4) not null,
      ENAME    VARCHAR2(10),
      JOB      VARCHAR2(9),
      MGR      NUMBER(4),
      SAL      NUMBER(7,2),
      COMM     NUMBER(7,2),
      DEPTNO   NUMBER(2)
    tablespace USERS
      pctfree 10
      initrans 1
      maxtrans 255
        initial 64
        next 8
        minextents 1
        maxextents unlimited
    -- Add comments to the table 
    comment on table EMP
      is ' 雇员表:emp';
    -- Add comments to the columns 
    comment on column EMP.EMPNO
      is '雇员的编号,由四位数字所组成';
    comment on column EMP.ENAME
      is '雇员的姓名,由10位字符所组成';
    comment on column EMP.JOB
      is '雇员的职位';
    comment on column EMP.MGR
      is '雇员对应的领导编号,领导也是雇员';
    comment on column EMP.HIREDATE
      is '雇员的雇佣日期';
    comment on column EMP.SAL
      is '基本工资,其中有两位小数,五倍整数,一共是七位';
    comment on column EMP.COMM
      is '奖金,佣金';
    comment on column EMP.DEPTNO
      is '雇员所在的部门编号';
    -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
    alter table EMP
      add constraint PK_EMP primary key (EMPNO)
      using index 
      tablespace USERS
      pctfree 10
      initrans 2
      maxtrans 255
        initial 64K
        next 1M
        minextents 1
        maxextents unlimited
    alter table EMP
      add constraint FK_DEPTNO foreign key (DEPTNO)
      references DEPT (DEPTNO);


    select * from bonus t;--工资表
    select * from dept t;--部门表
    select * from emp t;--雇员表
    select * from salgrade t;--工资等级表


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