单细胞生物学最近几年是非常热门的话题。在这一领域中,不得不提Single-cell sequencing单细胞测序技术。使不同细胞类型得以精细区分,使得科学家们在单细胞水平进行分子机制研究成为可能。
而同一组织中的细胞间都是存在异质性的,更不必提不同组织、不同系统中细胞的异质性了。这一异质性,会影响我们对细胞基因功能认知的准确性。单细胞测序能够帮助我们了解那些难以培养的微生物的基因组功能、了解遗传镶嵌功能(Genetic mosaicism)在普通生物学功能或是疾病发生中的作用、了解肿瘤内在异质性对肿瘤发展以及耐药性的影响、重新定义细胞亚型等等。
1、Nat Rev Nephrol杂志上今年5月22号发表的综述,主题是单细胞RNA测序在发育、生理和疾病研究中的应用,主要介绍了单细胞测序技术的流程、不同单细胞捕获方法、数据分析流程和软件,以及应用等等。
Single-cell RNA sequencing for the study of development, physiology and disease.Nat Rev Nephrol. 2018 May 22. doi: 10.1038/s41581-018-0021-7.
general strategy for scrNA-seq
Microdroplet-based scrNA-seq
Creation of a single-cell-resolution virtual organ.
Use of cluster and subcluster methodology to define cell subtypes
2、在Nat Rev Cancer杂志上2018.8月份发表的综述主要从单细胞测序在肿瘤研究中的应用来展开,综述了单细胞测序的技术、在研究肿瘤异质性和基因组进化中的作用,并以肺癌为例说明了单细胞测序的应用场景:
Unravelling biology and shifting paradigms in cancer with single-cell sequencing.Nat Rev Cancer. 2017 Aug 24;17(9):557-569.
Single-cell sequencing for the decomposition of heterogeneous cellular populations and the analysis of rare cells in lung cancer
Single-cell sequencing can be leveraged to study cancer genetics and biology at all stages of disease development.
3、Trends Mol Med杂志2017年 四月发表的关于单细胞RNA测序研究脑及神经系统疾病的综述,除了介绍单细胞测序的不同技术平台外,还探讨了在研究神经退行性疾病中的应用。
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing: Unraveling the Brain One Cell at a Time.Trends Mol Med. 2017 Jun;23(6):563-576. doi: 10.1016/j.molmed.2017.04.006. Epub 2017 May 10.
Single-cell Sequencing Data Analysis Workflow
Single-Cell Transcriptomics Meets Lineage Tracing.Cell Stem Cell. 2018 May 3. pii: S1934-5909(18)30176-0. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2018.04.014.
Overview of Lineage Reconstruction Algorithms
Overview of Genetic Lineage Tracing Strategies
5、Nat Rev Immunol杂志上主题是通过单细胞RNA测序研究免疫细胞的异质性,具体来说不仅包括了技术:
Single-cell RNA sequencing to explore immune cell heterogeneity.Nat Rev Immunol. 2018 Jan;18(1):35-45. doi: 10.1038/nri.2017.76. Epub 2017 Aug 7.
Single-cell profiling uncovers distinct cell subsets in disease
Characterizing heterogeneity within one immune cell population using scRNA-seq
Single-Cell Genomics: Approaches and Utility in Immunology.Trends Immunol. 2017 Feb;38(2):140-149. doi: 10.1016/j.it.2016.12.001.
Single-cell transcriptomics to explore the immune system in health and disease.Science. 2017 Oct 6;358(6359):58-63.
Inferring cellular trajectories from single-cell data
8、 这篇nature methods是从微生物单细胞测序的角度来介绍的。
The trajectory of microbial single-cell sequencing.Nat Methods. 2017 Oct 31;14(11):1045-1054. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4469.
Timeline of scientific milestones in single-cell microbial sequencing.