今天 使用hibernate的this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql).list();方法查询数据时出现查到的数据和想象的不一致的问题,郁闷我很长一段时间
public List<?> findKaoHe4Data(String startDay, String endDay, String depIds) { String sql = "SELECT t.dep_id,t.memo," + "sum(case ISNUMERIC(t.chanl) when 1 then cast(t.chanl as float) else 0 end) as chanl," + "sum(case ISNUMERIC(t.cail) when 1 then cast(t.cail as float) else 0 end) as cail," + "sum(case ISNUMERIC(t.dianf) when 1 then cast(t.dianf as float) else 0 end) as dianf " + "FROM team_settle t JOIN department d on d.dep_id=t.dep_id JOIN department pd on d.pdep_id = pd.dep_id WHERE d.pdep_id IN (" + depIds + ") and settle_date >='" + startDay + "' and settle_date<='" + endDay + "' and t.memo<>'' " + "GROUP BY t.dep_id,t.memo,pd.show_order,d.show_order ORDER BY pd.show_order,d.show_order"; return this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql).list(); }

SELECT t.dep_id, t.memo, sum(case ISNUMERIC(t.chanl) when 1 then cast(t.chanl as float) else 0 end) as chanl, sum(case ISNUMERIC(t.cail) when 1 then cast(t.cail as float) else 0 end) as cail, sum(case ISNUMERIC(t.dianf) when 1 then cast(t.dianf as float) else 0 end) as dianf FROM team_settle t JOIN department d on d.dep_id=t.dep_id JOIN department pd on d.pdep_id = pd.dep_id WHERE d.pdep_id IN ( '402882eb369b1a0601369b288b8e0006','402882eb369b1a0601369b28d3360007','402882eb369b1a0601369b293e820008','402882eb369b1a0601369b29efe10009','402882eb369b1a0601369b2a25b6000a','402882eb369b1a0601369b2a5e1b000b' ) and settle_date >='2013-01-01' and settle_date<='2013-01-16' and t.memo<>'' GROUP BY t.dep_id, t.memo, pd.show_order, d.show_order ORDER BY pd.show_order, d.show_order
但是java类中 的list集合却显示的是9条记录
为什么两处的查询结果不一致呢,找不到原因,以致使用hibernate show_sql功能,在控制台打印的sql,