里面的Rick - UpperPark 的回复(PS:每找到楼层好吗。。)
So I did a little digging in the registry.
The settings are actually much nicer in Win 8 than in Win 7. I'm surprised no one has written a tool for this yet.
In windows 7 the colors are located in a rather obscure registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelAppearanceNew SchemesCurrent Settings SaveAllSizes
from there the values are not named with user friendly names. It
takes some experimenting to determine that Color #5 is the window
background color.
Fortunately, in Win 8 it is much simpler. The colors are stored in this key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelColors
and the values have nice user friendly names, so Window is the window background color and Window Text is the window text, etc.
These are string values and the color format is decimal RGB values for the color you want in RRR GGG BBB.
black = 0 0 0, white is 255 255 255, silver is 192 192 192 and what I use personally is 206 197 151.
The change does not take effect immediately. You need to restart windows first.
As always, when editing the registry directly you are on your own and
should only do so if you are comfortable. I take no responsibility.
Hope this helps others,
大意是。rick 第一次使用win8 发现不能调整颜色,就去找了下注册表,发现win8 里面的注册表做的非常友好,很容易修改。
控制windows 颜色的注册表在这里:HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelColors
这下面有很多颜色值。目前我们只需要使用的是:Windows 双击你就可以打开它的颜色值,他的值为RGB 三色的。Rick使用的是206 197 151 这是一个棕色的,
豆沙色的是:RGB 204 232 204 ,这里还有很多修改其他颜色的地址地方。就不多说了。
运行的时候需要用管理员权限运行:最简单的办法是Win+x ,以管理员权限运行cmd。然后在
里面输入regedit 就能调出来。PS:win的CMD是好东西。多熟悉。
里面的Rick - UpperPark 的回复(PS:每找到楼层好吗。。)
So I did a little digging in the registry.
The settings are actually much nicer in Win 8 than in Win 7. I'm surprised no one has written a tool for this yet.
In windows 7 the colors are located in a rather obscure registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelAppearanceNew SchemesCurrent Settings SaveAllSizes
from there the values are not named with user friendly names. It
takes some experimenting to determine that Color #5 is the window
background color.
Fortunately, in Win 8 it is much simpler. The colors are stored in this key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelColors
and the values have nice user friendly names, so Window is the window background color and Window Text is the window text, etc.
These are string values and the color format is decimal RGB values for the color you want in RRR GGG BBB.
black = 0 0 0, white is 255 255 255, silver is 192 192 192 and what I use personally is 206 197 151.
The change does not take effect immediately. You need to restart windows first.
As always, when editing the registry directly you are on your own and
should only do so if you are comfortable. I take no responsibility.
Hope this helps others,
大意是。rick 第一次使用win8 发现不能调整颜色,就去找了下注册表,发现win8 里面的注册表做的非常友好,很容易修改。
控制windows 颜色的注册表在这里:HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelColors
这下面有很多颜色值。目前我们只需要使用的是:Windows 双击你就可以打开它的颜色值,他的值为RGB 三色的。Rick使用的是206 197 151 这是一个棕色的,
豆沙色的是:RGB 204 232 204 ,这里还有很多修改其他颜色的地址地方。就不多说了。
运行的时候需要用管理员权限运行:最简单的办法是Win+x ,以管理员权限运行cmd。然后在
里面输入regedit 就能调出来。PS:win的CMD是好东西。多熟悉。