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2. PSP
PSP2.1 | Personal Software Process Stages | 预估耗时 | 实际耗时 |
Planning | 计划 | 5min | 5min |
· Estimate | · 估计这个任务需要多少时间 | 5min | 5min |
Development | 开发 | 22h | 42h |
· Analysis | · 需求分析 (包括学习新技术) | 8h | 12h |
· Design Spec | · 生成设计文档 | 2h | 2h |
· Design Review | · 设计复审 (和同事审核设计文档) | 0h | 0h |
· Coding Standard | · 代码规范 (为目前的开发制定合适的规范) | 0.5h | 0h |
· Design | · 具体设计 | 0.5h | 1h |
· Coding | · 具体编码 | 3h | 6h |
· Code Review | · 代码复审 | 6h | 1h |
· Test | · 测试(自我测试,修改代码,提交修改) | 2h | 30h |
Reporting | 报告 | 3.5h | 3.5h |
· Test Report | · 测试报告 | 2h | 2h |
· Size Measurement | · 计算工作量 | 0.5h | 5min |
· Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan | · 事后总结, 并提出过程改进计划 | 1h | 15min |
合计 | 25.5h |
3. 解题思路:
1. 解数独(旧思路)
class point: int number int candidates = [] int x, y point mat[9][9] = input(some_file) // or failure, stop. // Initialize a point map def get_candidates(point p): 清空p的candidates 若number是0,遍历p所在列的每一行、每一列和每一个宫 返回p的candidates数量 若number不是0,返回0。 def get_min_point(): 遍历mat分别运行 get_candidates ,找到返回值最小的一个point(减少分支) 返回这个point def solve(): point p stack changes // Records augments of trials stack rollback // Records used augments of trials, for recovery from failures p = get_min_point() do: 将所有p的candidates的 push 到 changes 中 change = changes.pop() rollback.push(change) 将 change 写入 mat 中 p = get_min_point() change.set_trials(len(p.candidates)) if p == 0: rollback.top.decre_trials() 根据rollback弹栈并回滚,对当前rollback栈顶进行decre_trials(),直到当前rollback.top.trials不是0 while not changes.is_empty()
4 7 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0
1. 对于一个01矩阵,DLX可以在近似线性时间范围内求出一组行,使得这些行(a_i,j, a_i,j+1,...a_i,n)满足它们的和是(1,...,1),如果存在。
2. 对于数独,我们要求每一行、每一列、每一宫都有1...9这9个数字,对于数独的一次填写,我们可以这样表示它的性质:
feature = (fill, row, column, group),
通过合适的办法具体表示feature, 则数独正确填写完成等价于所有填写feature的向量和为(1,....,1)。
对于矩阵A,有行r1, r2...r_n。假设所求向量集合叫S
1. 选择一个非零的行向量r,假定它属于S。
2. r有一些分量为1,删去其它包含同维非零分量的行向量。删去这些分量所在的列向量。得到新的矩阵A'。
3. 假如A`为空,那么算法结束,把所有选择过的r加入S。如果A'有零列向量,回溯并在上一步选择其它的尝试,同时这表明r不正确,它将不再被尝试。否则,把A'当做A,回到1。
3. 生成终局:
4. 设计实现过程
1. 解数独:
类:DLX类,用于存一些执行DLX算法的函数和数据结构。struct Node用于存储结点,包括它的right, left, up, down四个双向链表指针。
2. 生成数独:
5. 改进思路:
1. 使用栈来存储工作步骤(由于没想清楚,失败了)
2. 改用树存储工作步骤(第一个能work的版本)
3. 改用位运算来节约计算时间(节约了2/3的时间,但仍然很慢)
4. 尝试剪枝的算法,但发现剪枝本身也很耗费时间,得不偿失。
5. 彻底重构,采用数独转换的DLX算法,快得飞起。
6. 关键代码:
1. 生成数独:
void create(int gene_count) { matrix.fill_in_figure(1, 1, (7 + 7) % 9 + 1); int level = 0; int x, y, count; bool first = true; char candi_buf[10] = ""; // //cout << x << ", " << y << ", " << count << endl; //1. build up root //2. get a min point, if failed, rollback root's change, // try root.next (if null, rollback) or root.base (not null, otherwise quit) //3. build possible changes, linking them to the root, mark root as expanded //4. set now to be root's fchild //5. implement change //6. go to 2 // Change* now = root; while (true) { Point* p = matrix.get_min_point_fast(); Change* cut_trial = NULL; if ((p && (p->get_candi_count() > 1))) { cut_trial = corner(); } if (cut_trial) { //cout << "----------used cut-----------" << endl; cut_trial->set_base(now); cut_trial->set_next(NULL); now->set_fchild(cut_trial); //matrix.display(); //cout << "------" << endl; matrix.fill_in(cut_trial); now = cut_trial; //matrix.display(); // back to while head } else { //Point* p = matrix.get_min_point_fast(); if (p) { Change* new_change = NULL; Change* last_change = NULL; p->show_candidates(candi_buf); //cout << candi_buf << " => "; //shuffle(candi_buf); //cout << candi_buf << endl; if (DEBUG2) cout << "candi_buf:" << candi_buf; int x, y; p->get_pos(&x, &y); for (int i = 0; candi_buf[i] != 0; i++) { new_change = new Change(x, y, candi_buf[i] - '0'); new_change->set_next(last_change); new_change->set_base(now); last_change = new_change; } now->set_fchild(new_change); if (now == NULL) { matrix.display(); exit(1); } now = now->get_fchild(); matrix.fill_in(now); if (DEBUG2) now->display("fill in:"); if (DEBUG2) matrix.display(); if (matrix.get_zeroes() == 0) { matrix.dump(output); fprintf(output, " "); if (--gene_count == 0) { return; } } } else { //...todo: rollback} //now->display("roll back:"); matrix.roll_back(now); if (now->get_next() != NULL) { now = now->get_next(); } else { while (now->get_base()) { //now->get_base()->display("roll back:"); Change* base = now->get_base(); matrix.roll_back(now->get_base()); if (now->get_base()->get_next() != NULL) { now = now->get_base()->get_next(); // base->clean_desc(base); // delete base; break; } now = now->get_base(); } } matrix.fill_in(now); //now->display("fill in:"); } } } }
2. 解数独:
bool DLX::search(int k) { ///cout << "search: " << k << endl; if (head->right == head) { return true; } int min_size = INT_MAX; Node *c = head->right; Node *c_root = c; while (c != head) { //find the row of smallest size if (c->size < min_size) { min_size = c->size; c_root = c; if (min_size == 1) { break; } if (min_size == 0) { return false; } } c = c->right; } cover(c_root); //close the colomn and relevant rows Node *current_row, *current; for (current_row = c_root->down; current_row != c_root; current_row = current_row->down) // try adding each row { result.push_back(current_row->row_root->num); // try regarding it as an answer //cout << "result_push: " << current_row->row_root->num << "; " << endl; for (current = current_row->right; current != current_row; current = current->right) { //cout << "second cover" << endl; cover(current->col_root); } if (search(k + 1)) { return true; } for (current = current_row->left; current != current_row; current = current->left) { //cout << "second recover" << endl; recover(current->col_root); } result.pop_back(); } recover(c_root); return false; }
[1] https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%9B%BE%E7%9D%80%E8%89%B2%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98/8928655?fr=aladdin
[2] http://www.cnblogs.com/grenet/archive/2013/06/19/3138654.html
[3] http://www.jianshu.com/p/93b52c37cc65