Improving and correcting the contiguity of long-read genome assemblies of three plant species using optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture data
Jiao W B, Accinelli G G, Hartwig B, et al. Improving and correcting the contiguity of long-read genome assemblies of three plant species using optical mapping and chromosome conformation capture data[J]. Genome research, 2017, 27(5): 778-786.
1:测序对象3个十字花科植物:Arabis alpina(2n=16),Euclidium syriacum(2n=14), and Conringia planisiliqua(2n=14)
2:测序PacBio RS II,测序平均长度8.5 kb, 6.9 kb and 7.9 kb,测序86x, 47x and 54x
3:对比两种组装方式:Falcon(2016)与PBcR(2015),Falcon会产生比PBcR更少的contig,在物种Euclidium syriacum的组装上表现的更为明显,是四分之一。
5:使用SMRT Analysis software (v2.3) 删除长度低于500bp,质量低于QV<80的reads.
6:call snp与indels使用bwa+samtools,当覆盖度>5并且比对质量大于25
7:更复杂的拼接错误使用mate pair文库,借助bwa比对,比对质量>30,没有任何错配和缺失,总共3个文库8
8:光学图谱的拼接:P < 8e-8 to generate draft consensus maps, P < 8e-9 for draft consensus map extension and P < 8e-12 for final merging of the draft consensus maps
9:构建scaffold: RefAligner 将光学图谱拼接的结果与三代结果比对,将之间不矛盾的contig构建scaffold参数使用P < 1e-9 ,其它的细节请参考文章
10:将Hi-C数据与三代组装的contig进行比对,使用的软件为BWA,构建scaffold软件使用HiRise software