godoc的列表 | godoc的chm下载
`$ godoc -h`
usage: godoc -http=localhost:6060
-analysis string
comma-separated list of analyses to perform (supported: type, pointer). See http://golang.org/lib/godoc/analysis/help.html
-goroot string
Go root directory (default "D:\Program Files\Go")
-http string
HTTP service address (default "localhost:6060")
enable search index
-index_files string
glob pattern specifying index files; if not empty, the index is read from these files in sorted order
-index_interval duration
interval of indexing; 0 for default (5m), negative to only index once at startup
-index_throttle float
index throttle value; 0.0 = no time allocated, 1.0 = full throttle (default 0.75)
link identifiers to their declarations (default true)
-maxresults int
maximum number of full text search results shown (default 10000)
-notes string
regular expression matching note markers to show (default "BUG")
enable playground
-templates string
load templates/JS/CSS from disk in this directory
show timestamps with directory listings
-url string
print HTML for named URL
-v verbose mode
write index to a file; the file name must be specified with -index_files
-zip string
zip file providing the file system to serve; disabled if empty
$ godoc -http=:8080