Given a string containing just the characters '('
, ')'
, '{'
, '}'
, '['
and ']'
, determine if the input string is valid.
The brackets must close in the correct order, "()"
and "()[]{}"
are all valid but "(]"
and "([)]"
are not. (Easy)
比较简单,弄一个栈,左括号压栈,右括号匹配了就弹栈,不匹配或没有元素了return false, 一遍走完了判断栈是否为空。
1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 bool isValid(string s) { 4 if (s.size() == 0) { 5 return true; 6 } 7 stack<char> sta; 8 sta.push(s[0]); 9 for (int i = 1; i < s.size(); ++i) { 10 if (s[i] == '(' || s[i] == '[' || s[i] == '{') { 11 sta.push(s[i]); 12 continue; 13 } 14 if ( (s[i] == ')' || s[i] == ']' || s[i] == '}') && sta.empty() ) { // "()]" 15 return false; 16 } 17 if (s[i] == ')') { 18 if (sta.top() == '(') { 19 sta.pop(); 20 continue; 21 } 22 else { 23 return false; 24 } 25 } 26 if (s[i] == ']') { 27 if (sta.top() == '[') { 28 sta.pop(); 29 continue; 30 } 31 else { 32 return false; 33 } 34 } 35 if (s[i] == '}') { 36 if (sta.top() == '{') { 37 sta.pop(); 38 continue; 39 } 40 else { 41 return false; 42 } 43 } 44 return false; 45 } 46 if (sta.empty()) { 47 return true; 48 } 49 else { 50 return false; 51 } 52 } 53 };
第一次提交的时候忘了sta.empty()也return false 的情况;
1 class Solution { 2 public: 3 bool isValid(string s) { 4 if (s.size() == 0) { 5 return true; 6 } 7 stack<char> sta; 8 sta.push(s[0]); 9 for (int i = 1; i < s.size(); ++i) { 10 if (s[i] == '(' || s[i] == '[' || s[i] == '{') { 11 sta.push(s[i]); 12 continue; 13 } 14 else { 15 if ( sta.empty() ) { // "()]" 16 return false; 17 } 18 if (s[i] == ')' && sta.top() != '(') { 19 return false; 20 } 21 if (s[i] == ']' && sta.top() != '[') { 22 return false; 23 } 24 if (s[i] == '}' && sta.top() != '{') { 25 return false; 26 } 27 sta.pop(); 28 } 29 30 } 31 return sta.empty(); 32 } 33 };